21st April 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 27 April 2024
Hello everyone,
I must begin this week’s message with some very exciting family news, Ruth gave birth to a son, Alfie, last Sunday morning. If you would like to know all the details please do ask Miriam or myself. They have had to stay in hospital until today, but that has not stopped us making a couple of visits! I will share a picture in church on Sunday!
I am sending the email early as there is lots going on this weekend, starting tomorrow with our tidy up of the church car park, and then in the evening our Family Quiz night. Full details of these are below but please do try and come along if you are able. I would also like to invite you to a special Sharing Faith Celebration at Rockingham Castle next month which Bishop Debbie will be attending, again see below for details. There are also details of our services on Sunday and next week and the latest Puzzles and Other Stuff.
If you are able to come along tomorrow (Saturday) from 10am to help tidy the church car park it would be much appreciated. I am told all helpers will be rewarded with cake baked by Sheila, as well as having a sense of satisfaction at making the external appearance of our church look better. On that point it is great to see the difference John Lynch has made to the grass, but it would be really helpful if there were a few others who could help with this, please ask John for information.
On Saturday evening we have our family friendly Quiz Night in St Columba’s Church Hall, starting at 7pm and finishing about 9pm. Nibbles will be provided but please bring your own drinks. You can either come in a team or on your own.
We have a service of Holy Communion at St Columba’s at 10.30am with Linda preaching on the prayer in Acts 4.23-31. There will be ENERGIZE groups for children and young people and the service will be available to watch as a livestream here:
In the evening at 6pm we will have our PRAYER MEETING in St Columba’s at 6pm.
There is a choice of service next Sunday, with HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham at 9am and MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s at 10.30am. The St Columba’s service will include ENERGIZE groups for children and young people.
Some of you may remember that last year as part of Thy Kingdom Come the Bishop’s Chaplain made a pilgrimage across the diocese between Ascension Day and Pentecost. This year the Thy Kingdom Come Pilgrimage is happening from 9 May until the 19 May and two teams will walk the boundaries of the Diocese. The team coming to our Deanery is led by Charlie Nobbs, Director of Mission, who will be sharing stories of faith. They will be walking from Oakham to Rockingham on the 13th May and there will be a special celebration evening at Rockingham Castle from 7.30pm until 9pm at which our new Bishop Debbie Sellin will be speaking. There will be light refreshments of tea/coffee and cake before the evening begins.
This event is open to all but PLEASE LET ME KNOW THIS WEEKEND if you would like to attend as we have to give an indication of numbers to the Castle.
Please find here a special edition of Puzzles and Other Stuff on the theme of Doubt. Steve writes: There’s some quite strong stuff in it, the lead article telling of a young man’s loss of faith when his friend committed suicide, and of God’s gentle voice calling him back, “I still love you! It’s OK to doubt” – and that’s followed by another extract from my sermon on doubt, telling of how Jesus dealt with Satan’s lies, God liking to call imperfect people like you and me, and how people have wrestled with and dealt with doubt. Some very funny Health & Safety tales, a great story of a young couple getting ready to marry–with a warning not to make assumptions, and lots of puzzles. Former Curate, Kevin Fitzgibbon makes an appearance and the Archdeacon wonders if some of our churches might be like Pompeii !!
God bless you all,
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