17th September 2023
By Riaan Niemandt in Sunday Service on 17 September 2023
Hello everyone,
First this week many congratulations to Colin and James who made it to the top of Ben Nevis on Tuesday where they were rewarded with the most spectacular views.

Thanks to John for organising these epic adventures which have seen men from the church climb Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis this year, and for driving all the way up to Scotland and back. If anyone still owes sponsor money for the climb please give this to John, and, on the subject of sponsor money, if anyone sponsored Ian, James & Colin for the Ride & Stride please give this money to James. Thank you all.
There is a service of Holy Communion at St Columba’s at 10.30am, with the second in our series of sermons looking at Paul’s letter to the Philippians. There will also be ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. For those who are unable to be in church the service will be available to watch on Youtube via this link: https://youtube.com/live/rrUq-TaWyng?feature=share
Apologies for the confusion about last week’s Prayer Meeting which was not mentioned in this email. There definitely is a PRAYER MEETING at 6pm in St Columba’s tomorrow, Sunday 17th September. The following week is our Healing Service at 6pm so although there will be no Prayer Meeting as such there will be plenty of time for Prayer in that service.
Having spoken with leaders of the new Homegroups there is agreement that the groups will begin in October which gives me a little more time to finalise all the details, and, if you have not yet signed up, it gives you time to do so! There will be groups on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening and on Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon – so hopefully something for everyone. Do let me know if you are interested in being involved and have not already done so.
Attached is the latest edition of mini SCaNS. Steve writes:
Apart from puzzles and funnies, this issue has just one big story with real hope for all of us. Betty Malz was misdiagnosed several times with a seriously toxic appendix, eventually ended up in hospital where she had several operations, was in a coma for 44 days – died – went to heaven and came back to tell us all about it! She wrote a book “My Glimpse of Eternity” and you can also watch her tell this story on YouTube. You really do need to read this article to learn something about heaven – and prayer – not least that one of the most effective prayers for her was by someone she really didn’t like! (Now there’s a lesson for us!)
Sheila has passed on the following from Andrew Cook, who was a member of our music group for several years. Andrew’s mum Eileen passed away on 3rd September after his dad Laurie passed away last October. Laurie and Eileen were both regulars at Lunch Club until they moved to a retirement facility in Market Harborough some years ago. Eileen was 95. Her celebration is on 27th September at Market Harborough Methodist church. Andrew didn’t give Sheila a time but if anyone wants to go, we can find out. Please remember Andrew in your prayers at this time of loss.
There are three services to choose from next Sunday:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30am MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s, Corby. This service will include ENERGIZE groups for children and young people.
6pm HEALING SERVICE at St Columba’s, Corby. Everyone is welcome to this service, especially those who need healing themselves or know someone who does, but do come along and support these people and share in the fellowship of prayer, singing and reflecting on God’s goodness.
On Sunday 1st October we will be celebrating HARVEST at St Columba’s with an ALL AGE service at 10.30am followed by HARVEST LUNCH in the Church Hall. More details of the lunch will be available shortly but I wanted to make sure you had it in your diary now.
AND FINALLY…Bicycle for sale
Sarah-Jane is trying to sell her bike, which she has only ridden once so it is as good as new.

If anyone is interested please speak with Sarah-Jane or reply to this email. Sarah-Jane has kindly agreed to share the proceeds with the church.
May God bless you all
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