Author: Justin Dyche

24th November 2024

24th November 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 30 November 2024

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a good week. I was away in Derbyshire with many of the ministers, ordained and lay, from Peterborough diocese. We had a good conference at which Bishop Debbie was the main speaker and we were encouraged to hear her message and her openness to the Lord.
On Saturday it is St Columba’s Christmas Fayre and I do hope that many of you will be able to be there, in the Hall between 11am and 1pm.

Hope Into Action is a charity who provide housing for people who find it difficult to access via the usual channels. We have partnered with them for the last couple of years, during which time we have seen many answers to prayer, including the provision of a house, a tenant and a positive resolution to the tenant’s immigration problems. Earlier this year our tenant moved into a different property provided by the Council and we then learnt that the investors, who owned the house, wanted to sell. This means that our partnership with Hope Into Action is coming to an end, but before it does it would be good to give thanks for those answers to prayer and to pray for St John’s Corby who hope to start a similar partnership soon and for the many other churches across the country who have Hope Into Action houses – may they continue to provide housing help and support where it is needed most.

CHRISTMAS FAYRE – SATURDAY 23rd November 11am – 1pm in Church Hall
Please tell all your family and friends about the FAYRE and encourage them to come along, and plan to be there yourself to enjoy Bacon Rolls, Cakes, Crafts, second hand books, records, CDs and DVDs as well as the Raffle and Tombolas – teddies for the children, bottles for everyone.

UNSCHOOLED ORDINARY MEN* in Rushden – Saturday 23rd November at 7pm
Men of Northamptonshire you are invited to be part of a gathering of men looking to Jesus. Unschooled Ordinary Men* is an event in partnership with CVM (Christian Vision for Men) whose team of Carl Beech and Nathan Blackaby will be leading and speaking. The event also includes worship, refreshments, the CVM resources and a free resource produced for this event only. This will be at Park Road Baptist Church, Park Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0RG and tickets, costing £5, are available at:
* unschooled ordinary men is a reference from Acts 4.13 where it is used of the disciples Peter and John.

BIG SING CHOIR CHRISTMAS SHOW at Corby Cube – Saturday 23rd November at 7.30pm
Tickets for this concert cost £22 are still available from the Cube or online at:

We have two services on Sunday:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham – why not come to this early service if you have plans for later in the day and won’t be able to make the service at St Columba’s.
10.30am MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s, Corby – this service will include sung worship from 10.15am and ENERGIZE groups for children who will be continuing rehearsals for the NATIVITY so it is really important for as many children as possible to come along. We are continuing to have problems with the livestream so please use this link:
We will finish the day with our PRAYER MEETING in St Columba’s at 6pm.

AN EVENING WITH ROB PARSONS at Christ the King, Kettering – Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm
Tickets for this event cost £11 each, or £8 each for a group of 3 or more, and are still available from:

Next week it is Advent Sunday and we have two services at St Columba’s:
10.30am HOLY COMMUNION with ENERGIZE groups continuing to rehearse for the NATIVITY on Sunday 15th December.
and at 5pm we have an informal service of ADVENT PRAISE, as a result of this we won’t have a Prayer Meeting next Sunday.

Many of you have enjoyed the social events organised by Lodge Park Academy over recent years and I am pleased to say theya re inviting us to a CHRISTMAS DINNER on Monday 16th December at 2pm. There is no charge for this dinner but you do need to book a place by speaking with me as there are a limited number of spaces available. Please let me know at church or email if you would like to go.

This is being organised by some people from Hope Church, but it will be happening in our Church Hall. As before the aim is to make Christmas Day special for those who would otherwise be alone. Volunteers are needed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as follows:
CHRISTMAS EVE: Hall Preparation, Table Setup, Decoration, Food Preparation (food hygiene training provided – online), Cooking (food hygiene training provided – online), Wash and Clean Up, Gift Wrapping.
CHRISTMAS DAY: Food Preparation, Cooking, Table Hosts, Servers, Food Delivery, Entertainment, Wash and Clean up.
If you are able to help, or would like to find out more, please contact:

Steve has produced a new PRINTED edition of SCaNS and this should be available in church on Sunday so don’t forget to collect a copy.

I hope to see many of you at the Fayre on Saturday and in church on Sunday.


01536 400225
07903 644609

17th November 2024

17th November 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 23 November 2024

Hello everyone,

Let me begin with congratulations to Easton Promise (James, Louisa and friends) who won the Quiz last night and many thanks to all those who came along and helped us raise money for Tearfund, who are our Charity of the Week (see below). Thanks also to everyone who helped with the collection of SHOEBOXES last week, and don’t forget that SUNDAY 17th is the deadline for returning boxes to church, although if you forget your box do bring it next week and it can still make it to the warehouse when James & Louisa go to help sort the boxes. If anyone would like to go with them to help with this task please speak with James or Louisa after church. You can also still donate a box online at

Tearfund is a Christian charity that’s passionate about ending global poverty. For more than fifty years, they’ve been working alongside local church partners to empower communities to create a better future for themselves. And it’s only thanks to people like you, at events like the Quiz Night or through direct donations, that this vital work is possible. You can find more information about how to pray for Tearfund’s work around the world by going to this link:

There is just one service on Sunday, HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s at 10.30am with sung worship from 10.15am and ENERGIZE groups for children who will begin rehearsals for this year’s NATIVITY so it would be great to see as many children as possible. We are sorry about the problem with last week’s livestream but pleased the recording was saved so available rather late. Hopefully all will be well this week.
In the evening there will be a PRAYER MEETING at 6pm in St Columba’s.

CHRISTMAS FAYRE – NEXT SATURDAY 23rd November 11am – 1pm in Church Hall
As well as the sign up sheet for helpers, which still has too many spaces on it, we also now have two boxes in church for donations of BOTTLES for the TOMBOLA and RAFFLE PRIZES. We also need TEDDIES, but they are too precious to go in a box so can sit on the table. For the bakers reading this we would really appreciate any HOME MADE CAKES for the Cake Stall, don’t worry there won’t be any Bake Off judges only customers with a sweet tooth! Please bring cakes to the Hall either between 4.30 and 5.30pm on Friday or between 9.30 and 10.30am on Saturday.
Please tell all your family and friends about the FAYRE and encourage them to come along, and plan to be there yourself even if you can’t help, although we do still need more helpers on the day.

UNSCHOOLED ORDINARY MEN* in Rushden – Saturday 23rd November at 7pm
Men of Northamptonshire you are invited to be part of a gathering of men looking to Jesus. Unschooled Ordinary Men* is an event in partnership with CVM (Christian Vision for Men) whose team of Carl Beech and Nathan Blackaby will be leading and speaking. The event also includes worship, refreshments, the CVM resources and a free resource produced for this event only. This will be at Park Road Baptist Church, Park Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0RG and tickets, costing £5, are available at:
* unschooled ordinary men is a reference from Acts 4.13 where it is used of the disciples Peter and John.

BIG SING CHOIR CHRISTMAS SHOW at Corby Cube – Saturday 23rd November at 7.30pm
Tickets for this concert cost £22 are still available from the Cube or online at:

AN EVENING WITH ROB PARSONS at Christ the King, Kettering – Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm
Tickets for this event cost £11 each, or £8 each for a group of 3 or more, and are still available from:

We have two services next Sunday:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham – why not come to this early service if you have plans for later in the day and won’t be able to make the service at St Columba’s.
10.30am MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s, Corby – this service will include sung worship from 10.15am and ENERGIZE groups for children who will be continuing rehearsals for the NATIVITY so it is really important for as many children as possible to come along.

This is being organised by some people from Hope Church, but it will be happening in our Church Hall. As before the aim is to make Christmas Day special for those who would otherwise be alone. Volunteers are needed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as follows:
CHRISTMAS EVE: Hall Preparation, Table Setup, Decoration, Food Preparation (food hygiene training provided – online), Cooking (food hygiene training provided – online), Wash and Clean Up, Gift Wrapping.
CHRISTMAS DAY: Food Preparation, Cooking, Table Hosts, Servers, Food Delivery, Entertainment, Wash and Clean up.
If you are able to help, or would like to find out more, please contact:

I hope to see you at church tomorrow and at the Fayre on Saturday.


01536 400225
07903 644609

10th November 2024

10th November 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 16 November 2024

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a good week. Lots going on as all our November events are fast approaching with REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY services, the BIG QUIZ NIGHT next Friday, the CHRISTMAS FAYRE in a fortnight’s time, and the ALPHA course, which started last Thursday, still has space for more people to join. There are also details of an event specially for Christian men later this month in Rushden and a new edition of Puzzles and Other Stuff is attached. It is SHOEBOX COLLECTION WEEK with opportunities for people to sit in church to receive boxes and so this is our Charity of the Week.
Do keep reading for more details of these and more.

Please pray for the SHOEBOX APPEAL organised by Samaritan’s Purse, giving thanks for all the shoeboxes that have been packed both here and across the country, and praying for the massive logistical effort of taking them from churches like ours, which are collection points, to the hands of children around the world. We understand our boxes are going to Malawi in Africa this year.
As well as praying there are three practical ways in which you can help:
1. Pack a shoebox. It is not too late to take a box, fill it with lots of exciting gifts (see the leaflet or previous emails for details of what to pack and what NOT to pack) and bring the shoebox to church next Sunday, 17th November. You can also bring individual items for a communal box.
2. Sign up to sit in church on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday this week, for an hour between 9am and 1pm. There is a sheet in church for you to sign up for a slot.
3. Volunteer to go to the warehouse in Coventry to help sort the boxes before they are shipped to their destination. Speak to James or Louisa about this as they have done it before and say it is great fun and very rewarding.

ALPHA – Thursday evenings at 7.30pm in the Vicarage
We started the new Alpha course last Thursday but it is not too late to join, so if you, or someone you know, would be interested in finding out more about the Christian faith, then either just come along on Thursday or speak with me to find out more.

There are two services on Sunday and both will observe the two minutes silence at 11am.
St Columba’s have MORNING WORSHIP at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people, and sung worship from 10.15am. This service will be available to watch on Youtube by going to this link:
St Leonard’s, Rockingham also have a REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY SERVICE at 10.45am. This includes the reading of names on their War Memorial.
In the evening we have a PRAYER MEETING at 6pm in St Columba’s.

BIG QUIZ NIGHT – Friday 15th November starts at 7pm in Church Hall
Please come along to have fun quizzing with friends and family and raise money to help alleviate poverty around the world. Bring your favourite snacks and drinks to aid you in your quizzing! You can come in a team or we can put you in a team with others, so no-one will be left out! There will be a raffle and opportunity to donate to Tearfund so please bring cash or use the church card reader. All donations will be going to Tearfund.

There is just one service next Sunday, HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s at 10.30am with sung worship from 10.15am and ENERGIZE groups for children who will begin rehearsals for this year’s NATIVITY so it would be great to see as many children as possible.
In the evening there will be a PRAYER MEETING at 6pm in St Columba’s.

CHRISTMAS FAYRE – Saturday 23rd November 11am – 1pm in Church Hall
As well as the sign up sheet for helpers we also now have two boxes in church for donations of RAFFLE PRIZES and BOTTLES for the TOMBOLA. We also need TEDDIES, but they are too precious to go in a box so can sit on the table. Please tell all your family and friends about the FAYRE and encourage them to come along, and plan to be there yourself even if you can’t help, although we do still need more helpers on the day.

UNSCHOOLED ORDINARY MEN* in Rushden – Saturday 23rd November at 7pm
Men of Northamptonshire you are invited to be part of a gathering of men looking to Jesus. Unschooled Ordinary Men* is an event in partnership with CVM (Christian Vision for Men) whose team of Carl Beech and Nathan Blackaby will be leading and speaking. The event also includes worship, refreshments, the CVM resources and a free resource produced for this event only. This will be at Park Road Baptist Church, Park Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0RG and tickets, costing £5, are available at:
* unschooled ordinary men is a reference from Acts 4.13 where it is used of the disciples Peter and John.

BIG SING CHOIR CHRISTMAS SHOW at Corby Cube – Saturday 23rd November at 7.30pm
Tickets for this concert cost £22 are still available from the Cube or online at:

AN EVENING WITH ROB PARSONS at Christ the King, Kettering – Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm
Tickets for this event cost £11 each, or £8 each for a group of 3 or more, and are still available from:

This is being organised by some people from Hope Church, but it will be happening in our Church Hall. As before the aim is to make Christmas Day special for those who would otherwise be alone. Volunteers are needed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as follows:
CHRISTMAS EVE: Hall Preparation, Table Setup, Decoration, Food Preparation (food hygiene training provided – online), Cooking (food hygiene training provided – online), Wash and Clean Up, Gift Wrapping.
CHRISTMAS DAY: Food Preparation, Cooking, Table Hosts, Servers, Food Delivery, Entertainment, Wash and Clean up.
If you are able to help, or would like to find out more, please contact:

‘Steve writes about this latest Puzzles mag, which is called “A Time to Laugh…” (Ecc. 3:5): “I wanted to produce a light-hearted edition, so it contains lots of amusing ways of how to remove rampant squirrels from your church; a picture of some alarming bathroom flooring which, having had a new one fitted I would love to have; why for over a week in 1752 nobody was born or died, and why George Washington and hundreds of others had to change their birthdays. Why lots of countries other than the US celebrate Thanksgiving Days in November; and hilarious examples of why misusing the word ‘literally’ gets up my nose(!). Here’s a couple of examples from commentators: “In his youth, Michael Owen was literally a greyhound” (really?) and “The ball came back, literally cutting Graham Thorpe in half” (yuk!) … and a great cartoon strip about “How great leaders delegate.” And, of course, lots of puzzles. Enjoy!”

I will be at Rockingham tomorrow but hope to see you at the Quiz on Friday.


01536 400225
07903 644609

3rd November 2024

3rd November 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 9 November 2024

Good morning everyone,

There is lots of news below, some of which has been in previous emails but there are three new entries, including confirmation that the Alpha Course will start this week, November’s Afternoon Tea, and information about a Community Christmas Day Dinner for people who would otherwise be on their own. Please keep reading to find out more about all these and much more, including tomorrow’s services, and before all that there is our Charity of the Week.

This week the focus is on Tim and Carol Derbyshire who work with Hope From Above. Their latest Prayer Letter, Snippets from the Shires, is here, and is available to read at the back of church, so do tell people who may not receive the email. Please read the letter and pray for Tim & Carol.

There are two services at St Columba’s on Sunday.
10.30am ALL AGE WORSHIP for ALL SAINTS with children’s participation and activities. Unfortunately we are still experiencing problems with the livestream but if all goes well this service will be available by going to this link:
5pm SERVICE TO REMEMBER THOSE WE LOVE BUT SEE NO LONGER. If you have lost someone you love, either recently or many years ago, and would like to come along to light a candle and remember them, then this is the service for you. Please pass this invitation on to anyone you know who may be missing a loved one.
As a result of the evening service there won’t be a Prayer Meeting this Sunday.

ALPHA – starts this Thursday (7th November) at 7.30pm in the Vicarage
We have a group of people ready to start the Alpha course but there is room for more, so if you, or someone you know, would be interested in finding out more about the Christian faith, then either just come along on Thursday or speak with me to find out more.

The November Ladies Afternoon Tea is on Friday 8th November at 3pm in the Church Hall. All ladies are invited for tea with sandwiches, scones, cakes and good conversation.

There are two services next Sunday but unusually they are at almost the same time so both can observe the two minutes silence at 11am.
St Columba’s have MORNING WORSHIP at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people, and sung worship from 10.15am.
St Leonard’s, Rockingham have a special REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY SERVICE at 10.45am. This includes the reading of names on their War Memorial.
The PRAYER MEETING will be happening again at 6pm in St Columba’s.

BIG QUIZ NIGHT – Friday 15th November starts at 7pm in Church Hall
Please come along to have fun quizzing with friends and family and raise money to help alleviate poverty around the world. Bring your favourite snacks and drinks to aid you in your quizzing! You can come in a team or we can put you in a team with others, so no-one will be left out! Please bring cash to donate or use the church card reader. All donations will be going to Tearfund.

There are two ways in which you can support the 2024 Samaritans Purse Shoebox Appeal:
1. Collect a Shoebox and a leaflet from church, choose whether you are packing for a boy or a girl and what age, and then buy all that you need (see the lists below) to fill the box and bring it back to church by Sunday 17th November. Don’t forget to make a donation for the cost of your box, either online or by cash/cheque with your box.
2. Look at the list of suggested items below and buy what you can and simply drop the items off at church where they will be used to make up shoeboxes.
The list of suggested items includes: dolls, footballs, cuddly toys, school supplies including pens, pencils, sharpeners, crayons, notebooks, solar calculator, toy cars, torch, skipping ropes, yo-yos, toys that light up/make noise (with spare batteries), personal care items such as toothbrushes, socks, combs, hairbrushes, sunglasses.
DO NOT INCLUDE: toothpaste sweets, lotions and liquids, used or damaged items, war related toys, seeds, chocolate, food, religious literature, medicine, aerosols, sharp or fragile items.
I received a postcard from Samaritans Purse saying that shoeboxes would be going to Malawi this year – something to bear in mind when buying.

CHRISTMAS FAYRE – Saturday 23rd November 11am – 1pm in Church Hall
Do put this date in your diary and plan to come along and support this event. There is a sign up sheet for helpers in church. If you know anyone who would like a table to sell their own crafts, gifts, etc please get them to contact Miriam on 07950 818315 asap.

BIG SING CHOIR CHRISTMAS SHOW at Corby Cube – Saturday 23rd November at 7.30pm
Some of you may have seen the Big Sing Choir on Britain’s Got Talent last year. “They will bring a groundbreaking, modern twist to Christmas Carols that we all know and love. Hear their new, fresh and passionate performances of stunning Christmas songs that will leave you feeling festive and uplifted. Featuring show-stopping arrangements to well-known carols such as ‘Oh Holy Night’, ‘The First Noel’, ‘Mary did you Know’ and ‘Joy to the World’, they even promise to get you singing along with them!” All tickets cost £22 and are available from the Cube or online at:

AN EVENING WITH ROB PARSONS at Christ the King, Kettering – Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm
Many of you will know Rob Parsons, either from his speaking at Spring Harvest or from his 35 years at Care for the Family. Rob writes “During this event, I’ll share stories with you that I’ve never told before – stories that I hope will encourage you to make the very best of your gifts, your goals and your relationships”. Tickets cost £11, or £8 for a group of 3 or more, and are available from:

This is being organised by some people from Hope Church, but it will be happening in our Church Hall. As before the aim is to make Christmas Day special for those who would otherwise be alone. Volunteers are needed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as follows:
CHRISTMAS EVE: Hall Preparation, Table Setup, Decoration, Food Preparation (food hygiene training provided – online), Cooking (food hygiene training provided – online), Wash and Clean Up, Gift Wrapping.
CHRISTMAS DAY: Food Preparation, Cooking, Table Hosts, Servers, Food Delivery, Entertainment, Wash and Clean up.
If you are able to help, or would like to find out more, please contact:

May God bless you and all those who continue to mourn the loss of a loved one, please pray that they find the service on Sunday helpful.


01536 400225
07903 644609

27th October 2024

27th October 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 2 November 2024

Good morning everyone,

First can I remind you all that the clocks go back tonight, which for some people means an extra hour in bed, but if you want to spend your extra hour more constructively can I suggest you read and meditate on Psalm 19. This wonderful Psalm points us back to creation and the heavens which declare the glory of God; it points us back to God’s law, statutes, precepts, commands, and decrees, which sound awfully dry, until you read how they refresh the soul, bring wisdom, give joy and light; and it serves as a warning and an encouragement as we reflect on our own lives, a warning about sin, including our hidden faults that I mentioned in last Sunday’s sermon, and an encouragement that if we obey God there will be great reward.

Second, I have rather shocking news about Joan Dyche who was told on on Monday by her cancer doctor that her life expectancy is only weeks up to 3 months at most. Please pray for Joan, and Justin as he seeks to make Joan’s remaining time as good as possible.

Third, as well as details of services tomorrow and next Sunday, and recaps about Shoeboxes, Big Quiz Night and Christmas Fayre there are notices about two other events coming up in November, an opportunity to order ADVENT CALENDARS, a new Charity of the Week and attached the latest mini SCaNS. Keep reading for information about all of these.

If you would like to order a Divine Fairtrade Chocolate (milk or dark) Advent Calendar at the reduced price of £4.99 please either reply to this message or speak with Miriam. This offer is only available this weekend so we need to know by Sunday evening so that we can place the order.

This is a new weekly article to focus our attention on the different charities that St Columba’s supports. This week the focus is on our CMS link missionaries as there is a new Prayer Letter from them which is available to read at the back of church. There are some printed copies if you would like to take one and pray at home.

We have two services on Sunday as follows:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30am MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s with ENERGIZE who will be preparing for next week’s All Age service. For anyone not able to be in church tomorrow we hope that we have sorted the technical issues that stopped last week’s livestream and that this service will be available to watch here:
We also have the PRAYER MEETING at 6pm.

There are two services at St Columba’s next Sunday.
10.30am ALL AGE WORSHIP for ALL SAINTS with children’s participation and activities.
5pm SERVICE TO REMEMBER THOSE WE LOVE BUT SEE NO LONGER. If you have lost someone you love, either recently or many years ago, and would like to come along to light a candle and remember them, then this is the service for you. Please pass this invitation on to anyone you know who may be missing a loved one.
As a result of the evening service there won’t be a Prayer Meeting on 3rd November.

There are two ways in which you can support the 2024 Samaritans Purse Shoebox Appeal:
1. Collect a Shoebox and a leaflet from church, choose whether you are packing for a boy or a girl and what age, and then buy all that you need (see the lists below) to fill the box and bring it back to church by Sunday 17th November. Don’t forget to make a donation for the cost of your box, either online or by cash/cheque with your box.
2. Look at the list of suggested items below and buy what you can and simply drop the items off at church where they will be used to make up shoeboxes.
The list of suggested items includes: dolls, footballs, cuddly toys, school supplies including pens, pencils, sharpeners, crayons, notebooks, solar calculator, toy cars, torch, skipping ropes, yo-yos, toys that light up/make noise (with spare batteries), personal care items such as toothbrushes, socks, combs, hairbrushes, sunglasses.
DO NOT INCLUDE: toothpaste sweets, lotions and liquids, used or damaged items, war related toys, seeds, chocolate, food, religious literature, medicine, aerosols, sharp or fragile items.
I received a postcard from Samaritans Purse saying that shoeboxes would be going to Malawi this year – something to bear in mind when buying.

BIG QUIZ NIGHT – Friday 15th November starts at 7pm in Church Hall
Do come along to have fun quizzing with friends and family and raise money to help alleviate poverty around the world. Bring your favourite snacks and drinks to aid you in your quizzing! You can come in a team or we can put you in a team with others, so no-one will be left out! Please bring cash to donate or use the church card reader. All donations will be going to Tearfund.

CHRISTMAS FAYRE – Saturday 23rd November 11am – 1pm in Church Hall
Do put this date in your diary and plan to come along and support this event. There is a sign up sheet for helpers in church. If you know anyone who would like a table to sell their own crafts, gifts, etc please get them to contact Miriam on 07950 818315 asap.

BIG SING CHOIR CHRISTMAS SHOW at Corby Cube – Saturday 23rd November at 7.30pm
Some of you may have seen the Big Sing Choir on Britain’s Got Talent last year. “They will bring a ground-breaking, modern twist to Christmas Carols that we all know and love. Hear their new, fresh and passionate performances of stunning Christmas songs that will leave you feeling festive and uplifted. Featuring show-stopping arrangements to well-known carols such as ‘Oh Holy Night’, ‘The First Noel’, ‘Mary did you Know’ and ‘Joy to the World’, they even promise to get you singing along with them!” All tickets cost £22 and are available from the Cube or online at:

AN EVENING WITH ROB PARSONS at Christ the King, Kettering – Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm
Many of you will know Rob Parsons, either from his speaking at Spring Harvest or from his 35 years at Care for the Family. Rob writes “During this event, I’ll share stories with you that I’ve never told before – stories that I hope will encourage you to make the very best of your gifts, your goals and your relationships”. Early bird tickets (booked by 29th October) cost £6, after that they are £11 or £8 for a group of 3 or more and are available from:

Please find here the latest mini SCaNS about which Steve writes:
“You can read about how God wants the best for you in which I share a personal example of how He stopped me changing jobs which opened amazing new doors for me…as we approach Remembrance Sunday, a story of how brave Czech enslaved prisoners, at risk of their lives, thwarted a plan by their Nazi oppressors to make munitions to blow up Allied aircraft. Lots of funnies, including, “What not to include in a job application” and quotes from when the media gets it wrong, my favourite being, “Was Diana alive in the hours before she died?”! Peanuts and other cartoons to give you a laugh – and some new home-made quizzes I’ve enjoyed creating. Hope you enjoy!”

May you find blessing this weekend, however you choose to spend your extra hour,


01536 400225
07903 644609

20th October 2024

20th October 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 27 October 2024

Hello everyone,

It is another wet Saturday morning so do grab yourself a hot drink and sit down to read this week’s email which has details of lots of upcoming events: Sunday services, including our annual service to remember those we love but who are no longer with us, as well as Social events and opportunities to support those in need.

But first I have a couple of thank yous. Last Sunday we enjoyed a wonderful Harvest Lunch so big thanks to all the Events Team who organised that, to everyone who contributed the food which was delicious, and to all those who came along. Second, I would like to thank all those who were at Cups on a String last Tuesday and especially those who helped in any way. It was a really good evening of live theatre with a challenging message about the issues facing some young people in school.

We have just one service on Sunday, HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s at 10.30am. This will include the next sermon in our series on the Lord’s Prayer, looking at “forgive us our sins as we forgive…”. There will be ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. For those who are not able to be in church the service will available here:

There will also be the PRAYER MEETING at 6pm.

We are launching the 2024 shoebox appeal tomorrow in church. There are two ways in which you can support this:
1. Collect a Shoebox and a leaflet from church, choose whether you are packing for a boy or a girl and what age, and then buy all that you need (see the lists below) to fill the box and bring  it back to church by Sunday 17th November. Don’t forget to make a donation for the cost of your box, either online or by cash/cheque with your box.

2. Look at the list of suggested items below and buy what you can and simply drop them off at church where they will be used to make up shoeboxes.

The list of suggested items includes: dolls, footballs, cuddly toys, school supplies including pens, pencils, sharpeners, crayons, notebooks, solar calculator, toy cars, torch, skipping ropes, yo-yos, toys that light up/make noise (with spare batteries), personal care items such as toothbrushes, socks, combs, hairbrushes, sunglasses.
DO NOT INCLUDE: toothpaste, sweets, lotions and liquids, used or damaged items, war related toys, seeds, chocolate, food, religious literature, medicine, aerosols, sharp or fragile items.

I received a postcard from Samaritans Purse saying that shoeboxes would be going to Malawi this year – something to bear in mind when buying.

BIG QUIZ NIGHT – Friday 15th November starts at 7pm in Church Hall

Do come along to have fun quizzing with friends and family and raise money to help alleviate poverty around the world. Bring your favourite snacks and drinks to aid you in your quizzing! You can come in a team or we can put you in a team with others, so no-one will be left out! Please bring cash to donate or use the church card reader. All donations will be going to Tearfund.

CHRISTMAS FAYRE – Saturday 23rd November 11am – 1pm in Church Hall

Do put this date in your diary and plan to come along and support this event. There will be a sign up sheet for helpers in church next week. If you know anyone who would like a table to sell their own crafts, gifts, etc please get them to contact Miriam on 07950 818315 asap.

At the PCC meeting earlier this month we continued our policy of giving away 10% of our Stewardship income, based on last year’s income which meant we had £8000 to give away. The charities we agreed to support and the amounts we gave them are as follows:
Hope from Above (Tim & Carol)    1500
CMS (M&H)                                        1500
Christian Concern                             312
Christians Against Poverty             312
Tear Fund                                           312
Open Doors                                       312
World Vision                                     344
Mercy ships                                      500
Home for Good                                312
Rooted in Jesus                                312
Hope into Action                              720
Home Start, Corby                           564
It’s your move (year 6 books)         531
Spring Harvest bursary fund          469

Please pray for these charities and the work they do, both locally and around the world. We will be praying for them over the next few months at Sunday evening Prayer Meetings so if you don’t know what they do come along and find out (or you could google them!).

Next Sunday we have two services as follows:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30am MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s with ENERGIZE.

And we will have the PRAYER MEETING at 6pm.

SERVICE TO REMEMBER THOSE WE LOVE BUT SEE NO LONGER – Sunday 3rd November at 5pm in St Columba’s

If you have lost someone you love, either recently or many years ago, and would like to come along to light a candle and remember them, then this is the service for you. Please pass this invitation on to anyone you know who may be missing a loved one.

And after all that I hope to see you in church tomorrow,

God bless,


01536 400225
07903 644609

13th October 2024

13th October 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 19 October 2024

Hello everyone,

Sorry about the absence of emails over the last two weeks while Miriam and I were away. There is a lot going on in the next few days so I am sending this message on Friday with all the details – please do come along to as many of the following as you are able:

The ladies AFTERNOON TEA is happening today, Friday 11th October, from 3pm in the Church Hall – all ladies welcome for tea, sandwiches, scones, cake, conversation and the next episode of Linda’s testimony.

We are celebrating Harvest this Sunday at St Columba’s, with our ALL AGE WORSHIP at 10.30am followed by a HARVEST LUNCH. Everyone is welcome to both the service and lunch. If you are able please bring a gift for the CORBY FOOD BANK which we can add to our Harvest offering. The list of most needed items at the moment is: Soup, Tinned Spaghetti, Tinned Tomatoes, Pasta Sauce, Tinned Vegetables, Tinned Meat, Tinned Fish, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Custard, Tinned Rice Pudding, Biscuits, Tea, Coffee, Long Life Juice, UHT Milk, Disposable Razors, Shampoo, Shower Gel, Toilet Rolls, and Toothpaste.
If you can’t make the service we will try and livestream it using this link:
I say try because there have been some problems for the last few weeks with the livestream which we hope to overcome before Sunday.
After the service we all move into the Church Hall for LUNCH.

There is a Family Service in St Leonard’s at 3pm on Sunday afternoon, focusing on Prisons Week (which starts on Sunday), as St Leonard is the patron saint of prisoners.

We will be gathering in St Columba’s at 6pm on Sunday for an hour of prayer – everyone welcome.

This production by Riding Lights Theatre Company in partnership with the Christian education charity Transforming Lives for Good is happening at St Columba’s on TUESDAY next week, 15th October at 7.30pm. Tickets are available either from the Riding Lights website
or on the door where cash or cards will be accepted.
Please do come along and support this event, as well as to be entertained and informed about the challenges facing many young people and what one charity is doing to address those challenges.

Next Sunday there is a service of HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people.

Some of you received a message from our former vicar Rod Lee this week and I am forwarding this request so that everyone has a chance to sign this petition:
Another young Pakistani Christian, Ehsan Shan, faces a death sentence for allegedly posting a damaged Quran image on TikTok. The 22-year-old is the latest victim of false blasphemy charges. His tragic case is hauntingly familiar to Asia Bibi’s case and, unfortunately, many others. Together, we helped set Asia Bibi free. We need you to help do the same for Ehsan. Please sign the petition to the UK Foreign Secretary, The Rt Hon David Lammy MP, urging him to intervene and help save Mr Shan from this unjust sentence by clicking on the link below:

Every action counts as we fight this injustice. Your signature can help save Ehsan’s life! Thank you for embracing this cause.

(Editor’s note: this paragraph was added on Saturday)

Because I sent the email early yesterday it did not include the latest edition of Steve’s puzzles and other stuff.

Steve writes: After a few weeks’ break during which we have had a new bathroom fitted and I’ve learned to use the slow cooker to make delicious beef and pork casseroles (you’re never too old to try something new) I’m pleased to send you another magazine to stimulate your faith – which is the focus of the lead article, to boggle your mind at some of the wonders of creation, and to challenge your brain with some new puzzles – including a Bible cryptogram. There’s some fun stuff, as usual – do read about the Indian chief’s secret message sent to the moon, and see if you can copy Charlie Brown’s Old English script in Peanuts. Sue and I are rather busy over the next two weeks, so the next mag will be out on the last weekend in October when we put the clocks back an hour and can enjoy an extra hour in bed…. doing my puzzles!

With best wishes to all,


01536 400225
07903 644609

6th October 2024

6th October 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 12 October 2024


As Ian said two weeks ago, there is no email this week but please see useful information below, extracted from Ian’s email of two weeks ago.

Sunday 6th October
There will be a service of MORNING WORSHIP in St Columba’s at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups.
There will also be a PRAYER MEETING in St Columba’s at 6pm.

We are looking forward to the Alpha course that will be starting next month. If you would be interested in joining it, or know someone who might be, then do let Ian know. Alpha is an introduction to the Christian faith, suitable for people who want to establish some spiritual foundations and for those with no previous church experience, so it is great course to invite friends and family to, especially as you can attend with them. We expect the group to meet on Thursday evening so do keep that night free if you are interested in joining.

Riding Lights Theatre at St Columba’s – Tuesday 15th October
We are hosting a performance by Riding Lights of a new production “Cups on a String” in association with the Christian education charity Transforming Lives for Good. This will be happening in the church at 7.30pm and there are flyers available in church for you to give to friends and family who you think might be interested, which could be anyone concerned for the mental health of young people, either as a parent, carer, teacher, Christian…More details are on the flyer and tickets can be bought now by going to this link:

May God bless you all,


29th September 2024

29th September 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 5 October 2024


As Ian said last week, there is no email this week or next week but please see useful information below, extracted from Ian’s email of last week.

FAMILY FORTUNES – Saturday 28th September 7pm in the Church Hall
Please come along to this month’s social event which promises to be great fun for everyone, whether you come as a family or on your own, everyone will be included. Nibbles will be provided but please bring your own drinks and extra snacks. There will be some extra games to keep children entertained.

Sunday 6th October
There will be a service of MORNING WORSHIP in St Columba’s at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups and a livestream via this link:
There will also be a PRAYER MEETING in St Columba’s at 6pm.

We are looking forward to the Alpha course that will be starting next month. If you would be interested in joining it, or know someone who might be, then do let Ian know. Alpha is an introduction to the Christian faith, suitable for people who want to establish some spiritual foundations and for those with no previous church experience, so it is great course to invite friends and family to, especially as you can attend with them. We expect the group to meet on Thursday evening so do keep that night free if you are interested in joining.

Riding Lights Theatre at St Columba’s – Tuesday 15th October
We are hosting a performance by Riding Lights of a new production “Cups on a String” in association with the Christian education charity Transforming Lives for Good. This will be happening in the church at 7.30pm and there are flyers available in church for you to give to friends and family who you think might be interested, which could be anyone concerned for the mental health of young people, either as a parent, carer, teacher, Christian…More details are on the flyer and tickets can be bought now by going to this link:

May God bless you all,


22nd September 2024

22nd September 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 28 September 2024

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to say we survived the Ride & Stride last Saturday and big thanks to all those who sponsored us. Please keep reading for news about what is happening over the next few weeks, including a Family Fortunes night a week today. Please note there will not be an email for the next two weekends and the livestream links for 29th September and 6th October are included below, so don’t delete this email if you are going to need those links.

I must begin however with a prayer request for Margaret Freeland who is in hospital with a blood infection and Margaret has become very anxious about falling – please pray for healing from the infection, peace to replace anxiety and a restoration of confidence.

Sunday 22nd September
We have two service of HOLY COMMUNION tomorrow, first at 9am at St Leonard’s, Rockingham and then at 10.30, with sung worship from 10.15, at St Columba’s, where the sermon will continue our series looking at the Lord’s Prayer, this week “Your Kingdom come”. There will also be ENERGIZE groups for children and young people and the service will be available as a livestream via this link:
We also have the PRAYER MEETING in St Columba’s at 6pm.

FAMILY FORTUNES – Saturday 28th September 7pm in the Church Hall
Please come along to this month’s social event which promises to be great fun for everyone, whether you come as a family or on your own, everyone will be included. Nibbles will be provided but please bring your own drinks and extra snacks. There will be a SIGN UP SHEET in church tomorrow to give an idea of numbers but please turn up anyway ready for a 7pm start. There will be some extra games to keep children entertained.

Sunday 29th September
There will be a service of MORNING WORSHIP in St Columba’s at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups and a livestream via this link:
There will also be a PRAYER MEETING in St Columba’s at 6pm.

Sunday 6th October
There will be a service of MORNING WORSHIP in St Columba’s at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups and a livestream via this link:
There will also be a PRAYER MEETING in St Columba’s at 6pm.

We are looking forward to the Alpha course that will be starting next month. If you would be interested in joining it, or know someone who might be, then do let me know. Alpha is an introduction to the Christian faith, suitable for people who want to establish some spiritual foundations and for those with no previous church experience, so it is great course to invite friends and family to, especially as you can attend with them. We expect the group to meet on Thursday evening so do keep that night free if you are interested in joining.

Riding Lights Theatre at St Columba’s – Tuesday 15th October
We are hosting a performance by Riding Lights of a new production “Cups on a String” in association with the Christian education charity Transforming Lives for Good. This will be happening in the church at 7.30pm and there are flyers available in church for you to give to friends and family who you think might be interested, which could be anyone concerned for the mental health of young people, either as a parent, carer, teacher, Christian…More details are on the flyer and tickets can be bought now by going to this link:

All being well there will be a new print edition of SCaNS available in church tomorrow, with four pages of photos of recent events at church.

May God bless you all,


01536 400225