14th January 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 20 January 2024
Hello again everyone,
Following last week’s email I am grateful to the people who spoke with me before the PCC’s discussion of our response to the Church of England’s decision to allow prayers of blessing for couples in gay marriages. Following a lengthy discussion the PCC decided by a clear majority (the only votes not in support were three abstentions) that St Columba’s would not offer these prayers because they represent a departure from the Biblical understanding of marriage. Can I also say, as was said in our discussion at PCC, that this decision does not mean that LGBTQ+ people are not welcome at St Columba’s, they, along with everyone else, are most welcome. I realise that this decision may be difficult for some people and I would be very happy to meet with you to discuss this further.
We have a service of HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s at 10.30am, including the first in a series of sermons about Prayers in the New Testament. ENERGIZE groups will also be meeting again following the holidays so all children and young people are encouraged to come along – they will also be looking at Prayer. For those unable to be in church the service is available as a livestream here: https://youtube.com/live/5Oqvbwj_ke4?feature=share
At 3pm there is a FAMILY SERVICE in Rockingham Village Hall, which is so much warmer than the church at this time of year.
Then at 6pm we have our first PRAYER MEETING in this our Year of Prayer, so why not make a special effort to come along and join us.
On Thursday evening this week (18th January) at 7.30pm in the Church Hall, there will be the first meeting of a new support group for bereaved parents. This is the initiative of one bereaved parent in our community and if you would like to join the group, or know someone who may find it helpful, please come along or pass on the details. Although the group is not a church group I will be attending and offering spiritual support to those who come along. The group will meet on the third Thursday of each month.
There is just one service next Sunday: HOLY COMMUNION at 10.30am in St Columba’s with Energize groups. The PRAYER MEETING will also be happening at 6pm.
It’s that time of year again when preparations are in hand and tickets being sold for this year’s Panto which will be performed on Friday 2nd February (cabaret style) at 7.30pm and in theatre style on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th February at 3pm. Tickets cost £10 for adults, £5 for children with a Family Ticket (2 adults and 2 children) for £25. These are available either by email from: gelttickets@gmail.com or by phone to 07771967322 or after church.
Mini SCaNS 37
Here is the latest mini SCaNS about which Steve writes: This issue contains an amazing story of a pastor who God called to pray for a dead colleague who was covered with a tarpaulin, 90 minutes after he was killed in a motoring accident. The pastor felt led to start singing, and his ‘dead’ friend joined in, to the astonishment of the emergency services. The story has been made into a film, available on YouTube. There’s also news of a growth in the number of young people turning to Christ. There are 13 puzzles including a quiz on people in the Bible who prayed and some fab pictures of God’s wonderful world.
Please note there are also printed copies of the last two online Puzzle editions available at the back of church.
May God bless you all in this coming week.
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