11th June 2023
By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 11 June 2023
Good Morning Church!
I wonder how many of you will have spotted something about yesterday (Friday 9th June)?
It’s not social media, or celebrity, or something particular in the news. Instead Friday 9th June is the day we remember St Columba, or as we call him in Ireland, Colum Cille (it means Dove of the Church). If you’re at church this Sunday or indeed watching online then do keep your eyes and ears open and I’m sure you’ll hear a mention of him!
St Columba was heavily involved in setting up the monastery in Iona and even through the ups and downs of the centuries we are still seeing the fruit of the spirituality of that community today as God is worshipped daily amongst the people who reside there still.
Why not stop in the stillness and the quiet and spend a moment with God, in amongst all the busyness of life, relax and refresh yourself in His presence. I pray that each of us will know that moment of peace each day as we dwell in that place of peace.
SUNDAY 11th JUNE 2023
10:30am Holy Communion – Join us this Sunday for our Holy Communion service as we come before God together. If you are unable to be there you can still be with us online; https://youtube.com/live/wx9eLhGNqEw?feature=share
3pm Teddy Bear’s Service at St Leonard, Rockingham. You don’t have to go down to the woods today to meet the Teddy Bears – just come along to St Leonard at 3pm and enjoy our service and making a Bear biscuit, bring a Teddy Bear if you have one and of course yourselves!
Our fellowship groups return this Wednesday, in the morning at 10:30am and then in the evening at 7:30pm, do come along as we spend some time looking at God’s word together.
10:30am Holy Communion – It’s Fathers Day and we come together in Holy Communion worshipping our Father God and celebrating those father figures we have in our lives.
Steve has provided us with another edition and we’re up to 99, no flake in this one but plenty of fun puzzles and more! I also hear from him that there will be another Mini-SCaNS coming up soon.
Have a great week, may you know God’s blessing and strength in all that you do. May you know the peace of God in the moment of stillness and may His Spirit be with you.
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