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26th June 2022

26th June 2022

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 4 July 2022

Hello again everyone,

Exciting time are ahead for us at St Columba’s, especially with the visit of Bishop John to be with us next weekend.

We have a varied programme of events (see below) lined up when Bishop John visits next weekend but in order to make them successful we do need your support. There are three things you can all do to support the weekend:

  1. PRAY – you can do this at home (do make use of the Prayer for the Weekend ) but you can also join with us at church, tomorrow after the Healing Service at about 6pm, on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm, or on Friday morning at 8.45am with the Bishop.
  2. INVITE – it is not too late to invite your friends, family, neighbours, colleagues, whoever to join us at one or other of the events. We have a variety so there will be something for (almost) everyone and they all promise to be enjoyable events in their own right, but with the added bonus of having an opportunity to hear the Bishop speak and ask him questions if you would like.
  3. JOIN IN – while some events are targeted (Mens’ Breakfast, Ladies Afternoon Tea – at the request of the ladies) most are open to anyone. The murder mystery evening, for example, needs people to come along to make it work so please do SIGN UP either on the sheets in church or by replying to this message and book your place.

The full programme is as follows:
9.30    Meet with Year 5 from Woodnewton School in church
12.30  Meet Lodge Park Academy students & staff over lunch
3.00    Ladies Afternoon Tea at St Columba’s *
Bishop John will speak before sandwiches, cakes & tea are shared along with conversation with Bishop John & one another.
7.00    BBQ at The Vicarage *
ALL welcome if you bring a guest who doesn’t yet come to church. Bishop John will speak and there will be lots of conversation.

9.00    Men’s Breakfast in St Columba’s Hall *
All men are invited and encouraged to bring a guest to hear and chat with Bishop John and enjoy a Full English (or Irish or Scottish or indeed a Vegetarian or Continental alternative)
11.00  Prayer on the Streets
Join us in church before we head out onto our local streets with Bishop John to ask people what we can pray for them and invite them to the special service at church on Sunday.
2.30    Rockingham Castle Event
This is for the people of Rockingham village but we need volunteers to help with catering and everyone to pray.
7.00    Murder Mystery Evening in St Columba’s Hall *
An evening of mystery & intrigue as well as fine food & conversation. Open to all for a donation, guests are especially welcome. This Grand Dinner is set on the eve of the Queen’s Coronation and is an event on its own, so well worth inviting people to. We have included an opportunity for Bishop John to speak and chat with all the guests.SUNDAY 3rd JULY
10.30  Morning Worship at St Columba’s
A special Invitation Service for family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc with Bishop John speaking.
3.00    Worship at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
Another invitation service with Bishop John speaking and for you to pray for, go to and invite people to.

Before all of the above we have services tomorrow (Sunday 26th June) as follows:
9am Holy Communion at St Leonard’s Rockingham
10.30 Holy Communion at St Columba’s with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people.
If you are not able to be at church tomorrow this service will be available as a livestream from 10.30 on Sunday, or it can be watched later, via this link:
5pm Healing Service at St Columba’s – do come along if you or someone you know needs prayer for healing of body, mind or spirit.
followed by HIA PRAYER MEETING at about 6pm including prayer for Bishop John’s Weekend
Please pray for Isobel Wasson whose brother died this week and also for Michael Cain who is in hospital but unfortunately not able to receive visitors because of Covid on the ward.

Please find the latest Puzzles and Other Stuff from Steve. It comes complete with a moving story, some wonderful testimonies of faith under persecution from Open Doors and plenty of quizzes and puzzles to keep you busy.

May God bless you all in this coming week and us, as a church, over next weekend.


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