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27th August 2023

27th August 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 2 September 2023

Hello everyone,

It does not seem possible that the summer holidays are coming to an end, some of our young people are already back at school and others will be returning in a week or so. With this in mind we will be having a BACK TO SCHOOL WITH GOD service next Sunday (3rd September), aimed not just at children and young people returning to, or starting at, school but all those who work in schools as well. If you know anyone who fits into any of these groups do invite them to join us at St Columba’s for that service.

It was good to be in Long Buckby on Wednesday for Kevin’s licensing service and to meet some of the people there who he will be serving. Here are a couple of photos of this occasion, one of Kevin giving out notices during the service, and the other of him celebrating afterwards with Michael. If you have any photos of the occasion please send them to me or Steve for publication in a future SCaNS.

On the subject of SCaNS here is the latest mini SCaNS with lots to keep you challenged, entertained and stimulated over the Bank Holiday weekend.

At our next PCC meeting we will be discussing our church services and asking questions such as: what do people find helpful, and what not so helpful; what would they like more, or less, of; is the pattern of services right (usually two Communion services, one All Age and one Morning Worship each month); how can we make the services more accessible to those who don’t regularly come to church while at the same time meeting the needs of those who come week by week. If you have any thoughts about these or any other issues to do with our Services please speak with a PCC member (their names and photos are at the back of church by the coffee table) or email

PCC members please note that this meeting will now be on Tuesday 5th September (not Wednesday 6th) so that Janet can attend. I will be sending the agenda out next week.

Sunday 27th August
There are two services tomorrow as follows:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30am HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s, Corby. This service will have resources available for children and will be livestreamed on youtube by going to the following link:

There won’t be a Prayer Meeting this Sunday but we will gather again at 6pm on Sunday 3rd September.

Thank you to all those people who have signed up to be part of the Homegroups that we are starting next month. If you have not yet done so please either make use of the sheet in church or email saying if and when (daytime or evening and a preferred day if you have one) you would like to attend and if you would consider hosting and/or leading a group.

NEXT SUNDAY 3rd September
As mentioned above we have our special BACK TO SCHOOL WITH GOD Service next Sunday morning at 10.30am in St Columba’s. Do come along to support and pray for our children and young people, as well as for our schools and those who work in them.

Last week I mentioned that Brian Hunter had passed away and that there would be a Celebration of his life in St Columba’s on Monday 4th September. Please note the time of that service was incorrect, it is actually at 12.30 followed by refreshments in the Hall.

With best wishes,


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