30th January 2022
By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 30 January 2022
Dear St Columba’s Family,
I hope you and your families are all keeping well as the Covid rules are relaxed. In common with many businesses I think we should continue to wear face coverings at church (and at the Panto – see below) in order to protect those who are most vulnerable. We should see this as an act of love rather than a rule.
The performances of “Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood” on Saturday and Sunday afternoon at 3.30pm are both sold out BUT we do expect there to be a few last minute cancellations, so if you don’t have a ticket and would like to turn up and see if there is any space please feel free to do so. Alternatively there is talk of an outdoor performance later in the year so you may like to wait for that.
We have a HOLY COMMUNION service at 10.30am tomorrow and everyone is welcome. The children and young people will be preparing for next week’s ALL AGE SERVICE, which will be the first time since March 2020 we have been able to involve them in this way. Since then we have, of course, started our online services and so the children will be filming part of the online service for 6th February. There is a PDF of the service here. If you are watching/reading the service at home remember to have some bread and wine or fruit juice available for Communion.
There will not be a HOPE INTO ACTION Prayer Meeting tomorrow evening as many of us will just have finished at the Panto. The Prayer Meeting will return next Sunday.
For those who are booked to go to Minehead from Monday 18th April – Friday 22nd April, tomorrow is the deadline for any outstanding payments. If there is anyone who is not booked in who would like to join us please do speak to Miriam (we can’t guarantee accommodation but will do our best to find room for you).
Here are this week’s “Puzzles and Other Stuff” from Steve. I am pleased to report that Sue Scholes did not have a detached retina, so thank you to everyone who prayed. She is still under investigation for low pressure in her eye so please continue to pray. Also please keep praying for Richard, Cathy and Rachael Smith as well as for Maureen and Ges McCluskey. Ges spent this last week in hospital but is now back home with Maureen but he is on end of life care.
I hope to see many of you in church tomorrow and at the Panto.
Best wishes to all,
01536 400225
07903 644609