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31st October 2021

31st October 2021

By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 31 October 2021

Hello everyone, First let me remind you all that we have an extra hour in bed tonight as the clocks go back. That’s the good news, the less good news is that sunset is at 4.30 something on Sunday, and the dark evenings will truly be upon us. To help compensate we have a lot going on at church over the next month, so do read all the details below. Of course, all these activities are subject to Covid, and with that in mind I do encourage people to continue to wear your face covering in church, unless your were exempt from doing so. This is a simple precaution we can take to protect others and to make sure that our church is, and remains, open as a safe place to worship our God. 


This week’s service is HOLY COMMUNION and everyone is welcome to join us in church at 10.30am. If you aren’t able to join us in church then you have two options for worshipping at home, and if you do that don’t forget to have some bread and wine (or fruit juice) available. You can watch the service or you can read the service here


Tomorrow is, as anyone who has been in a shop recently will know, Halloween. As Christians we believe in celebrating the light rather than the dark, so as an alternative to all the usual activities of this evening we are inviting all children and families to join us for our LIGHT PARTY DISCO in church from 5pm to 6.30pm tomorrow evening. The flyer asks encourages everyone to wear something bright and to enjoy glowsticks, neon balloons, photo booth, sensory area and more. If you need any more details do contact Kevin on 07512 822422. 


Because of the Light Party our regular HIA PRAYER MEETING will be at 7pm tomorrow. It was great that so many people came to hear Matt Morton from HIA at last week’s meeting and I do encourage them, and anyone else who may be interested, even a little interested, to sign up for the FREE training day on Saturday 4th December – this is for anyone who wants to be part of the Friendship & Support Group. We also need volunteers to help with the practical tasks of decorating the house before the tenants move in, and maintaining both the house and garden afterwards. Please use the sign up sheet at the back of church.


Next Sunday we have two services. At 10.30am we will have an ALL AGE service looking at climate change, so if that is an issue you care about – come along, and if it is not an issue you care about – come along, and find out why, as Christians, we should! Then at 4pm in the afternoon we have our MEMORIAL SERVICE when we remember those people who have passed away, especially in the two years since we last had such a service. But grief is something that never goes away so everyone is welcome to join us and light a candle as a way of remembering those we love but see no longer.

SUNDAY 14th NOVEMBER This is REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY when our 10.30 service will include the traditional two minute silence to remember all those who have died in the service of their country. As well as remembering those involved in military service we will also have a special focus this year on those who have served their country so well over the months of the Covid pandemic.

SATURDAY 20th NOVEMBER at 7pm This is the date for our TEARFUND BIG QUIZ and you can see a promotional film about it here: The quiz will be simplified this year because of Covid, so we won’t be providing food or drink, but you are welcome to bring your own drinks and snacks. As a result we won’t charge to come along but will take donations on the door and after we have watched the film about Tearfund’s work during the interval. We hope to have a raffle as well to raise a little more money for Tearfund.

SATURDAY 27th NOVEMBER 10am – CHRISTMAS FAYRE If you, or someone you know, would like a table please do get in touch. We hope to have all the usual stalls and to be able to welcome the community to join us for all the fun of the Fayre, BUT we need your help so please do get in touch, or sign up on the list in church, if you are able to help.


This week’s ENERGIZE resources are here with a story to celebrate the resurrection. This is the last week we will include these as we are starting to provide children’s activities in church again from 7th November (ALL AGE SERVICE) and then ENERGIZE again from 14th NOVEMBER. AND FINALLY Steve’s latest collection of “Puzzles and Other Stuff” (the sixtieth – thank you Steve for keeping us all amused, entertained and informed) is here

God bless you all in this coming week, 


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