21st January 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 28 January 2024
Hello again everyone,
This email includes our services tomorrow and next Sunday, as well as details of our first Night of Prayer (actually an evening of Prayer) and our 2024 Lent Groups. There are also details of the Panto and a Prayer Letter from Tim & Carol Derbyshire.
There is just one service on Sunday: HOLY COMMUNION at 10.30am in St Columba’s with Energize groups.
The PRAYER MEETING will also be happening at 6pm.
We have a choice of service next Sunday morning, with HOLY COMMUNION at 9am in Leonard’s, Rockingham and MORNING WORSHIP at 10.30am in St Columba’s, Corby. The St Columba’s service will include ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. There will also be a Prayer Meeting in St Columba’s at 6pm.
It’s that time of year again when preparations are in hand and tickets being sold for this year’s Panto which will be performed on Friday 2nd February (cabaret style) at 7.30pm and in theatre style on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th February at 3pm. Tickets cost £10 for adults, £5 for children with a Family Ticket (2 adults and 2 children) for £25. These are available either by email from: gelttickets@gmail.com or by phone to 07771967322 or after church.
Our first special event for our Year of Prayer will be happening on FRIDAY 9th FEBRUARY when we will hold a NIGHT OF PRAYER at St Columba’s from 6pm to 9pm. There is a box at the back of church for people to be able to place Prayer Requests that they would like to be prayed for that evening. Everyone is welcome to come for the whole three hours, which will be divided into 20 minute sections with different topics, or you can drop in to pray for the topic(s) that especially concern you, or come at a time that suits you. Details and timings for the topics will be available before the event. I do encourage everyone to come along to at least part of this event, prayer is so essential in our lives and in the life of our church, and it is when we gather together that we can release real power in our prayer. People are welcome to pray out loud but there is no expectation about this (other than the occasional Amen), several people come to our regular 6pm Prayer Meetings on Sundays and only pray silently.
LENT 2024
Lent is three and a half weeks away and will start with two services on ASH WEDNESDAY, 14th FEBRUARY, one at 10.30am and the other at 7.30pm, both at St Columba’s. These services will be an introduction to the Lent Groups that will follow at the same times on the following weeks. These groups are designed to bring the whole church family together, and so our HOME GROUPS will be taking a break during Lent, but will in most cases resume after Easter – look out for more information about this. Again I do encourage people to come along and join in both the Ash Wednesday services and the Lent Groups that follow.
Please find here the latest Prayer Letter from Tim and Carol Derbyshire in Australia, but soon to be moving back to this country for a couple of years. Do click on the link, have a read, and remember them in your prayers as they prepare to move in April. A printed copy will also be on display at the back of church.
There are no Puzzles etc this week, but remember printed copies of past editions are available in church.
May God bless you all in this coming week.
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