Latest News From Our Blog

20th August 2023

20th August 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 26 August 2023

Hello Everyone,

I am sending an email out early this week because it includes an invitation which, ideally, I need a response to before Sunday, so please see below about the Women’s World Cup Final.

However sadly before that I must ask for your prayers for our Christian brothers and sisters in Pakistan. Shamaila sent me some distressing pictures of an attack on a church which took place on Wednesday. Apparently many churches have been burnt and Christians’ houses looted, so please keep the Christians in prayer, asking for protection and faithfulness in the face of persecution.

It can’t have escaped your notice that the Women’s World Cup Final, England v Spain, is happening on Sunday morning at 11am. Let me say first of all that this will not impact our worship which will happen as usual on Sunday at 10.30 (see below). However for those who would like to see the match in full AND attend church we will be recording all the action at the Vicarage and inviting anyone who would like to join us to come and watch the match AFTER church. We will provide drinks and snacks, which is why we need a response – if you are likely to join us please let us know as soon as possible.

For this plan to work we do need EVERYONE in church to observe a social media silence during and after the service so that no news from Sydney reaches us before we sit down to watch the match.

Any questions – please do ask.

The service at St Columba’s on Sunday morning at 10.30 is ALL AGE WORSHIP. This will be available to watch on Youtube by going to this link:

We will also have our regular PRAYER MEETING at 6pm on Sunday evening when we will be especially remembering the Church in Pakistan.

There will be a sign up sheet in church on Sunday for anyone who would like to be involved in the NEW Homegroups that we hope will start in September. You can indicate that you would like to attend a group, host a group in your home or lead a group (either in your home or someone else’s). Obviously until we have seen who is volunteering to host we can’t say where the groups will be, but I hope there will be a mix of daytime and evening groups in different parts of town, and beyond, something for everyone in fact. If you are not in church please reply to this email saying if you would like to attend/host/lead a group.

Because these groups are being set up there will be no Fellowship Groups in church over the next couple of weeks.

This is happening on Wednesday 23rd August and I will have tickets for the minibus to distribute on Sunday to those who signed up. These cost £15 each and the bus will be leaving from church at 6.15pm, returning between 10 and 10.30pm. If you did not sign up but would like to go and need transport please let me know as soon as possible.

If you are not able to be there please pray for Kevin as he begins his ministry in Long Buckby, West Haddon, Watford and Winwick.

We have two services of HOLY COMMUNION on Sunday 27th August:
9am at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30 at St Columba’s, Corby. This service will have activities for children and be available as a livestream.

Some sad news for those of you who remember Brian Hunter. He passed away recently and there will be a service to celebrate his life on Monday 4th September at 1pm in St Columba’s, followed by refreshments in the Hall. The service will be led by Damian Carr from Hope Church.

May God bless you all,


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