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23rd April 2023

23rd April 2023

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 29 April 2023

Hello everyone,

Greetings from a weary and wind swept mountain climber! John Lynch, Colin Fleming and I climbed Snowdon on Friday in order to raise money for the ongoing maintenance of St Columba’s and had quite a day, almost being blown off our feet on the way down, although we were blessed with some views which the cloud had obscured when we were nearer the summit. Here is a photo of us at just less than 1000m, the point where we decided that the better part of valour was to head down rather than continuing up to the peak!

The wonders of modern technology meant that while still on Snowdon I received a message from Kath Wade asking if I could pray for Trevor who was at the Urgent Care Centre with high blood pressure and was having blood tests and at that point may have had to go in to KGH. We prayed on the side of the mountain and I was pleased to have an almost immediate answer to say that Trevor had been able to go home. Please do continue to pray for him.

9am Holy Communion at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30am Holy Communion at St Columba’s, Corby with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. This service can be watched on Youtube by going to this link:
We also have a Service of Thanksgiving at 3pm in St Columba’s for Marni and Norah Raynor-Cole, youngest children of Liam and Jade. You may not recognise the names but you may well know the family who were with us most recently at the Hot Cross Bun Feast. Please pray for them and especially for Marni (2) and Norah (8 months).

6pm on Sunday at St Columba’s – do come along for an hour of prayer, especially if you have any particular needs but do come and join us as we lift up the needs of one another, the church and the world to God.

We will be continuing our study of the Beatitudes, this week looking at “Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted” on Wednesday morning at 10.30am and evening at 7.30pm.

We will be restarting our group for young people at Secondary School this week on a new day Friday, a new venue the Church Hall, but at the same time 5.30pm.
If you know a young person please let them know, and please can you all pray for this group and for the young people who are part of it.

We have two service at St Columba’s next week, Morning Worship at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups and Holy Communion at 6pm, as a result of which there will be no prayer meeting next week.

May God bless you all in the coming week.


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