7th August 2022
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 13 August 2022
Hello again everyone,
What a wonderful time we had last weekend with our CMS mission partners M&H (I will continue to refer to them in that way in emails even though we have now met them and know their names and faces). Learning about their work was fascinating, hearing M preach a sermon for us rather than about him, and then so many of us sharing in fellowship together with them and their children over lunch. And on the subject of lunch a big thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make that time such a success.
I am pleased to report that both Jess Tosh and Sheila & John Pender’s daughter Maria are both progressing after their times in hospital but both continue to need prayer for a full recovery. Please also pray for Kate Montgomery as she has her next course of treatment, as well as for all the Montgomery family as they enjoy some well deserved time away.
We have an All Age Worship service at 10.30am in St Columba’s tomorrow and look forward to seeing many of you there. If you are not able to be there, for whatever reason, there will be a livestream of the service available to watch from 10.30 tomorrow or later in the day. I should say that because Kevin is away I am responsible for the livestream so am hoping there won’t be any technical issues!
The link is: https://youtu.be/aAkZNpllOP0
There will NOT be a Prayer Meeting tomorrow evening in church, but we will gather again next week on Sunday 14th August.
It may seem strange to be mentioning heating as we continue to enjoy such a warm summer, but we all know that colder times will come and we all like to have a warm church in the winter months as well as in summer. Unfortunately two of the heaters in church need to be replaced, and although we have not yet had a quote for this we expect it to be in the region of £5000 so we thought it worth asking if anyone would like to give to a special HEATING APPEAL to pay for these. This appeal is for funds in addition to your regular giving to the church, which are still needed for our day to day expenses and for which we are so very grateful. We hope to have a social event in September to contribute to the HEATING APPEAL but in the mean time any contribution, in an envelope clearly marked HEATING, will be gratefully received. Thank you.
There is no edition of SCANS or Puzzles etc from Steve this week but he is working on the next edition of SCANS which will include reports on Bishop John’s weekend. Steve would be most grateful if people could write reports on the different events that took place, including:
BBQ at the Vicarage
Men’s Breakfast
Prayer on the Street
Murder Mystery Evening
If you can help with this please do so in the next couple of weeks and send either to me or direct to Steve at scansmag@aol.com
Please find the latest Prayer Update from Hope From Above where Tim & Carol Derbyshire work.
NEXT SUNDAY 14th August
We have a HOLY COMMUNION service with activity for children at St Columba’s at 10.30am and a FAMILY SERVICE at Rockingham at 3pm. As mentioned above we will also have our Sunday Prayer Meeting again next week.
May God bless you all in this coming week.
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