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30th July 2023

30th July 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 5 August 2023

Hello again everyone,

I hope you have all had a good week. I was able to attend the Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust Celebration Evening at Rockingham Castle on Wednesday, with James & Louisa, and Trevor and Donna from Rockingham. It was both an enjoyable evening and an encouragement to hear how some of the money we have raised by taking part in the Ride & Stride has been spent. I was pleased to hear that a number of local churches have benefited from grants, and James discovered that, while St Columba’s may not be as historic as some other churches, we are eligible to apply for a grant. This gives an extra incentive to get ready for this year’s Ride & Stride on Saturday 9th September – look out for more details about that.

Women’s Football World Cup!
Have you been following this, or do you know someone who has? OPEN DOORS have produced a wall chart with a difference, as well as having space to record all the results in the matches from group stages to the final, it highlights the five countries, Nigeria, China, Vietnam, Colombia and Morocco, on the World Watch List, these are countries where Christians experience extreme or very high levels of persecution. We are encouraged to pray for these countries on the days they are playing, for example for China on Tuesday 1st August when they play England. There are prayer requests on the wall chart. We ordered copies for the young people but have some spare, so do pick one up from church on Sunday and don’t forget to pray.

Kevin’s Licensing Service at Long Buckby on Wednesday 23rd August at 7.30pm
If you would like to go to this service please let me know, either by emailing, or by using the sign up sheet in church. We need to know if you would like to go on the minibus and/or if you would be prepared to drive (if so how many passengers you could take, if any). This is because the minibus will not be able to take everyone who wants to go so we will need some people to drive their car.

Sunday’s Service
This Sunday we have a celebration of Holy Communion at St Columba’s at 10.30am, with David preaching about Mary, the sister of Martha. There are no children’s groups as it is the summer holidays, but there will be Activity Sheets available for those who would like them. If you are not able to be in church then you can watch the service here: (Editor’s note: Unfortunately due to technical difficulties this recording stopped part-way through.)

Prayer Meeting
We have our regular 6pm gathering for prayer in St Columba’s on Sunday – do come along if you have any special prayer request, for you or for someone else, or simply to enjoy an hour of fellowship and prayer.

Fellowship Groups
We continue our study of Amos on Wednesday, at either 10.30am or 7.30pm in St Columba’s. This week we look at chapters 5 and 6. Everyone is welcome and you don’t have to have been to any of the previous weeks to join us.

Next Sunday
There is a service of All Age Worship at St Columba’s on Sunday 6th August at 10.30am and our Prayer Meeting at 6pm

The latest printed edition of SCaNS is still available in church. During the summer Steve will not be producing Puzzles & Other Stuff every week, however there is plenty of reading material to inspire you and your prayers – see below.

Hope From Above Newsletter
Here is the latest newsletter from Hope From Above, which includes the story of how Tim Derbyshire, who we support, came to serve with them.

Hope Into Action Newsletter
Hope Into Action, who we support with a house in Corby, have also published their latest newsletter this week and you can read that here:

And finally a reminder about…Shoeboxes
A few weeks back I mentioned that James & Louisa sometimes spot suitable presents during the year, perhaps while away on holiday. If you would like to spread your buying for a shoebox it might help to start buying now. Also James plans to organise a shoebox packing time at which any suitable gift can be brought along, you don’t have to fill a whole box, individual gifts can be put together to make up boxes, so if you see something you think is suitable (small toys, games, etc) do buy it and put it in a safe place!

God bless you all in this coming week,


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