15th September 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 21 September 2024
Hello everyone,
I am sending this on Friday this week because tomorrow morning I will be out on the Ride & Stride sponsored cycle ride with James, Colin and Kev. We are hoping to cycle from Sudborough back to Corby, via Slipton, Grafton Underwood, Brigstock and Stanion. If you would like to sponsor us (big thanks to all those who already have) please email ianpullinger@btinternet.com so I can add your name to the sponsor form. Thanks also to the people who will be sitting in St Columba’s ready to welcome cyclists from other churches, and us when we arrive back.
Sending this on Friday morning also means I can remind all the ladies that it is Afternoon Tea in St Columba’s Hall today – do come along at 3pm for tea, sandwiches, scones, cakes, conversation and the latest instalment in Linda’s life story.
Rockingham Flower Show and Harvest Celebration
After the Ride & Stride I will be making my way to Rockingham for the Flower Show, which opens at 2.30pm in the Village Hall, and at the end of which there will be a short Harvest Celebration. Admission to the Show costs £1 for adults but is free for children.
Sunday 15th September
We have a service of Morning Worship in St Columba’s on Sunday morning at 10.30am. This will include the second in our new series of sermons looking at the Lord’s Prayer, with David preaching about “Hallowed be your name”. There will also be ENERGIZE groups for children and the service will be available as a livestream (all being well – we had some problems with the livestream last week for which I apologise) by going to this link: https://youtube.com/live/Q4f3ADsUM8w?feature=share
There will also be the Prayer Meeting in St Columba’s at 6pm on Sunday evening.
I’ve just raised £2.00 for St Columba’s by doing some online shopping through easyfundraising and it didn’t cost me anything! You can do the same by supporting St Columba, Corby on easyfundraising. Once you’ve signed up, over 8,000 brands will donate when you shop via the easyfundraising website or app – at no extra cost to yourself. Find out more: https://join.easyfundraising.org.uk/st-columba-corby/pt9vko/dc/bpjaxL9F/dcon/facebook/1
Sunday 22nd September
We have two services next Sunday:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30am HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s, Corby with ENERGIZE groups.
There will also be the 6pm PRAYER MEETING at St Columba’s.
We are looking forward to the Alpha course that will be starting next month. If you would be interested in joining it, or know someone who might be, then do let me know. Alpha is an introduction to the Christian faith, suitable for people who want to establish some spiritual foundations and for those with no previous church experience, so it is great course to invite friends and family to, especially as you can attend with them. At this time we don’t know which day of the week it will be happening on, as this will depend on the people who come forward.
Riding Lights Theatre at St Columba’s – Tuesday 15th October
We are hosting a performance by Riding Lights of a new production “Cups on a String” in association with the Christian education charity Transforming Lives for Good. This will be happening in the church at 7.30pm and more details will be available over the coming weeks but tickets can be bought now by going to this link:
mini SCaNS 45
The latest edition of mini SCaNS has a biblical theme. There’s a story of a church that had removed all except Paul’s letters from their Bibles and how the preacher used Paul’s writings to preach on 1 Chronicles! It tells how some churches have 47 books in their Bibles instead of our usual 66, has an explanation how the New Testament got put together, a quiz on streakers in the Bible and some Biblical “Firsts”. There are around 13 puzzles and quizzes to challenge and amuse you as well as lots of funnies, a piece about Christian Charles Schultz, creator of Peanut cartoons, and another about a lady who hid some money and an encouraging letter in a book for someone to find to cheer them up even though she, herself, was going through a rough patch – a lesson for us all, there. Steve hopes to have a printed SCaNS out next week to pick up in church. This week there are still copies of the mega-Join-the-Dots puzzles. Do let Steve know if you would like a copy and if you would like more of these.
God bless you all in this coming week,
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