14th August 2022
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 20 August 2022
Hello again everyone,
Another hot weekend so I hope you are all managing to stay cool and refreshed. If anyone needs any shopping or any other errands please do ask rather than doing too much yourself.
As I said last week it seems wrong to mention heating with temperatures in the 30s but the time will come when we need our heating and at the moment we need to replace two of the four heaters in the church. Any contributions towards the cost of these heaters, in addition to your regular giving, would be most welcome. Just place them in an envelope marked HEATING and put the envelope in the basket in church. Thank you.
I am pleased to say that when it is really warm churches tend to be cooler than most places (unless they have air conditioning of course), so why not come along tomorrow to enjoy worship, teaching, fellowship and an hour at a slightly cooler temperature!
We have a COMMUNION SERVICE at St Columba’s at 10.30am with a sermon from William looking at the next part of the story of Jonah, and a CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY in church also looking at Jonah. For those unable to join us in person this service will be live streamed, just go to the following link just before 10.30am or later in the day and you will be able to watch the whole service: https://youtu.be/wf3Yz5SG3k4
We also have a FAMILY SERVICE with Baptism at St Leonard’s, Rockingham at 3pm tomorrow afternoon and everyone is welcome to join us for that as well.
We will also be gathering in church at 6pm tomorrow evening for our regular Prayer Meeting, when, as well as praying for our HIA house, our Mission Partners and the needs of our church family, we will be praying for much needed rain.
A couple of people have already agreed to take part in this year’s RIDE & STRIDE to raise money for the Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust and their local church, either St Columba’s or St Leonard’s in our case. We will be cycling on a route still to be decided, but if you would like to join us on Saturday 10th September please do let me know. Alternatively you may like to sit in St Columba’s to welcome any cyclists who may turn up during the day. There will be a sign up sheet in church for people who would like to do this.
We have two services at St Columba’s next Sunday. In the morning an ALL AGE SERVICE at 10.30am and in the afternoon a service of HOLY COMMUNION at 5pm. Can I encourage you to come to the 5pm service, perhaps in addition to the 10.30, because there are some people who are only able to attend in the afternoon and it is encouraging for them to see more people in church.
With very best wishes to you all,
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