19th June 2022
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 24 June 2022
Dear Friends,
Welcome to this week’s email with information about BISHOP JOHN’S WEEKEND in just two weeks time. Do have a read, think and pray about what you might come to, and who among your family & friends, neighbours & colleagues, you may invite to join you. We will be praying for the weekend in our
PRAYER MEETING tomorrow evening at 6pm so please do join us if you are able. We will also have an extra Prayer Meeting on Wednesday 29th June at 7.30pm to pray for the Weekend, and on Friday 1st July we will welcome Bishop John to Corby with a time of prayer at 8.45am. And please do pray every day at home, using the Prayer for the Weekend which has been written by Patience Tafuma.
Before that we have our FATHER’S DAY SERVICE tomorrow morning at 10.30am. This will be an ALL AGE service and children of all ages are especially welcome. If you are not able to join us in church there will be a livestream available to watch from 10.30am tomorrow or afterwards. You need to go to the following link: https://youtu.be/1iMjr2_7xHI
Tracy Ward’s funeral will be at Kettering Crematorium on Monday 20th June at 3.30pm. Everyone is welcome and Chris asks people not to wear black.
Sheila O’Shea’s funeral will be at St Columba’s on Tuesday 21st June at 12 noon, followed by Committal at Shire Lodge. Again everyone is welcome and people are asked to wear bright colours.
Please do keep Chris and Michael in your prayers, and also Rosemary McSherry as her sister Bridget’s funeral is next week.
On 26th June we have COMMUNION SERVICES at Rockingham at 9am and St Columba’s at 10.30am and also a HEALING SERVICE at St Columba’s at 5pm. Please do come along to the Healing Service if you or someone you know needs prayer for healing of body, mind or spirit, or if you want to give thanks for healing received.
There is lots going on so do take note of all the following, for your prayers but also so that you can think what would be suitable for you to invite people to.
This information will also be given out to people in church tomorrow. For the events marked * it will be helpful to have an indication of numbers so please sign up at the back of church – and don’t forget to include your guests! Those in bold are open to all, those in normal type are either for schools or exclusively for Rockingham.
8.45 Prayer for the Weekend at St Columba’s
9.30 Meet with Year 5 from Woodnewton School in church
12.30 Meet Lodge Park Academy students & staff over lunch
3.00 Ladies Afternoon Tea at St Columba’s *
Bishop John will speak before sandwiches, cakes & tea are shared along with conversation with Bishop John & one another.
7.00 BBQ at The Vicarage *
ALL welcome if you bring a guest who doesn’t yet come to church. Bishop John will speak and there will be lots of conversation.
9.00 Men’s Breakfast in St Columba’s Hall *
All men are invited and encouraged to bring a guest to hear and chat with Bishop John and enjoy a Full English!
11.00 Prayer on the Streets
Join us in church before we head out onto our local streets with Bishop John to ask people what we can pray for them and invite them to the special service at church on Sunday.
2.30 Rockingham Castle Event
This is for the people of Rockingham village but we need volunteers to help with catering and everyone to pray.
7.00 Murder Mystery Evening in St Columba’s Hall *
An evening of mystery & intrigue as well as fine food & conversation. Open to all for a donation, guests are especially welcome. This Grand Dinner is set on the eve of the Queen’s Coronation and is an event on its own, so well worth inviting people to. We have included an opportunity for Bishop John to speak and chat with all the guests.
10.30 Morning Worship at St Columba’s
A special Invitation Service for family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc with Bishop John speaking.
3.00 Worship at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
Another invitation service with Bishop John speaking and for you to pray for, go to and invite people to.
This promises to be an exciting weekend, and it will be made even more exciting if we join in the various events and invite those people we know to come along too. There is nothing quite so uplifting as being part of the process of introducing someone you know to Jesus, a process that usually involves many people. The teams putting on these events will be ready, Bishop John is ready, but we all need to invite people. Remember the response to your invitation does not depend on you, AND the most unlikely people (remember Saul who became Paul) may be the ones who say Yes!
It was good to hear from Tim & Carol Derbyshire and about their work with Hope From Above in Australia last Sunday. If anyone would like a copy of their newsletter please do ask. Here is the latest HFA UPDATE including details of one of the unreached people groups that Tim & Carol were speaking about.
May God bless you all.
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