Author: Justin Dyche

14th August 2022

14th August 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 20 August 2022

Hello again everyone,

Another hot weekend so I hope you are all managing to stay cool and refreshed. If anyone needs any shopping or any other errands please do ask rather than doing too much yourself.

As I said last week it seems wrong to mention heating with temperatures in the 30s but the time will come when we need our heating and at the moment we need to replace two of the four heaters in the church. Any contributions towards the cost of these heaters, in addition to your regular giving, would be most welcome. Just place them in an envelope marked HEATING and put the envelope in the basket in church. Thank you.

I am pleased to say that when it is really warm churches tend to be cooler than most places (unless they have air conditioning of course), so why not come along tomorrow to enjoy worship, teaching, fellowship and an hour at a slightly cooler temperature!
We have a COMMUNION SERVICE at St Columba’s at 10.30am with a sermon from William looking at the next part of the story of Jonah, and a CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY in church also looking at Jonah. For those unable to join us in person this service will be live streamed, just go to the following link just before 10.30am or later in the day and you will be able to watch the whole service:
We also have a FAMILY SERVICE with Baptism at St Leonard’s, Rockingham at 3pm tomorrow afternoon and everyone is welcome to join us for that as well.

We will also be gathering in church at 6pm tomorrow evening for our regular Prayer Meeting, when, as well as praying for our HIA house, our Mission Partners and the needs of our church family, we will be praying for much needed rain.

A couple of people have already agreed to take part in this year’s RIDE & STRIDE to raise money for the Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust and their local church, either St Columba’s or St Leonard’s in our case. We will be cycling on a route still to be decided, but if you would like to join us on Saturday 10th September please do let me know. Alternatively you may like to sit in St Columba’s to welcome any cyclists who may turn up during the day. There will be a sign up sheet in church for people who would like to do this.

We have two services at St Columba’s next Sunday. In the morning an ALL AGE SERVICE at 10.30am and in the afternoon a service of HOLY COMMUNION at 5pm. Can I encourage you to come to the 5pm service, perhaps in addition to the 10.30, because there are some people who are only able to attend in the afternoon and it is encouraging for them to see more people in church.

With very best wishes to you all,


01536 400225
07903 644609

7th August 2022

7th August 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 13 August 2022

Hello again everyone,

What a wonderful time we had last weekend with our CMS mission partners M&H (I will continue to refer to them in that way in emails even though we have now met them and know their names and faces). Learning about their work was fascinating, hearing M preach a sermon for us rather than about him, and then so many of us sharing in fellowship together with them and their children over lunch. And on the subject of lunch a big thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make that time such a success.

I am pleased to report that both Jess Tosh and Sheila & John Pender’s daughter Maria are both progressing after their times in hospital but both continue to need prayer for a full recovery. Please also pray for Kate Montgomery as she has her next course of treatment, as well as for all the Montgomery family as they enjoy some well deserved time away.

We have an All Age Worship service at 10.30am in St Columba’s tomorrow and look forward to seeing many of you there. If you are not able to be there, for whatever reason, there will be a livestream of the service available to watch from 10.30 tomorrow or later in the day. I should say that because Kevin is away I am responsible for the livestream so am hoping there won’t be any technical issues!
The link is:

There will NOT be a Prayer Meeting tomorrow evening in church, but we will gather again next week on Sunday 14th August.

It may seem strange to be mentioning heating as we continue to enjoy such a warm summer, but we all know that colder times will come and we all like to have a warm church in the winter months as well as in summer. Unfortunately two of the heaters in church need to be replaced, and although we have not yet had a quote for this we expect it to be in the region of £5000 so we thought it worth asking if anyone would like to give to a special HEATING APPEAL to pay for these. This appeal is for funds in addition to your regular giving to the church, which are still needed for our day to day expenses and for which we are so very grateful. We hope to have a social event in September to contribute to the HEATING APPEAL but in the mean time any contribution, in an envelope clearly marked HEATING, will be gratefully received. Thank you.

There is no edition of SCANS or Puzzles etc from Steve this week but he is working on the next edition of SCANS which will include reports on Bishop John’s weekend. Steve would be most grateful if people could write reports on the different events that took place, including:
BBQ at the Vicarage
Men’s Breakfast
Prayer on the Street
Murder Mystery Evening
If you can help with this please do so in the next couple of weeks and send either to me or direct to Steve at

Please find the latest Prayer Update from Hope From Above where Tim & Carol Derbyshire work.

NEXT SUNDAY 14th August
We have a HOLY COMMUNION service with activity for children at St Columba’s at 10.30am and a FAMILY SERVICE at Rockingham at 3pm. As mentioned above we will also have our Sunday Prayer Meeting again next week.

May God bless you all in this coming week.


01536 400225
07903 644609

31st July 2022

31st July 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 6 August 2022

Hello again everyone,

It is good to be back from holiday, refreshed and ready for the next chapter in the story God is writing about his churches at St Columba & the Northern Saints, Corby and St Leonard’s, Rockingham. We have certainly had a good summer so far with the Jubilee celebration and Bishop John’s Weekend, and there is much still to look forward, beginning with the first of three weddings in eight days at Rockingham this afternoon, and continuing with our service and lunch at St Columba’s tomorrow.

We are welcoming our new CMS mission partners, known to us as M & H because of sensitivities about where they work, for their first visit to St Columba’s tomorrow at 10.30am. It will be great to have a really good number of people in church to meet them and hear about their work. Children and young people are especially welcome tomorrow because we have a special Summer session of Energize, also finding out about M & H’s work.
After the service we will have a BRING & SHARE LUNCH in the CHURCH HALL with M & H, so do please join us for that, even if you don’t have any food to bring – I am sure there will be plenty to share.
Please note that, because of the sensitivities about where M & H work, the service tomorrow will not be live streamed so the only way to be involved is to be in church.

We will have our regular Prayer Meeting at 6pm tomorrow in St Columba’s when, as well as praying for our HIA house and the needs of people in our church family, we will be praying for M & H, using the knowledge we have gathered in the morning.
On the subject of people in our church family please pray for:

John & Sheila Pender’s daughter Maria had her operation on Wednesday and the surgeon is pleased with the result, although when Sheila saw Maria she was still in pain and not able to move very much. Please pray for a full recovery, freedom from pain and good movement, which may require more therapy.

Jess Tosh has been in hospital this week but is now home again and thanks everyone for their prayers. The good news is that she did not have a stroke as initially suspected but her mobility is reduced, hopefully just in the short term. Please pray that she regains mobility and that her upcoming appointments for physio and follow up go well.

Sue Scholes is having a procedure to prepare her for dialysis on Wednesday. Please pray that this goes well, and I’m sure Sue would also appreciate prayer that, even at this late stage, her kidney function would improve so that she does not need dialysis.

Miriam and I enjoyed an excellent day at New Wine at the East of England Showground, Peterborough on Monday and I would encourage others to go, although time is running out as Week B finishes before lunch on Wednesday so Monday and Tuesday are the last full days to make the most of this Christian conference happening almost on our doorstep, and New Wine won’t be in Peterborough next year.
Day Tickets allow access to all events, we arrived in time for the main Morning Celebration at 9.15am and left after the Evening Celebration at about 9pm having been to three seminars during the day, and enjoyed time with some old friends! These cost £45 per person and can be bought on the gate or via this link:
Because there is a 24 hour delay with online broadcasts Week B is available from today (Saturday 30th July) to Thursday 4th August but this only gives access to the early morning Bible Teaching and the main Morning & Evening Celebrations each day including the first evening and last morning. PLEASE NOTE the broadcasts are only available for 48 hours. Online tickets cost £40 per household and can be booked via this link:

We look forward to a time of ALL AGE WORSHIP next Sunday morning at St Columba’s, starting as usual at 10.30am. We hope to be back online with a live stream, but as Kevin will be away this will be something of a trial. If anyone is interested in learning how to set up the livestream please do let me know.

Steve is producing another set of Puzzles & Other Stuff which I will send out in a separate email later today as I want to send this before going to the wedding.
(Later addition: Puzzles & Other Stuff.)

God bless you all,


01536 400225
07903 644609

24th July 2022

24th July 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 30 July 2022

Dear Church Family

Well, it certainly was a scorcher at the beginning of the week wasn’t it, I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying a still sunny but slightly cooler Saturday. I was at St Leonard, Rockingham on Monday testing out a live stream for an upcoming wedding there and was amazed at how cool it was inside the building compared to the heat outside. It was good to stop for a moment there and enjoy some time with God in the quiet and the still.

It is of course the end of term for many of our young people, I know my own two youngest have been counting down the days until the end of term – they finished yesterday and are looking forward to their summer holidays. Our children’s groups at church have now also finished for the summer. It’s worth thinking about and remembering our young people at this time, particularly those who will now be waiting for GCSE, A Level, BTEC and other results before planning and looking forward to what comes next in September. Please also do be praying for all of those involved in working with young people, teachers and lecturers, school staff, youth workers and more for all the work they do. Pray for our own Energize team and for Get Closer our midweek youth meeting, it’s been so good to see our young people get together again after all of the disruption from COVID. Please do also be praying for the Gen2 team who help lead work with children and young people across the diocese. Many of you will of course know Pete White, who heads up the Gen2 team, as he was here at St Columba with Nat, his wife, who was the curate here at St Columba only a few years ago. Massive congratulations to Pete on becoming Doctor Pete White having recently completed his Phd.

This Sunday’s 10:30AM service is an All Age Worship service and if you can come in person please do as it’s a hands-on service and although we will be live streaming the service it’s one to experience in person if possible. Speaking of the live stream you can see it here:

We also have a 5PM Holy Communion Service this Sunday, a slightly quieter service, so do come along to that and enjoy meeting with God through the Eucharist, straight after will be our 6pm HIA Prayer Meeting as normal.

Mentioning COVID as I have I would be remiss if I didn’t ask you all to keep praying for those who have COVID, quite a few members of the church have had it recently, happily most seem to be well on the road to recovery but it does show us that COVID is still around and amongst us.

The operation on Maria, Sheila’s daughter is this week – the 27th so do be praying for that as well, in Sheila’s own words: “Please pray for Maria as she faces her quite serious operation on 27th July. Pray that all will go well, and that she will get at least some of her movement back. On top of that, she has just been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome in her good arm.”

If you have any prayer requests do let us know, we can pray for them as a small group or as the wider church depending on your own preference, but it would be good to hold in prayer anything you want to bring before God.

I’m including the updates on next Sunday and New Wine below as they were from last week’s email, do keep praying for Ian and Miriam as they will be at New Wine at the start of next week as well.

As mentioned last week we are looking forward to welcoming our CMS mission partners on 31st July. This will be their first visit to St Columba’s and due to sensitivities about where they work we only know them as M and H, although we look forward to learning their names when we meet! In the service on 31st M will be preaching and H leading a special session of ENERGIZE so that our children and young people can learn more about their work.
After the service we will have a BRING & SHARE LUNCH with M & H so do please put 31st July in your diary and plan to join us for the service and lunch.

Many of you will be familiar with the New Wine Summer Gatherings. These are taking pace at the East of England Showground in Peterborough, and there are two identical ” weeks”: A from 23 to 28 July and B from 29 July to 3 August. It is possible to engage with New Wine either as a Day Visitor or online and details of these options are shown below:

Day Tickets (best not to go on the first or last day of each “week” when there is not a full programme) cost £45 per person and can be booked via this link:

Online Tickets only give access to early morning Bible Teaching and the main Morning & Evening Celebrations each day including the first evening and last morning. PLEASE NOTE there is a 24 hour delay on these broadcasts so the dates are: Week A from 24 to 29 July and Week B from 30 July to 4 August and the broadcasts are only available for 48 hours. These cost £40 per household for either Week A or Week B and can be booked via this link:

You can enjoy getting lost in a few puzzles as we have another great update from Steve, in the form of Puzzles and other Stuff 80.

If any of you were reading carefully last week you may have noticed that when I mentioned tomorrow’s all-age service I said it would be great to see you there as we explore worshipping God together through song, prayer, scripture and prayer. If you read that carefully you may have noticed I mentioned prayer twice! That’s because our All-Age service tomorrow is focussed on prayer, we’ll be looking at the beginning of Luke 11 where Jesus taught the disciple’s how to pray using what we now know as The Lord’s Prayer. It would be great to see you there as we explore prayer together.

Grace and Peace

Curate, St Columba
07512 822422

17th July 2022

17th July 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 23 July 2022

Dear Church Family

I hope you are enjoying the sunshine we are having, being Irish I have been taking precautions, they normally say in Ireland that the only difference between Summer and Winter is that in the Summer the rain is warmer but even Belfast seems to be getting some sunshine. I jokingly said to someone that if I went out in the sort of heat they’re predicting for the next few days I might simply burst into flames! I’m sure we will all be taking precautions for ourselves (Factor 50 sun-cream and plenty of water in my case) but for those of us with vulnerable or elderly neighbours perhaps a quick check on them over the next few days to make sure they’re ok would be a good way of showing God’s love in action.

Hopefully St Columba’s will prove a little coolness for our Sunday service tomorrow at 10:30am with Rosie leading our Morning Worship and a certain curate preaching, so do come along and enjoy coming together as the church to worship God and spend some time together. For those who aren’t able to make it we will be live-streaming the service as normal and you can watch it live or catch-up later using this link:

Tomorrow morning will be the last ENERGIZE meeting of the summer but we will be having some children’s activities over the summer and an All-Age Worship service on the 24th July and on the 21st August.

In terms of young people it’s been a good week for us as we had all of Year 6 from Woodnewton school come to visit the church on Thursday morning, we’ve now had every year group with us over the last few weeks and hopefully they all enjoyed getting to know a little about who and what we are as church. A few of our teenagers also went to RE-IGNITE on Friday night, a youth event aimed at gathering young people from across Corby, Kettering and the surrounding area. It was hosted at Church of Christ the King, Kettering and was a great evening of fun, games, BBQ, worship and a great message from one of the CTK team on being called and anointed by God. I understand the next event will be in Corby in the Autumn so do keep an eye out for that in future news.

I know there are a number of people with prayer requests and I’ve listed some below, can I also encourage you if you are in need of prayer do come along to the HIA prayer meeting on Sunday at 6pm. Last week we spent some time praying for Hope into Action, for the world and for people’s prayer needs, it was a great time of prayer and well worth coming to.

Sheila has passed on a prayer request for Maria her daughter; “Please pray for Maria as she faces her quite serious operation on 27th July. Pray that all will go well,  and that she will get at least some of her movement back. On top of that, she has just been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome in her good arm.” Do please be praying for Maria and indeed for Sheila and the family as they support her.

There have been a number of people in the St Columba family with Covid recently, so please be praying for all of those who are ill at this time, for mildness of symptoms, for healing and a swift recovery.

Do also continue to pray for Ian and Miriam as they enjoy their holiday, that they come back relaxed and refreshed for this next season.

I have been passed news from Steve Scholes regarding Derek Grey, the son of Jim and Pat Grey who I understand were much-loved members of St Columba at one time. Sadly Derek, who lived in Wales, died on Thursday, apparently as the result of a severe asthma attack. Please do pray for all who knew and loved him at this time.

As mentioned last week we are looking forward to welcoming our CMS mission partners on 31st July. This will be their first visit to St Columba’s and due to sensitivities about where they work we only know them as M and H, although we look forward to learning their names when we meet! In the service on 31st M will be preaching and H leading a special session of ENERGIZE so that our children and young people can learn more about their work.
After the service we will have a BRING & SHARE LUNCH with M & H so do please put 31st July in your diary and plan to join us for the service and lunch.

Many of you will be familiar with the New Wine Summer Gatherings. These are taking pace at the East of England Showground in Peterborough, and there are two identical ” weeks”: A from 23 to 28 July and B from 29 July to 3 August. It is possible to engage with New Wine either as a Day Visitor or online and details of these options are shown below:Day Tickets (best not to go on the first or last day of each “week” when there is not a full programme) cost £45 per person and can be booked via this link:

Online Tickets only give access to early morning Bible Teaching and the main Morning & Evening Celebrations each day including the first evening and last morning. PLEASE NOTE there is a 24 hour delay on these broadcasts so the dates are: Week A from 24 to 29 July and Week B from 30 July to 4 August and the broadcasts are only available for 48 hours. These cost £40 per household for either Week A or Week B and can be booked via this link:

As mentioned above we have our all-age service, it would be great to see you there as we explore worshipping God together through song, prayer, scripture and prayer.

Last and very much not least, I’m grateful to Steve Scholes for producing another in his series of Mini-SCaNS as usual packed with good things – it’s attached to this email, do have a read and enjoy!

May God’s peace be with you all this week

Curate, St Columba and the Northern Saints
Mobile: 07512 822422

10th July 2022

10th July 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 16 July 2022

Hello again everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed last weekend with Bishop John. I think the whole weekend went really well and huge thanks to everyone who helped in any way.

A couple of things you may like to know are that the Ladies Afternoon Tea was such a success that it will be happening again, and the next date is Friday 9th September, so do book that in your diary and pass it on to those who came to hear the Bishop last week. I know a highlight for many people was Eileen’s testimony in the morning service at St Columba’s and if you missed that it is still possible to watch via the following link (which is for the whole service, but if you just want Eileen’s testimony then scroll forward to 7:50):

At PCC on Wednesday we were talking about how to follow up the weekend. We will certainly be starting a new ALPHA course for those who want to find out more about the Christian faith, so if that is you, or someone you know, do reply to this email to make sure you are invited. For those who have been following the Lord a little longer then we are definitely going to be starting FELLOWSHIP GROUPS again, so watch this space for details of them. We also wanted to have more SOCIAL GATHERINGS, and there is one opportunity for us to gather together at the end of this month when we welcome our CMS mission partners to St Columba’s on 31st July (see below for more details).

This week we have a COMMUNION SERVICE at St Columba’s at 10.30am, with Energize groups for children and young people, and also a FAMILY SERVICE at Rockingham at 3pm. For those who can’t make it to church it is possible to watch the St Columba’s service via the following livestream link from 10.30am on 10th July or afterwards:

We also have our HIA PRAYER MEETING at 6pm tomorrow evening at St Columba’s.

Michael’s funeral is taking place at Kettering Crematorium at 10am on Thursday 14th July. This will be followed by refreshments in the CHURCH HALL from about 11.15am. Everyone is welcome at either or both, although I should say that the service is being conducted by a civil celebrant at the request of Michael’s son. We are hoping to arrange a THANKSGIVING SERVICE in church at a later date.

Last month we enjoyed a visit from Tim & Carol Derbyshire. They are now safely back in Australia and their latest news is “Snippets from the Shires”. Please open this and have a read, and pray, or alternatively look at the copy at the back of church.

As mentioned above we are looking forward to welcoming our CMS mission partners on 31st July. This will be their first visit to St Columba’s and due to sensitivities about where they work we only know them as M and H, although we look forward to learning their names when we meet! In the service on 31st M will be preaching and H leading a special session of Energize so that our children and young people can learn more about their work.
After the service we will have a BRING & SHARE LUNCH with M & H so do please put 31st July in your diary and plan to join us for the service and lunch.

Many of you will be familiar with the New Wine Summer Gatherings. These are taking pace at the East of England Showground in Peterborough, and there are two identical ” weeks”: A from 23 to 28 July and B from 29 July to 3 August. It is possible to engage with New Wine either as a Day Visitor or online and details of these options are shown below:

Day Tickets (best not to go on the first or last day of each “week” when there is not a full programme) cost £45 per person and can be booked via this link:

Online Tickets only give access to early morning Bible Teaching and the main Morning & Evening Celebrations each day including the first evening and last morning. PLEASE NOTE there is a 24 hour delay on these broadcasts so the dates are: Week A from 24 to 29 July and Week B from 30 July to 4 August and the broadcasts are only available for 48 hours. These cost £40 per household for either Week A or Week B and can be booked via this link:

Next Sunday we have a service of MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s at 10.30am. This will be the last regular ENERGIZE meeting until September, but we look forward to some special All Age services and children’s activities during the rest of July and August.

And finally just to say that I will be away for a fortnight after tomorrow, but Kevin will be around and I have included his number below in case you have any questions.

God bless you all,


Kevin’s No 07512 822422

3rd July 2022

3rd July 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 9 July 2022

Hello everyone,

Sorry about ab incredibly late email this week. With Bishop John’s Weekend in full swing I have not had a chance to sit down and write until now.

There will be more information about how the weekend has gone next week, but it has been an encouraging couple of days and we still have our services on Sunday to look forward to. At St Columba’s Bishop John will be preaching in the service at 10.30am and there is a link below to watch this service via livestream from 10.30 on Sunday or afterwards here:

Rockingham church has a service, also with Bishop John, at 3pm on Sunday afternoon to which everyone is welcome.

We also have our HIA Prayer Meeting at 6pm on Sunday evening.

Next Sunday we have a Communion Service at St Columba’s at 10.30am and Family Service at Rockingham at 3pm.

Best wishes,


01536 400225
07903 644609

26th June 2022

26th June 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 4 July 2022

Hello again everyone,

Exciting time are ahead for us at St Columba’s, especially with the visit of Bishop John to be with us next weekend.

We have a varied programme of events (see below) lined up when Bishop John visits next weekend but in order to make them successful we do need your support. There are three things you can all do to support the weekend:

  1. PRAY – you can do this at home (do make use of the Prayer for the Weekend ) but you can also join with us at church, tomorrow after the Healing Service at about 6pm, on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm, or on Friday morning at 8.45am with the Bishop.
  2. INVITE – it is not too late to invite your friends, family, neighbours, colleagues, whoever to join us at one or other of the events. We have a variety so there will be something for (almost) everyone and they all promise to be enjoyable events in their own right, but with the added bonus of having an opportunity to hear the Bishop speak and ask him questions if you would like.
  3. JOIN IN – while some events are targeted (Mens’ Breakfast, Ladies Afternoon Tea – at the request of the ladies) most are open to anyone. The murder mystery evening, for example, needs people to come along to make it work so please do SIGN UP either on the sheets in church or by replying to this message and book your place.

The full programme is as follows:
9.30    Meet with Year 5 from Woodnewton School in church
12.30  Meet Lodge Park Academy students & staff over lunch
3.00    Ladies Afternoon Tea at St Columba’s *
Bishop John will speak before sandwiches, cakes & tea are shared along with conversation with Bishop John & one another.
7.00    BBQ at The Vicarage *
ALL welcome if you bring a guest who doesn’t yet come to church. Bishop John will speak and there will be lots of conversation.

9.00    Men’s Breakfast in St Columba’s Hall *
All men are invited and encouraged to bring a guest to hear and chat with Bishop John and enjoy a Full English (or Irish or Scottish or indeed a Vegetarian or Continental alternative)
11.00  Prayer on the Streets
Join us in church before we head out onto our local streets with Bishop John to ask people what we can pray for them and invite them to the special service at church on Sunday.
2.30    Rockingham Castle Event
This is for the people of Rockingham village but we need volunteers to help with catering and everyone to pray.
7.00    Murder Mystery Evening in St Columba’s Hall *
An evening of mystery & intrigue as well as fine food & conversation. Open to all for a donation, guests are especially welcome. This Grand Dinner is set on the eve of the Queen’s Coronation and is an event on its own, so well worth inviting people to. We have included an opportunity for Bishop John to speak and chat with all the guests.SUNDAY 3rd JULY
10.30  Morning Worship at St Columba’s
A special Invitation Service for family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc with Bishop John speaking.
3.00    Worship at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
Another invitation service with Bishop John speaking and for you to pray for, go to and invite people to.

Before all of the above we have services tomorrow (Sunday 26th June) as follows:
9am Holy Communion at St Leonard’s Rockingham
10.30 Holy Communion at St Columba’s with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people.
If you are not able to be at church tomorrow this service will be available as a livestream from 10.30 on Sunday, or it can be watched later, via this link:
5pm Healing Service at St Columba’s – do come along if you or someone you know needs prayer for healing of body, mind or spirit.
followed by HIA PRAYER MEETING at about 6pm including prayer for Bishop John’s Weekend
Please pray for Isobel Wasson whose brother died this week and also for Michael Cain who is in hospital but unfortunately not able to receive visitors because of Covid on the ward.

Please find the latest Puzzles and Other Stuff from Steve. It comes complete with a moving story, some wonderful testimonies of faith under persecution from Open Doors and plenty of quizzes and puzzles to keep you busy.

May God bless you all in this coming week and us, as a church, over next weekend.


01536 400225
07903 644609

19th June 2022

19th June 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 24 June 2022

Dear Friends,

Welcome to this week’s email with information about BISHOP JOHN’S WEEKEND in just two weeks time. Do have a read, think and pray about what you might come to, and who among your family & friends, neighbours & colleagues, you may invite to join you. We will be praying for the weekend in our
PRAYER MEETING tomorrow evening at 6pm so please do join us if you are able. We will also have an extra Prayer Meeting on Wednesday 29th June at 7.30pm to pray for the Weekend, and on Friday 1st July we will welcome Bishop John to Corby with a time of prayer at 8.45am. And please do pray every day at home, using the Prayer for the Weekend which has been written by Patience Tafuma.

Before that we have our FATHER’S DAY SERVICE tomorrow morning at 10.30am. This will be an ALL AGE service and children of all ages are especially welcome. If you are not able to join us in church there will be a livestream available to watch from 10.30am tomorrow or afterwards. You need to go to the following link:

Tracy Ward’s funeral will be at Kettering Crematorium on Monday 20th June at 3.30pm. Everyone is welcome and Chris asks people not to wear black.
Sheila O’Shea’s funeral will be at St Columba’s on Tuesday 21st June at 12 noon, followed by Committal at Shire Lodge. Again everyone is welcome and people are asked to wear bright colours.
Please do keep Chris and Michael in your prayers, and also Rosemary McSherry as her sister Bridget’s funeral is next week.

On 26th June we have COMMUNION SERVICES at Rockingham at 9am and St Columba’s at 10.30am and also a HEALING SERVICE at St Columba’s at 5pm. Please do come along to the Healing Service if you or someone you know needs prayer for healing of body, mind or spirit, or if you want to give thanks for healing received.

There is lots going on so do take note of all the following, for your prayers but also so that you can think what would be suitable for you to invite people to.
This information will also be given out to people in church tomorrow. For the events marked * it will be helpful to have an indication of numbers so please sign up at the back of church – and don’t forget to include your guests! Those in bold are open to all, those in normal type are either for schools or exclusively for Rockingham.

8.45    Prayer for the Weekend at St Columba’s
9.30    Meet with Year 5 from Woodnewton School in church
12.30  Meet Lodge Park Academy students & staff over lunch
3.00    Ladies Afternoon Tea at St Columba’s *
Bishop John will speak before sandwiches, cakes & tea are shared along with conversation with Bishop John & one another.
7.00    BBQ at The Vicarage *
ALL welcome if you bring a guest who doesn’t yet come to church. Bishop John will speak and there will be lots of conversation.

9.00    Men’s Breakfast in St Columba’s Hall *
All men are invited and encouraged to bring a guest to hear and chat with Bishop John and enjoy a Full English!
11.00  Prayer on the Streets
Join us in church before we head out onto our local streets with Bishop John to ask people what we can pray for them and invite them to the special service at church on Sunday.
2.30    Rockingham Castle Event
This is for the people of Rockingham village but we need volunteers to help with catering and everyone to pray.
7.00    Murder Mystery Evening in St Columba’s Hall *
An evening of mystery & intrigue as well as fine food & conversation. Open to all for a donation, guests are especially welcome. This Grand Dinner is set on the eve of the Queen’s Coronation and is an event on its own, so well worth inviting people to. We have included an opportunity for Bishop John to speak and chat with all the guests.

10.30  Morning Worship at St Columba’s
A special Invitation Service for family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc with Bishop John speaking.
3.00    Worship at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
Another invitation service with Bishop John speaking and for you to pray for, go to and invite people to.

This promises to be an exciting weekend, and it will be made even more exciting if we join in the various events and invite those people we know to come along too. There is nothing quite so uplifting as being part of the process of introducing someone you know to Jesus, a process that usually involves many people. The teams putting on these events will be ready, Bishop John is ready, but we all need to invite people. Remember the response to your invitation does not depend on you, AND the most unlikely people (remember Saul who became Paul) may be the ones who say Yes!


It was good to hear from Tim & Carol Derbyshire and about their work with Hope From Above in Australia last Sunday. If anyone would like a copy of their newsletter please do ask. Here is the latest HFA UPDATE including details of one of the unreached people groups that Tim & Carol were speaking about.

May God bless you all.


01536 400225

07903 644609

12th June 2022

12th June 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 18 June 2022

Hello again everyone,

First of all can I thank everyone who supported our Jubilee Celebration last Sunday in any way. It was a wonderful occasion in spite of the weather! While the church has mostly been returned to normal the Art Exhibition of pictures by students at Lodge Park Academy is still on display at the back of church so do have a look tomorrow. In fact it will be possible to look at the artwork while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee after the service! Thank you to the people who have volunteered to help with refreshments, but we could still do with a few more so, if you enjoy a drink tomorrow, have a think if you can help.

We look forward to welcoming Tim and Carol Derbyshire to our service tomorrow where they will be sharing about the work they are doing with Hope From Above in Australia. This is a once in three year opportunity to hear from them at first hand, so do come along and find out more about what they do and how you can support their work.

Also in the service tomorrow will be an Act of Remembrance for the end of the Falklands War 40 years ago, in which we will be hearing from Susan Fleming about her brother Alex, and how God has been with Susan, especially in recent years.

The service will include Holy Communion and the children and young people will be preparing for next Sunday’s Fathers Day Service. If you can’t be in church tomorrow you will be able to watch a live stream of the service, either from 10.30 tomorrow or later in the day, by going to the following link:

Also tomorrow there is a Family Service at Rockingham church at 3pm, also with Tim & Carol and our regular Hope Into Action Prayer Meeting will be happening again at 6pm at St Columba’s.

Sadly several members of our church family have been bereaved recently and details of the funerals are as follows:
Tracy Ward’s funeral will be at Kettering Crematorium on Monday 20th June at 3.30pm. Everyone is welcome but Chris asks people not to wear black.
Sheila O’Shea’s funeral will be at St Columba’s on Tuesday 21st June at 12 noon, followed by Committal at Shire Lodge. Again everyone is welcome and people are asked to wear bright colours.
Rosemary McSherry’s sister Bridget (Bridie – Bernadette’s mum) has her funeral at Our Lady’s on Tuesday 5th July at 10am and again everyone is welcome.
Please do pray for God to comfort Chris, Michael and Rosemary and for all the families and friends of Tracy, Sheila and Bridie.

Get your walking shoes on and join us for our upcoming Men’s meeting this Thursday evening at 7:30pm. James Ireland has kindly agreed to arrange a walking route for us. We’re meeting at James’ house, 7 Church Bank, Great Easton, LE16 8SN for a walk of about an hour before having a well-earned drink afterwards!
For those unable to do the walk you can still come and join us – either at 7:30pm and then enjoy some time together with others who may not be walking or pop along at about 8:30 to have a drink with us. The weather looks good at the moment so should be a great time for all. Any questions or if you need a lift then contact Riaan or Kevin Montgomery (07512 822422).

Some of you will have heard that Pam Williams was admitted to Northampton Hospital last week after two mini strokes. I am pleased to say that her son phoned this morning to say that Pam is home safe and sound and to thank those people who had been praying. Please keep Pam in your prayers.

As mentioned above it is Fathers Day on 19th June and we have a special ALL AGE SERVICE that morning at 10.30am. So children bring your Dad to church and enjoy some time with him and your heavenly Father.

Please see the latest edition, which includes an interesting article about Kevin (but not our Kevin).

I hope you all have a good week.


07903 644609
01536 400225