Day: 23 December 2023

17th December 2023

17th December 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 23 December 2023

Dear All,

I have just returned home from carol singing in the Town Centre which was a real joy, both to be with Christians from other churches in Corby but also to hear some wonderful testimony of what the Lord is doing here in our town. As we celebrate Christmas let us remember that we celebrate a Lord who came, but who is with us still, and is able to transform our lives just as he was able to transform the lives of Mary and Joseph, the Shepherds and the Wise Men all those years ago.

Mention of the characters in the Christmas story reminds me of St Columba’s NATIVITY SERVICE happening in church tomorrow morning at 10am. Just a reminder to parents that children in the Nativity need to be at church by 10am tomorrow, although the service will not begin until 10.30am as usual. If you are not able to be in church the service will be shown on youtube via this link:

Later tomorrow we have our CANDLELIT CAROL SERVICE in St Columba’s at 6pm. This is always a special service, with the unique atmosphere created by candlelight adding to the wonder of hearing again the familiar Bible readings telling the Christmas story alongside the singing of carols.

Thursday 21st December 7pm – CAROLS, MINCE PIES & MULLED WINE in Rockingham Village Hall open to all
Sunday 24th December (Christmas Eve):
10.30am – COMMUNION at St Columba’s – a quieter service with no children’s groups
4.30pm – CHRISTINGLE at St Columba’s – a service especially for children and families – which is all of us!
11.15pm – MIDNIGHT COMMUNION at St Columba’s – a traditional celebration
and on Christmas Day:
10am (note the time) – FAMILY COMMUNION at St Columba’s – a fun celebration for everyone
11am CHRISTMAS COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham – a more traditional Christmas morning service.

Please do read the latest Prayer Letter from M&H who will be back in this country for Christmas and some necessary rest and recovery after the challenges of the past few months. You can read all about these in the letter which will be on display at the back of church. Unfortunately we cannot copy this or link to it, so do take the time to read the letter and please do pray for them.
I have received the latest Prayer Update from Hope from Above, and so do have a read of that and use it to inspire your prayers.

And finally, if you have not already done so, do pick up a copy from church of our CHRISTMAS MAGAZINE that Steve has once again produced with Puzzles, Funnies, Stories and Activities for Adults and Children to keep you all amused over the Christmas Holidays.

I look forward to seeing you at one/some/all of the Christmas services.

God bless you at this special time of year,


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