30th October 2022
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 5 November 2022
Hello again everyone,
Do read below details of all that is happening this coming week, including our LIGHT PARTY on Monday, a change to our FELLOWSHIP GROUPS, as well as information about HOT MEALS being available for people in need, details of our SUNDAY SERVICES and STEVE’S PUZZLES & OTHER STUFF.
But I must begin with some sad news. Eric Nicholas who was a regular at our Wednesday morning Communion services before Covid, and before that a member of the Church of The Epiphany and then St John’s, has died. His funeral will be at St Columba’s on Tuesday 1st November at 10am, followed by Cremation and then refreshments at the Silver Band Club. Everyone is welcome to come along and support his family at this sad time.
We have had a really generous offer from some church members to provide hot meals for anyone in our church family, or known to us, who is struggling with the cost of living, especially as the temperatures drop and the choice has to be made between heating and eating. If you need help, or know someone who does, please contact me and I will arrange for a meal (or meals if it is a family in need) to be delivered to your door.
We just have the one service on Sunday at St Columba’s, ALL AGE WORSHIP at 10.30am thinking about All Saints. For those unable to be in church the service can be watched by going to the following link from 10.30am on Sunday: https://youtu.be/HaHRryNtsvk
After the service there will be a TRAIDCRAFT STALL selling fair trade products including tea, coffee, chocolate, biscuits, and much more as well as a range of Christmas Cards to buy or order. Do have a browse, look in the catalogue, and think about the benefit you are bringing to people in developing countries by buying fair trade products direct from Traidcraft.
We also have our regular PRAYER MEETING at 6pm in church on Sunday – do come along with any prayer requests you have, for yourself or anyone you know.
Come and celebrate Jesus, the Light of the World, with us this 31st October, from 5:30pm-7pm. We’ll have a great set of crafts and activities to help us think about how light helps us in the world today and we’ll be exploring light space and quiet space and serving up some hot chocolate and marshmallows. Let’s shine together!
More information from Kevin, either at church tomorrow or by phone on 07512 822422
Please note there is a change to our Fellowship Groups this week. Both groups will be meeting on WEDNESDAY 2nd NOVEMBER, at 10.30am and 7.30pm. This is to avoid a clash with PCC on Tuesday evening.
We have a special ALL AGE WORSHIP next Sunday 6th November at St Columba’s at 10.30am.
Please find here the latest edition of Steve’s Puzzles and Other Stuff. This comes with a warning that there’s some tough stories in this issue.
With best wishes,
01536 400225
07903 644609