31st July 2022
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 6 August 2022
Hello again everyone,
It is good to be back from holiday, refreshed and ready for the next chapter in the story God is writing about his churches at St Columba & the Northern Saints, Corby and St Leonard’s, Rockingham. We have certainly had a good summer so far with the Jubilee celebration and Bishop John’s Weekend, and there is much still to look forward, beginning with the first of three weddings in eight days at Rockingham this afternoon, and continuing with our service and lunch at St Columba’s tomorrow.
We are welcoming our new CMS mission partners, known to us as M & H because of sensitivities about where they work, for their first visit to St Columba’s tomorrow at 10.30am. It will be great to have a really good number of people in church to meet them and hear about their work. Children and young people are especially welcome tomorrow because we have a special Summer session of Energize, also finding out about M & H’s work.
After the service we will have a BRING & SHARE LUNCH in the CHURCH HALL with M & H, so do please join us for that, even if you don’t have any food to bring – I am sure there will be plenty to share.
Please note that, because of the sensitivities about where M & H work, the service tomorrow will not be live streamed so the only way to be involved is to be in church.
We will have our regular Prayer Meeting at 6pm tomorrow in St Columba’s when, as well as praying for our HIA house and the needs of people in our church family, we will be praying for M & H, using the knowledge we have gathered in the morning.
On the subject of people in our church family please pray for:
John & Sheila Pender’s daughter Maria had her operation on Wednesday and the surgeon is pleased with the result, although when Sheila saw Maria she was still in pain and not able to move very much. Please pray for a full recovery, freedom from pain and good movement, which may require more therapy.
Jess Tosh has been in hospital this week but is now home again and thanks everyone for their prayers. The good news is that she did not have a stroke as initially suspected but her mobility is reduced, hopefully just in the short term. Please pray that she regains mobility and that her upcoming appointments for physio and follow up go well.
Sue Scholes is having a procedure to prepare her for dialysis on Wednesday. Please pray that this goes well, and I’m sure Sue would also appreciate prayer that, even at this late stage, her kidney function would improve so that she does not need dialysis.
Miriam and I enjoyed an excellent day at New Wine at the East of England Showground, Peterborough on Monday and I would encourage others to go, although time is running out as Week B finishes before lunch on Wednesday so Monday and Tuesday are the last full days to make the most of this Christian conference happening almost on our doorstep, and New Wine won’t be in Peterborough next year.
Day Tickets allow access to all events, we arrived in time for the main Morning Celebration at 9.15am and left after the Evening Celebration at about 9pm having been to three seminars during the day, and enjoyed time with some old friends! These cost £45 per person and can be bought on the gate or via this link: https://new-wine.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e89eafa09abea41a8dd8bbdd5&id=9c271fdff9&e=9790575aae
Because there is a 24 hour delay with online broadcasts Week B is available from today (Saturday 30th July) to Thursday 4th August but this only gives access to the early morning Bible Teaching and the main Morning & Evening Celebrations each day including the first evening and last morning. PLEASE NOTE the broadcasts are only available for 48 hours. Online tickets cost £40 per household and can be booked via this link:
We look forward to a time of ALL AGE WORSHIP next Sunday morning at St Columba’s, starting as usual at 10.30am. We hope to be back online with a live stream, but as Kevin will be away this will be something of a trial. If anyone is interested in learning how to set up the livestream please do let me know.
Steve is producing another set of Puzzles & Other Stuff which I will send out in a separate email later today as I want to send this before going to the wedding.
(Later addition: Puzzles & Other Stuff.)
God bless you all,
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