Day: 13 March 2022

13th March 2022

13th March 2022

By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 13 March 2022

Dear St Columba Church family

We’re looking at Chapter three of the Book of Ezra this week, and in the first verse it contains the phrase ‘the people assembled together as one’, how amazing to think of people all those many years ago meeting together to come before God and worship Him just as we are still coming together today.


Over the last couple of years we have seen a lot of disruption to that coming together, and have had to meet in different ways physically and online and we are reminded this week that Covid has by no means disappeared from our lives as Ian came down positive for coronavirus earlier this week, please do be praying for him, Miriam and Jo. 

Due to this we’ve got a reduced online service this week but thankfully still have Ian’s sermon as part of his series on Ezra. 

Our Sunday service was due to have the Annual Meeting as part of it but with Ian being in isolation we are postponing that for the moment and will let you know the new date when it’s been arranged. Instead we have a Morning Worship Service and big thanks to Rosie and William for stepping up to do this service.


Our lent groups started well last week and will be carrying on this week, looking forward to those. For all of our men, we have postponed the men’s meeting for this month and are encouraging people to attend the Lent Groups instead. However gents, do put the 16th April in your diary – which is Easter Saturday, we will be having a men’s breakfast in the morning – more details to come.


We do have another great Mini-SCaNS available from Steve to keep you occupied and the latest update from Tim and Carol Derbyshire.


You may have already seen the news of proposed funding cuts to Pen Green Children’s Centre here in Corby, whilst we have to appreciate funding issues within the new North Northants Unitary Authority this seems to me at least to be a serious inequity and I would encourage you to have a read here; and if you feel able to sign the accompanying petition. At the same time do be praying for all those in authority; for them to serve the people they are looking after well and for wisdom as they seek to lead.

Our Hope into Action house is getting increasingly close to being ready for its first tenant and a big thanks to all those involved in getting it ready, particularly John Lynch who has done a fantastic job in getting the house ready.


We are called as a people of prayer, and we do still have our Hope into Action prayer meeting at 6pm this Sunday, it would be great to see you there.

I’m aware that we had a number of prayer requests last week, which I would encourage you to continue praying for and please do continue in prayer for Ukraine and the situation there and all those affected by it as well as all those trying to help.

It is with sadness that my only update so far from last weeks prayer news is of Margaret Singh who after suffering a stroke last week passed away on Wednesday, eternal rest grant to her O Lord, may perpetual light shine upon her, may she rest in peace and rise in glory. I am sure she will be much missed. Please do be praying for the family at this time and for God’s comfort to be with them. We have no information on the funeral as yet, but will let you know when we do.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

Kevin Montgomery

Curate, St Columba

01536 647727

07512 822422