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30th April 2023

30th April 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 6 May 2023

Hello again everyone,

I hope you are all keeping well and looking forward to the Coronation next weekend. There is more information about that below, as well as information about a special Call to Prayer on Tuesday morning, and details of all our upcoming activities, so do take note of all the dates and times and plan to join us.

On the subject of prayer please can you pray for Sheila and her family who are going through a series of difficult situations, most recently Juliette spending last night in A&E with pain in her arm which has been linked to nerve issues in her neck, worryingly like her sister Maria has experienced. Please pray for Sheila to have the strength to support all her family and for an end to the seemingly constant attacks.

Sunday 30th April
We have a choice of two services at St Columba’s tomorrow:
10.30am MORNING WORSHIP led by William with a sermon by David looking at John 10.1-10 and including ENERGIZE for children and young people.
For those who are unable to be in church this service can be watched on youtube via this link:
6pm HOLY COMMUNION led by me with a sermon by Kevin looking at Luke 19.37-48.

PLEASE NOTE because of the 6pm service there will be no Prayer Meeting on Sunday but on Tuesday there is:

Northampton Call to Prayer at St Columba’s – Tuesday 2nd May 10am to 12 noon
We are hosting a county wide prayer meeting on Tuesday. This dates back to 1784 and a Call to Prayer issued in response to the teaching of Jonathan Edwards. Please do come along and join us, and a small group who have been continuing this tradition in churches around the county every month since 1996. The time will include prayer for St Columba’s and St Leonard’s as well as for the wider county, the nation and the world. As the original call to prayer said in 1784: “Who can tell what the consequences of such an united effort in prayer may be! Let us plead with God the many gracious promises of His Word, which relate to the future success of His Gospel”

PCC on Tuesday
PCC members should note there is a meeting on Tuesday evening – agenda to follow.

Fellowship Groups
These will be meeting on Wednesday at 10.30am and 7.30pm and continuing to look at the Beatitudes.

Coronation Afternoon Tea at Lodge Park Academy 2pm Friday 5th May
Those of you who have been to one of Lodge Park’s previous teas will know how enjoyable they are for both students and those attending. Please let me know if you would like to go so that I can give the school an idea of numbers – either email or tell me in church tomorrow.

Coronation Celebration at St Columba’s – Sunday 7th May from 10.30am
We have our regular 10.30am service which will celebrate both the Coronation and Spring Harvest this year where we learned about the Upside Down Kingdom. PLEASE could those who went to Spring Harvest let me know if they have a memory they would like to share (even if only short and if it has more to do with swimming or the fair!) and also a favourite song from this year.
After the service and coffee we will move outside for a picnic (please bring your own food and cold drinks – hot drinks will be provided) and informal time of fellowship and fun.
BOTH the service and picnic are open to all, so please do come along and invite others to join you.

There is also something of a Coronation theme to this week’s Puzzles and Other Stuff.

Looking ahead to next week we have two very important gatherings coming up:
LADIES AFTERNOON TEA – Friday 12th May at 3pm
MEN’S BREAKFAST – Saturday 13th May at 9am

Best wishes,


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