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23rd July 2023

23rd July 2023

By Riaan Niemandt in Sunday Service on 23 July 2023

Hello everyone,

The school summer holidays are upon us and while I realise that doesn’t impact all of us it will mean a different feel to life, and some church services, over the next six weeks, not least as ENERGIZE will be taking a well earned break after tomorrow. Some families will be away over the summer, whether that is a long delayed trip to Ghana or camping in Cornwall (that’s not us this year!), but others will be around and in church more, so do make sure that we welcome children and young people, as well as parents who perhaps won’t enjoy the peace of church after the children have gone out! 

Thank you to those people who donated to our LIVESTREAM FUND to cover the cost of a camera and broadband installation, as well as the ongoing costs of broadband which enables us to upload the service onto youtube. Any further contributions are welcome, either in an envelope marked LIVESTREAM in the offering basket, on the Card Reader (but please speak with me if you use this so your donation can be properly designated) or direct to our Bank Account using the reference LIVESTREAM. Thank you.

Last Sunday we were blessed and challenged by Spyros, our Tearfund speaker, to reflect on the work they are doing around the world to end poverty by empowering and equipping local churches. There are still a few leaflets at the back of church explaining more about that work and how you can help put prayers into practice by giving, or you can go to to make a donation.   

There is more about Tearfund in the latest edition of SCaNS, a print version, which, all being well, will be available to pick up in church tomorrow so do look out for that. This also includes a piece about Kevin’s farewell and his new benefice, some more of St Columba’s history including when we had robed choirs, as well as 11 puzzles to keep you guessing. Thank you Steve for this.

Sunday 23rd July

We have a choice of three services tomorrow:

9am Holy Communion at Rockingham

10.30am Morning Worship at St Columba’s with ENERGIZE groups for the final time this term. This service will also be available to watch on youtube for anyone not able to get to church by going to the following link:

6pm Holy Communion at St Columba’s – so no Prayer Meeting next week.

Fellowship Groups

These will continue on Wednesday at 10.30am and 7.30pm, looking at the book of Amos, chapter 4 this week, and everyone is welcome.

Next Sunday, 30th July, we have just one service at St Columba’s, Holy Communion at 10.30am. 

May God be with you all in this coming week.


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