6th November 2022
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 12 November 2022
Hello again everyone,
I don’t know about you but I enjoyed the fireworks on Friday evening. The weather was perfect, and it was a good show, but I what I really enjoyed was the crowds of people all walking together to see them. How wonderful would it be of those crowds were walking, not to see a fireworks display but to worship God! Of course, some of us do have a slightly similar experience at Spring Harvest, where we have to queue to get in to worship, but what if it was people in our own town queueing to get into church. Let us pray that the Lord would send revival on his church and we would see scenes like that!
Last week was a busy week, with different activities in church every evening from Sunday to Thursday, including a Prayer Meeting, Light Party, PCC, Fellowship Group and Get Closer young people’s group. We should give thanks to God, not only that we are able to do all these things but that we have people wanting to do them as well as volunteers to help make them happen. Thank you if you were involved in any of them.
One decision of our PCC was that we will host a Christmas Lunch for anyone struggling with the cost of living and in danger of missing out on heat, food or company on Christmas Day. Please let me know if you would like to be involved in this and we will be having a meeting to plan the day. This is in addition to the offer made last week for people to have hot meals cooked for them and delivered to their door – if you know anyone who would benefit from this please let me know.
This coming week will be quieter, not least because Kevin and I are away on the Diocesan Ministers’ Conference. Please pray for us and all those attending. If you need to make contact with someone from church before Friday can you contact Janet, her number is at the bottom of this email.
This Sunday’s service is being led by members of Get Closer so do come along and support them. It is at St Columba’s at 10.30am tomorrow, and available to watch online via the following link from that time: https://youtu.be/YDH1zwyFufw
We will be gathering for prayer on Sunday evening at 6pm so do try and join us if you can, especially, but by no means only, if you have anything that you would like us to pray about.
There will be no groups this week, but they will meet again on Tuesday 15th November at 7.30pm and Wednesday 16th November at 10.30am.
This free day of inclusive fun is arranged by the Corby Dementia Friendly Community and is happening on Wednesday 9th November from 10am to 3pm at Corby Cube and includes lunch. It is for both those with Dementia and those caring for them. There is a leaflet on the notice board in church with more details.
On Friday 11th November we look forward to our next Ladies Afternoon Tea in the Church Hall at 3pm. All ladies are most welcome to join us for tea, sandwiches, scones and cake, along with good conversation so please do invite any friends and neighbours along, especially anyone who would appreciate an hour or so in a warm place.
We have two services next Sunday morning for Remembrance. At St Columba’s there will be a service of Holy Communion at 10.30am, with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people, and at St Leonard’s, Rockingham a Family Service at 10.45am. Both will feature a two-minute silence at about 11am.
There are still plenty of empty boxes at the back of church, and the all-important leaflets that tell you what can, and cannot, go in them, so if you have not yet taken one, and you are able to fill it for a Ukrainian refugee child, please do take one. The deadline for returning boxes is Sunday 20th November so we have just 2 more weeks. Don’t forget to either put a donation in your shoebox or donate online, where you can also pay for a shoebox to be filled and sent on your behalf. You can watch a short film called “A Shoebox Prayer” by going to the following link: https://youtu.be/nePoQ-nv8fU
Our Christmas Fayre is in just three weeks’ time so I do I hope it is in all your diaries. We still need people to help on the day so please sign up if you are able, and the boxes are at the back of church for donations of Raffle Prizes and for the Bottle and Teddy Tombolas – big thanks to all who have donated so far.
Please find attached the latest SNIPPETS FROM THE SHIRES from Tim & Carol Derbyshire in Australia with Hope From Above, and also STEVE’S PUZZLES AND OTHER STUFF.
God bless you all,
01536 400225
07903 644609
Janet Taylor 07908 603682