7th January 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 13 January 2024
Hello everyone,
Can I begin by wishing everyone a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. I hope that you will know the blessing of our Lord with you during the next 12 months. There is a lot of content this week, including a couple of requests for people to bring things to church tomorrow, so let’s get started.
We have two services at St Columba’s tomorrow. An All Age celebration of Epiphany at 10.30am. This service will include activities for children and, for those who are unable to be in church, will be available as a livestream via this link: https://youtube.com/live/d3giv6Z99T0?feature=share
At 4pm (note the time, an early start for these dark evenings) we have a service of Holy Communion. This service will include the first of a number of sermons looking at Prayer, to mark the start of our Year of Prayer.
On Tuesday evening our PCC will be meeting and voting on two matters.
The first is the Pastoral Scheme which will formalise our link with Rockingham, make some minor changes to our parish boundary, and make similar changes to several other local churches. Full details of this scheme are displayed on the Notice Board at the back of church.
The second matter is to decide on our response to the Church of England’s decision to allow prayers of blessing for couples in gay marriages. Although the church has stated this is not a change in the doctrine of marriage it is certainly a step in that direction.
If you have any views on either of these matters please speak with me or a PCC member before Tuesday.
The Ladies Afternoon Tea will be meeting again at 3pm on Friday 12th January for tea, sandwiches, cakes and conversation. Do come along if you are able and if you know someone who would benefit from that opportunity please invite them along.
Janet has asked if all Children’s Society boxholders could bring their boxes into church for counting. Thank you to those who have already done so. The proceeds will be added to the Christingle collection, which amounted to £157.86 so a big thank you if you contributed to that. Thanks are also due to TESCO who once again donated all 150 oranges for the Christingle service.
Those of you who have booked to go to Spring Harvest in April need to give your final payments to Miriam. If you have not booked but are now interested in going (1st -5th April at Skegness) do also speak with Miriam as we have had a couple of cancellations.
If you sponsored Mary’s sponsored walk to raise funds for the Autumn Centre please could you bring the money to church and give it to Mary – thank you.
We have a service of HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s at 10.30am, including a sermon about Prayer. ENERGIZE groups will also be meeting again following the holidays so all children and young people are encouraged to come along – they will also be looking at Prayer.
In the afternoon at 3pm there is a FAMILY SERVICE in Rockingham Village Hall, which is so much warmer than the church at this time of year.
Steve has tried to link some of articles and puzzles in this edition with prayer, he writes: There are two amazing stories of answered prayer and an opening article telling of Edward Kimble, a Sunday School teacher who led D.L. Moody to Christ, Moody went on to became a world–renowned evangelist, leading a million to Christ, and ultimately led Billy Graham to Christ, who, in turn led over 3 million to Christ! It all started with ONE MAN. There are the usual puzzles and funnies, including a couple of challenging mind–benders, a 2023 quiz, a story about Sir Isaac Newton, both a Christian and scientist, and some pics to remind those of us of a certain age of what it was like when we were younger and the ice formed INSIDE the bedroom window! Enjoy!
Please find here a further Prayer Update from Hope From Above in Australia.
May God bless you today and every day in 2024,
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