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28th April 2024

28th April 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 4 May 2024

Good Morning Everyone,

This has been a difficult week for two of our younger members who both spent time in hospital, but I am pleased to say that after we mobilised some people to pray, and treatment at KGH, both were able to return home. We look forward to hearing about one of them in our Praises for Prayer slot in the Morning Worship at St Columba’s tomorrow.

Bearing in mind this is our YEAR OF PRAYER this prompts me to say three things:
first, if you or someone you know is in urgent need of prayer please let me know and I can then circulate that prayer request and multiply the prayer support;
second, if you would like to be informed of prayer requests so that you can pray, please let me know and I will add you to the list;
and third, if you have had an answer to prayer, why not share that in a future Praises for Prayer slot, this will encourage us all to pray more, and to give thanks for answered prayer.

We have two services and a Prayer Meeting tomorrow so do try and make it to one, or more, of the following:
9am at St Leonard’s, Rockingham – HOLY COMMUNION
10.30am at St Columba’s, Corby – MORNING WORSHIP this service will be available to watch on Youtube by going to this link:
There will also be ENERGIZE groups for children and young people who will be preparing for next week’s All Age Worship.
6pm at St Columba’s, Corby – PRAYER MEETING, which will include prayer for our CMS Mission Partners, see more below.

We have the first meeting of our FAITH CONFIRMED Group at the Vicarage on Thursday evening this week at 7.30pm. I have contacted the people who I know are interested in being baptised and/or confirmed, but if this is something that interests you please do get in touch and you would be welcome to join us.

We have two services again next Sunday, both at St Columba’s:
10.30am ALL AGE WORSHIP looking at the story of the Ascension
6pm – HOLY COMMUNION. This is a smaller and quieter service than our morning Communions, but is a full service including Bible reading, sermon and prayers to which everyone is welcome. As a result of this service there will be no Prayer Meeting next Sunday.

On Saturday 18th May we are opening our doors for murder, acted out by the Great Easton Little Theatre Company, but they need our help to solve the crime, so do come along and work out whodunnit! Tickets cost £5 and will be available from tomorrow and include a Fish & Chip supper – a great value night out.

The latest Prayer Letter from M&H, our CMS Mission Partners is on display at the back of church. Please do have a read as we are not able to distribute this electronically for security reasons.
Also, here is the latest PRAYER UPDATE from Hope From Above.

Also here is the 40th edition of online Mini-SCaNS. Steve writes: “Great true story about a young man who died, met Jesus, and was challenged by Him over what he was doing with his life. It’s a story that changed my own life as I explain later in the article. Then there’s a moving story about Mission Aviation Fellowship opening five new runways in five months in Papua New Guinea (PNG). I was moved by a local leader’s words at the opening of one, “We haven’t had any teachers, schools, health centres or healthcare workers here since 1975 – not even an educated individual from our village. Today, however, signifies a new beginning…” That statistic is mind–blowing! When Britain was the colonial power we had set up 800 runways…but since independence in 1973 that dropped to 300. A small independent country just doesn’t have the resources. St. Columba’s has had links with PNG and MAF as explained in the article. Lots of puzzles, including some based on well-known and former celebrities. Also, an easy simple recipe. Do let me have your favourite for future issues – but they must be easy and quick.”
Steve is taking a week off next week but look out for a new printed SCaNS on 12th May.

God bless you all, and don’t forget if you are need of prayer just get in touch, either by replying to this message, or by using the numbers below.


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