23rd January 2022
By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 23 January 2022
Hello everyone,
This week we have been told that the Covid rules are being relaxed and that from next Thursday face coverings will no longer be mandatory. We continued to encourage people to wear face coverings last autumn when they were not mandatory and I think this may be wise for the time being. The PCC will be discussing whether the time is now right to commence serving coffee after church and I would ask that if you have any views about that you speak with me or a PCC member. Obviously if we are to have coffee we will need people to serve it so please also think if this is something you could do when it happens.
I am pleased to report that last week’s prayer request for Sheila’s daughter was answered with the appointment moving forward to 22nd February. Sadly the news is not so good of Richard Smith a former member of St Columba’s aged 40ish. Richard’s prognosis is poor and he is currently in hospital being tube fed. To make matters worse there are visiting restrictions on his wife Cathy and daughter Racheal. Riaan and Mandy are visiting Cathy today so will have up to date news on Sunday but please do remember Richard, Cathy and Racheal in your prayers.
Tomorrow there is a 9am Communion service at Rockingham and a 10.30am Sunday Worship service (with the same sermon) at St Columba’s. This will include ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. For those who cannot get to to church the service is available online and the PDF version is here.
Some people may have heard of this Project from the Church of England which is described as follows: “The hope is for people in Church of England churches across the country to use the LLF resources to study and pray together. The resources are designed to encourage and enable engagement and learning in a variety of settings. This church-wide learning together, listening to one another, and listening to God is part of discerning a way forward for the Church of England in relation to matters of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. The purpose of the resources is to enable the Church of England churches across the country to participate in a process of learning and praying together as part of discerning a way forward in relation to matters of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.”There is going to be a Discussion Group in Corby, for 6 weeks starting on THURSDAY 27th JANUARY from 7.30-9pm at St Peter & St Andrew’s. Full details are here on the LLF Discussion Group document. If you would like to attend please email fr_anthony@icloud.com to make sure there are supplies of booklets and cake! I think it is important that churches like St Columba’s, where the Bible is taken seriously, are engaged in these discussions and would encourage people to attend.
Tickets for BOTH Saturday and Sunday afternoon are now SOLD OUT. However it is possible for adults to attend on Friday evening at 7.30pm. Entrance will be by donation rather than ticket. If any adults want to swap from Saturday/Sunday to Friday please let me know as this will free up tickets for children and families to attend the afternoon performances. If you would like to come on Saturday or Sunday afternoon do let me know and we can then contact you if there are any returns.
Please find here Steve’s latest offering of Puzzles and Other Stuff. It includes a quiz on London, and as someone who thought they knew London quite well I must say I didn’t do as well as I expected. By a strange but happy coincidence there is a London reference in Kevin’s sermon tomorrow.
Best wishes to all,
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