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5th December 2021

5th December 2021

By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 5 December 2021

Hello everyone, 

Welcome to our weekly email for the first Sunday in December. There are details of our Christmas Services below so do make a note of them and plan to come along and join in the celebrations. This week we continue with our Advent services and everyone is welcome to attend our service in church at 10.30am on Sunday. Please do wear a face covering unless you are exempt. Although these are not mandatory in churches I think it is only wise that we follow this sensible precaution. The children and young people will be continuing with their preparations for the Nativity (see below).

For those who are not able to attend the service in church you can watch on youtube.Alternatively you can read through the service here. If you are at home you may like to create your own Advent Crown, with four candles (usually red) in a circle around one centre candle (usually white). There is a reminder in this week’s service about the meaning of the first two candles.

I have not long been home from the HOPE INTO ACTION Training Day which went really well. We are excited now for the arrival of our first tenants, although aware that we need to be patient as there is still quite a lot of work that needs completing in the house. We will have our usual PRAYER MEETING tomorrow evening at 6pm. 

On the subject of prayer, please pray for Tim Derbyshire who starts his journey back to Australia today having spent a couple of weeks with his Dad, leaving cannot have been easy as Tim knows he may not see his Dad again. Also remember the family of Barry Britten, whose funeral is on Thursday, especially his wife Evelyn, daughter Julie and grandchildren Ashleigh and Cameron. Please pray too for Sue Scholes as her Kidney function is now very low, although she is not yet starting dialysis and hopes to be able to increase her kidney function and avoid dialysis. 

STEVE’S PUZZLE AND OTHER STUFFThe latest edition (no 64) is here. This will be the last edition of the year, but do look out for the CHRISTMAS MAGAZINE which will be out in print in a couple of weeks. 


Thursday 16th December at 6pm COMMUNITY CAROL SERVICE with choirs from Rockingham Primary School and Lodge Park Academy, as well as congregational singing.

Sunday 19th December at 10.30am NATIVITY SERVICE with our children and young people’s presentation of the Christmas story.

Sunday 19th December at 5pm CANDLELIT CAROL SERVICE – our traditional carol service.

Christmas Eve at 4.30pm CHRISTINGLE SERVICE with the singing of Away in a Manger by the light of our Christingle candles.

Christmas Eve at 11.15pm MIDNIGHT COMMUNION – a traditional service to celebrate the coming of our Saviour into the world.

Christmas Day at 10am (note the time) ALL AGE CELEBRATION with Communion

Sunday 26th December at 10.30am CAROLS AND COMMUNION

So much to look forward to, but we are not there yet, so do take note of William’s sermon this week and take some time in Advent to quietly reflect and let the Lord speak to you ‘deep within’ and refresh your soul.

May God bless you in this Advent season, 


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