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22nd May 2022

22nd May 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 28 May 2022

Hello again,

I start this week with an apology and a correction. Apologies for confusion caused over the day of the Men’s Group meeting – a good time was had by all on Thursday (very sorry to anyone who came on Wednesday) and the next date is Thursday 16th June for a country walk – to a pub! Full details from Kevin or Riaan.

And the correction concerns the UNITED PRAYER FOR CORBY event which is happening tomorrow (Sunday 22nd) at the knife angel but starts at 6pm (not 6.30 as given in last week’s email). The Corbychurches are joining together to pray for our town during the visit of the knife angel and asking God to bless and protect the people of Corby.


There is a Communion service at 9am in St Leonard’s Rockingham and Morning Worship at 10.30am in St Columba’s, Corby, together with Energize groups for children and young people. This service will be available as a live stream at 10.30am tomorrow or later:

Because of the United Prayer event in Town there is no HIA Prayer Meeting in church tomorrow.


Liz and Noel are raising money for two charities, SPECTRUM GAMING and YOUTH WORKS NORTHAMPTONSHIRE that have really helped them as a family over the last year. They would be really grateful for any donations which can be made by going to this link:


If anyone who took a Traidcraft catalogue last Sunday would like to place an order through Miriam (saving on P&P) please let her know, she will be placing an order next week. Please give Miriam details tomorrow or reply to this email. Thank you.


This week we have a mini SCANS from Steve with another tear jerking story for you.


There is still space if anyone would like to go to Lodge Park Academy for an AFTERNOON TEA in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Wednesday 25th May at 2pm. Please let me know if you would like to come along and I will book you in. .


This Thursday is Ascension Day and there will be a service of Holy Communion at St Michael’s Great Oakley at 7.30pm to which everyone is very welcome. Please let me know if you would like a lift.


We have Communion services at 10.30am and 5pm next Sunday, with different sermons, so no reason not to come to both. The HIA Prayer Meeting will be happening again as well.


It is two weeks to our PLATINUM JUBILEE CELEBRATION on Sunday 5th June. We start with a service outside on the grass (weather permitting) at 11am, a slightly later start to give time to set up and to move neatly to the BIG LUNCH at 12 noon. We are providing a FREE lunch to the first 200 people who register from 10.45 onwards, so if you are coming or inviting people make sure to come to the service and register for lunch. Then in the afternoon there is Entertainment & Family Fun with various Community Groups. A big thank you to the people who have volunteered to help. Please do plan to come along and invite friends and family to join us for this very special occasion.


Those people who are in church tomorrow will be given a booklet of daily Bible studies by the Archbishop of Canterbury to be used in the days between Ascension Day (Thursday) and Pentecost (Sunday 5th June). This is also to encourage you to pray for five people during these days, people you might be inviting to the Jubilee Celebration or to Bishop John’s Weekend in July. If you are not in church and would like a copy please do get in touch and we can deliver one to you.

With best wishes,


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