29th May 2022
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 2 June 2022
Hello everyone,
Lots of news in this week’s email again, beginning with the sad news that Tracy Ward passed away last Sunday evening. Tracy had not been well for some time and had declined since Christmas but her passing was still sudden, although as Chris said: “she’s in a much better place now and I take some comfort that I was there for her in our safe place (home) and she didn’t suffer.” Please pray for Chris and their children and wider family and friends. There is no news as yet about when Tracy’s funeral will be.
A good time was had by all at the Jubilee Afternoon Tea at Lodge Park on Wednesday. Here is a photo of the day to get you in the mood for our
JUBILEE CELEBRATION next Sunday, 5th June. Thank you to all those who volunteered to help next Sunday, you will be contacted in the next couple of days with details of exactly what you will be asked to do, and when. If anyone else would like to help please do contact me.
Do remember that although our service, held outside weather permitting, won’t start until 11am you will need to register for lunch before that (although registration will open again after the service until we reach the 200 limit). Parking may be more difficult as the church car park will be closed, but there is space on a Sunday behind the vicarage in the Nursery Car Park. Don’t forget to come dressed up ready to have your photo taken with the Queen!
After the service Lunch will be served in the Hall. We encourage people to sit outside, but there will be a few tables and chairs in the Hall for those who will find that helpful. The Tea Tent will be open after lunch serving tea and cakes. We will begin our programme of entertainment from about 1pm until about 3.30pm.
There will be Communion services at St Columba’s tomorrow, 29th May, at 10.30am and 5pm. There will be different sermons in the two services, so no reason not to come to both, and stay on for the HOPE INTO ACTION Prayer Meeting at 6pm. For those who are not able to be in church there will once again be a live stream of the 10.30 service available to watch at that time, or later in the day, via this link: https://youtu.be/EurDR7gTK6A
I know we have only just come home from this year’s Spring Harvest but it is nearly time to book for next year. There is a short film about Spring Harvest for anyone who has not been before which we will show in church tomorrow or you can watch here: https://youtu.be/0zLPgMFkjlY
Next year we are planning to go to Skegness from Easter Monday 10th to Friday 14th April which is in most school holidays. We hope to be able to book apartment accommodation that costs £219 per person, where you will be sharing with others from the church family, but if you prefer just a room with bathroom then it will be £185 per person. If you want to be catered for in the church group it will cost about £10 per person extra, if you choose Butlin’s catering the costs per adult are £91 for Food Court or £119.80 for Premium. The bookings open on Wednesday 8th June so we need to know who would like to come by next Sunday 5th June and then to receive a deposit from everyone of £35 per adult and £20 per child aged between 2 – 14.
For any further details please speak to Miriam.
Over the months since Covid started Steve has produced a magnificent 100 online publications (77 “Puzzles & Stuff” and 23 “mini SCANS”) for our instruction, entertainment, and, occasionally, frustration when we can’t solve the puzzles. This week’s offering includes background information on Philippi where our Bible readings last week and this are set, as well as puzzles and notices about upcoming events. Why not get in touch with Steve to congratulate him on his faithful service: scansmag@aol.com
We don’t usually have a small ads column in these emails, but my neighbour asked if I could advertise the following and, as I am hoping he will come to the Jubilee Celebration and to hear Bishop John, I said “Yes, of course”:
Washing Machine for Sale – BRAND NEW
Indesit 7kg white £140 o.n.o.
call 07496 037515
Following our APCM last Sunday the PCC will be meeting on Tuesday 31st May at 7.30pm. Here is a copy of the APCM minutes. There are printed copies of the accounts available in church.
With best wishes
01536 400225
07903 644609