6th August 2023
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 12 August 2023
Hello Everyone,
First of all I must apologise to anyone who was watching last week’s livestream which cut off half way through David’s sermon. I hope that this was an isolated problem and all will be well this week. We are still using the old equipment so this is not an issue with anything new. On the subject of livestream a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to the livestream fund, which has now raised enough money to cover our capital costs and the first year’s broadband connection. We are still waiting for Openreach to connect broadband to the church, when they do we will be ready to install the new equipment.
Sunday 6th August
We have an All Age service at St Columba’s on Sunday, looking at the Transfiguration of Jesus in an interactive way, so, even though it is the school holidays, children (and everyone else) will be most welcome to join us. If you are not able to be there this week’s live stream link is:
Our Prayer Meeting will also be happening on Sunday at 6pm in St Columba’s.
Fellowship Groups
These will meet again in St Columba’s on Wednesday at 10.30am and 7.30pm to look at Amos chapters 7 and 8 – we would love to see you there.
Afternoon Tea
The Ladies’ Afternoon Tea meets on Friday 11th August at 3pm in the Church Hall – all ladies welcome for tea, sandwiches, cake and conversation.
Next Sunday 13th August
We have two services next Sunday as follows:
Morning Worship at 10.30am at St Columba’s, led by William with a sermon by Linda
Family Service at Rockingham at 3pm led by David.
Kevin’s Licensing
It is not too late to sign up to attend Kevin’s Licensing service in Long Buckby on Wednesday 23rd August. Please sign up by emailing ianpullinger@btinternet.com or on the list at the back of church.
Carers Coffee Morning
Mary Craig has asked me to mention that there is a coffee morning for Carers at the Autumn Centre on Friday 25th August from 9.30 – 10.30 and all carers are welcome. More details from Mary.
And finally, here is the latest Puzzles and Other Stuff. Steve says there are stories of folk who have had encounters with angels, 11 puzzles and quizzes including one based on the first aid of 1815, a new type of crossword and lots of fascinating facts and pictures. Do have a look.
God be with you,
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