4th June 2023
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 10 June 2023
Good afternoon church!
Although I realise it may not be afternoon when you read this! Nonetheless I am sitting here at the Montgomery household enjoying the glorious sunshine this weekend has brought us and looking at God’s creation around me, thankful for all He has done and is continuing to do.
My thoughts are also with all those who need prayer this week, and I would encourage us to remember all of those in prayer who continue to need healing, to know God and His love for them.
Do also be praying for all that is going on in the life of the church as we continue to love and serve our church family and our community.
Ian and Miriam are away after this Sunday for a week, so please pray for a relaxing and refreshing time for them both – and that the sunshine continues!
TRINITY SUNDAY 4th June 2023
10:30am After celebrating Pentecost last week, we look forward to Trinity Sunday this week and our All Age Celebration Service here at St Columba, we’d love to see you there but if you aren’t able to be there in person you can still be with us online as normal. https://youtube.com/live/cFXfnuGLql4?feature=share
6pm We gather for our prayer meeting here at St Columba, we have a faithful core of people joining us each week but are happy to welcome more so if you keen to pray, or indeed need prayer then do join us this Sunday evening.
There are no fellowship groups this week but they will be back next week on the 14th June.
The Ladies afternoon tea is on this Friday at 3pm in the St Columba church hall, do come along and enjoy a great afternoon together.
We have several funerals coming up at St Columba, please do be praying for all the families involved. I’d like to particularly mention the funeral of Eileen Hippey this Tuesday the 6th June at 12pm at St Columba. Please be praying for Caroline and for all the family and friends of Eileen at this time.
I also met with the family of John Burnett whose funeral is on the 12th June at 10am here at St Columba, I understand he and his wife Carol attended St Columba regularly and were involved in children’s work and pathfinders, although a good few years ago some you might well remember them, please keep Carol and the family in your prayers as well.
We also have the funeral service of Marjorie Childs on the 13th June at 12pm, who again I understand was part of the St Columba church family in the past. Please pray for her family at this time.
We have our Holy Communion service at 10:30am at St Columba in the morning and our prayer meeting at 6pm.
St Leonard also have something very special happening, Rockingham Castle is having a Teddy Bear’s Picnic and as it coincides with the St Leonard Family Service they are having a Teddy Bear’s service led by our very own David Bavin and the crew from St Leonard. It’s at 3pm so do go along if you can and of course – take a teddy bear!
Most of you will have heard this if you were at church last week, but to let you all know I have been offered and accepted the post of Vicar of the parishes of Long Buckby with Watford and West Haddon with Winnick. It’s a wonderful set of four rural parishes about 10 miles outside of Northampton in the evangelical tradition of the Church of England.
Obviously I am sad to be leaving the St Columba and St Leonard church families but for curates it is expected and always a season to learn and grow in their ministry before moving on to lead and serve another church family.
My last Sunday at St Columba will be the 9th July and my licensing at the new parishes takes place on the 23rd August at 7:30pm at St Lawrence, Long Buckby.
We are planning a church lunch on the 9th July straight after the morning service to have a proper opportunity to say goodbye, do put it in your diary if you are able to make it – it would be great to have you there.
I have linked here a copy of the announcement for those who like to see these things.
There’s another great edition of Steve’s Puzzles and Other Stuff here, ducks quack, eagles soar – have a read to find out more!
May you know the peace of God this week and the presence of the Holy Spirit with you.
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