22nd October 2023
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 28 October 2023
Good morning everyone,
This is an important weekend in the life of St Columba’s as tomorrow we launch our Survey of Gifts and Talents and annual Stewardship Review. Both of these begin with a word of thanks to all those who so generously give of their time, talent and money to the church, and if you are one of them let me thank you here and now.
Moving forward the PCC realise that to do all that we would like to do as a church we need more people to volunteer to help with some of the tasks that need to be done and more money to be given as our costs increase. Of course, we could simply ask those who are already doing and giving to do and give more, but we are a family, and so we are asking everyone in the family to consider doing a little so that, together, we can achieve a lot.
The Survey and Review will both require prayerful consideration as you complete them over the coming days, so do take some time to sit down and pray before you thoughtfully and, hopefully, generously complete the forms. The answers will have an impact on the life of our church over the coming months and, potentially, years.
All the instructions for completion are on the printed forms which will be available in church tomorrow, and over the next couple of weeks if you are not in church tomorrow. However if you would prefer to have a copy sent by email do please let me, ianpullinger@btinternet.com, know. Either way please do take that time to complete the forms and then return them, either to the box in church or by email to ianpullinger@btinternet.com.
The forms are named, with couples sharing a form to save on printing, so couples can either write the name of the whoever is volunteering by any ticks on the form, or fill in separate forms by taking a blank form (or request an email copy) for one of you to complete.
I hope that all makes sense, do please come back to me with any questions.
Sunday 22nd October
We will have services of HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham at 9am and at St Columba’s, Corby at 10.30am, with sung worship from 10.15am. The St Columba’s service will include ENERGIZE groups for children and young people and will also be available to watch online via this link:
We also have our PRAYER MEETING at St Columba’s at 6pm on Sunday.
Sunday 29th October
There will be a service of MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups.
In the evening at 5pm in St Columba’s we have a SERVICE TO REMEMBER THOSE WE LOVE WHO ARE NO LONGER WITH US. This service includes an opportunity to light a candle in memory of loved ones who have passed away and we hope to welcome a number of visitors to the church who have been bereaved in recent times. This service is open to all whether your bereavement was in the last year or many years ago. You are also welcome to come along and support those who are grieving, and the service includes some well known hymns, Bible reading, sermon and prayers.
As the service is at 5pm there will be no Prayer Meeting that day.
Steve’s Puzzles and Other Stuff
The latest edition is here. Steve writes: “in case you wonder why there’s an ‘a’ in the file name its because my numbering of files has got out of sequence with the editions. The last issue was, in fact, 103 but the file number was 104….!!! There is a great story of a man who found faith in prison through reading a Bible. Wonderful fun things to do with miniatures. Lots of funny and meaningful quotes. New puzzles, a visit to Habakkuk (bet you don’t spell his name right!) and more cartoons than usual. Enjoy!!”
I know it is still October but our Christmas Fayre on Saturday 25th November from 11am to 1pm is only 5 weeks away. Please can you put the date in your diary, think how you might be able to help, in advance and on the day (all offers of help to Miriam either in person or on the sign up sheet in church) and possibly by bringing a donation to church (from next week) for the raffle, or bottle/teddy tombola. Also do invite people you know to come along and join in what is always a fun filled Fayre.
May God bless you all this week, and thank you so much to everyone in advance for completing the Survey of Gifts and Talents and Stewardship Review.
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