24th October 2021
By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 24 October 2021
Hello again everyone and welcome to a packed email!
I begin with some good news of an answer to prayer. Patience contacted me on Monday to say that her youngest son Ethan was in hospital and on oxygen. I asked some people to pray and within 90 minutes he was off oxygen and the following day was discharged from hospital. Praise God.
This week’s service is for Bible Sunday and has been prepared by David with a sermon by William. You are all welcome to attend the service in church at 10.30am on Sunday in church or watch online. There is also a PDF version available.
For anyone who would like a quieter or earlier service, or indeed a Communion service, we have Communion at Rockingham at 9am tomorrow, with William preaching the same sermon.
This Sunday, 24th October, we welcome Matt Morton from Hope Into Action to our HIA Prayer Meeting at 6pm in church. Matt will be explaining the vision behind Hope into Action houses, and the vital role played by the Friendship and Support Group. If you come to this meeting it does not commit you to anything but it is the best way of finding out what is, and is not, involved. If you are interested but can’t get out at 6pm on Sunday you can watch Matt via Zoom by going to this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83597475228?pwd=VytUK0FvcFpNRzFqeVY4YjFyaWZMUT09
Please note that, as well as volunteers to serve on the Friendship and Support Group, we also need people to help decorate the house in Stevenson Way. If you can help in either way there is a sign up sheet at the back of church or you can contact me.Please note that next week’s HIA Prayer Meeting will be from 7pm to 8pm because of the:
Next Sunday, 31st October, we are pleased to be holding a LIGHT PARTY for children and families in the church from 5pm to 6.30pm. More details are on the the poster, which you can also forward to anyone who you think might be interested. This promises to be an exciting time and a great alternative to Halloween. If you have any questions please contact Kevin on 07512 822422
ENERGIZE There are some new children’s resources here, looking at the story of the Cross this week and then the Resurrection next week. After that we are looking forward to re-starting our children’s work in church, beginning with a genuinely ALL AGE service on Sunday 7th November and then ENERGIZE groups will meet again on 14th November.
MINI SCANS Steve has produced another mini SCANS for us this week which is here. This includes a short article by Bishop John, together with a prayer, for the COP 26 Climate Change conference in Glasgow starting next Sunday – I do encourage you to pray for this conference, both in this week before the Conference and while it is happening.
Our Treasurer James Ireland has written to all church members and these letters will be in church for people to collect on Sunday. I would like to echo James’ words of thanks for everyone’s generosity over the last 18 months. Now is the time to prayerfully and thoughtfully review our giving to St Columba’s, which for some may mean a reduction, which is not a problem because we trust that others in our church family will be able to increase their giving. You can watch my sermon from 12th September, when I spoke about giving, here:
On Sunday 7th November at 4pm we will be holding our Memorial Service to remember those who we love but see no longer. Those who have been bereaved over the last two years will receive an invitation but everyone is welcome whenever you were bereaved. There will be opportunity to light a candle in memory of those you are remembering. Please do share this information with anyone you know who might find this service helpful. I finish with an announcement from the Bishop:”The Revd Ian Pullinger has been appointed honorary Canon of Peterborough Cathedral. This is in addition to Ian’s current roles and responsibilities. He will be installed in the Cathedral in November” The important part of that announcement is that it is “in addition”, I’m not going anywhere, and as an Honorary position is not demanding in terms of time, but a recognition of any contribution I have made to the life of the Diocese. I’m pleased that our churchwardens, John and Janet, will be able to join me in the Cathedral for the installation. Unfortunately because of restrictions on numbers I can’t extend the invitation to you all. May God bless you all in this coming week,
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