10th December 2023
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 16 December 2023
Hello everyone,
We had a wonderful Christmas Afternoon Tea yesterday and big thanks to Sheila and her team for arranging that, and baking lots of lovely things to eat! The Christmas events will follow at regular intervals now, so do make a note of all the dates and details below. There are still places at the Lodge Park Christmas Dinner on Friday 15th (full details below) and Energize parents should note the information about the Nativity practices.
I encourage you to think who you could invite along to one or more of our Christmas services, there are so many of them because they all have a different flavour, child friendly, traditional or community focussed – so hopefully something for everyone. Even if you are not bringing someone along do try and come to as many services as you can, sometimes at Christmas we have more visitors than church family members which always feels rather odd.
Notice for Parents about the Nativity Service
The Nativity Service is fast approaching so we would really appreciate as many of the children to be in church tomorrow to continue practising the Nativity play. The dress rehearsals for the children and Get Closer groups will be next Friday 15th December in church starting at 5.30pm finishing by 7.00pm. Please can you make this a priority. If for any reason your child/young person is unable to come then, please can you let Miriam know asap so we can arrange a further rehearsal for those children/young people.
The Nativity and Sketch will take place in our Sunday service at 10.30am on 17th December, but please can children/young people arrive by 10.00am to get ready!
Thank you for your support.
Spring Harvest 2024
This is a reminder for those booked in for Spring Harvest 2024 that Miriam needs all outstanding balances by Sunday 7th January 2024. If this is a problem for anyone, or you don’t know how much your balance is, please speak with Miriam. Thank you.
Sunday 10th December
At St Columba’s tomorrow we have a service of HOLY COMMUNION for the second Sunday in Advent, with sung worship from 10.15 and the full service beginning at 10.30am. For those who are unable to be in church, the service will be available on Youtube via this link: https://youtube.com/live/tSbsOfksBL8?feature=share
At St Leonard’s, Rockingham we have a CHRISTMAS FAMILY SERVICE tomorrow at 3pm so do come along there if you are free in the afternoon. The Castle will be open for visitors so just say at the gate that you have come for the church service and you will be shown where to park.
There will also be our regular PRAYER MEETING at 6pm on Sunday evening.
Lodge Park Academy Christmas Party
You are invited to Lodge Park on Friday 15th December from 2.30pm – 4pm for a FREE Turkey Roast Dinner, Dessert and Christmas Party Games! Please let me know if you would like to go either by speaking to me at church tomorrow, by emailing ianpullinger@btinternet.com or by phone (numbers below).
Christmas Services
Thursday 14th December 6pm – COMMUNITY CAROL SERVICE with school choirs and congregational carols so come along and support the children
Sunday 17th December:
10.30am – NATIVITY with the children’s traditional Christmas production and a sketch from Get Closer.
6pm – CANDLELIT CAROL SERVICE a traditional service of readings and carols followed by mince pies and mulled wine.
Thursday 21st December 7pm – CAROLS, MINCE PIES & MULLED WINE in Rockingham Village Hall open to all
Sunday 24th December (Christmas Eve):
10.30am – COMMUNION at St Columba’s – a quieter service with no children’s groups
4.30pm – CHRISTINGLE at St Columba’s – a service especially for children and families – which is all of us!
11.15pm – MIDNIGHT COMMUNION at St Columba’s – a traditional celebration
and on Christmas Day:
10am (note the time) – FAMILY COMMUNION at St Columba’s – a fun celebration for everyone
11am CHRISTMAS COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham – a more traditional Christmas morning service.
And finally, please do pick up a copy from church of our CHRISTMAS MAGAZINE that Steve has once again produced with Puzzles, Funnies, Stories and Activities for Adults and Children to keep you all amused over the Christmas Holidays.
With very best wishes,
01536 400225
07903 644609