28th May 2023
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 3 June 2023
Hello again everyone,
It has been an interesting week, including the encouragement of times spent together in prayer, both at St Columba’s and at Gretton with the “Thy Kingdom Come” gathering on Thursday, but at the same time several people in our church family are in particular need (see Prayer News below) and the need for us to pray is as great as ever. In that context it may seem a shame that we don’t have our Prayer Meeting tomorrow evening, but there will be time to pray for all those in need (including you if you tell us your prayer request, either by coming along to the service or by replying to this email) in the service at 6pm tomorrow when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit.
There are many people we need to remember in prayer including:
Margaret Smith, having come out of hospital last Saturday, had to go back in on Thursday. Please pray that Margaret is able to receive treatment to enable her to make a full recovery and also for her husband Ian who is understandably worried.
Trevor Wade has Covid, as does Lesley, but not Kath as I told some people yesterday. Trevor says that Covid is not as bad as last time, but he is very tired so please pray again for a quick recovery.
Shamaila has been unwell all week and was given a blood transfusion yesterday which has led to her feeling much better and with more energy today. She says “praise the Lord for his unfailing and unconditional love” to which we all say Amen, but please continue to pray that Shamaila is restored to full health.
There are three services on Sunday as follows:
9am at St Leonard’s, Rockingham – HOLY COMMUNION
10.30am at St Columba’s, Corby – HOLY COMMUNION with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. This service will also be available to watch on youtube by going to the following link: https://youtube.com/live/0NN5VMXzwIk?feature=share
6pm at St Columba’s, Corby – PENTECOST PRAISE an evening of worship celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Our Fellowship Groups will meet again on Wednesday next week at 10.30am and 7.30pm continuing to look at the Beatitudes from Matthew 5 – everyone is welcome.
We are looking for helpers, young and not so young, for the new church vegetable garden. There will be an opportunity to meet and work together on Saturday 3rd June from 1.00pm – just come along to church. Tea and cake will be provided. If you want to know more, or would like to help but can’t next Saturday, please speak with John Lynch.
At St Columba’s we have an ALL AGE SERVICE for Trinity Sunday with input from our children and young people at 10.30am and our PRAYER MEETING at 6pm.
The latest Puzzles & Other Stuff is here. This includes a piece on “You’re never too old/ young to do things for/with God” with illustrations from the lives of well-known people, a moving assignment by a boy with autism, and the usual puzzles, quizzes, and Dingbats. Please let Steve know (by replying to this email if necessary) what you enjoy and what you like and would like more of.
May God bless you all in this coming week,
01536 400225
07903 644609