29th October 2023
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 4 November 2023
Hello everyone,
An early and shorter email this week as I will be sorting out some furniture down in Southampton over the next couple of days.
Some of you were able to pick up shoeboxes last Sunday. When these are packed they will be sent to children round the world who will not otherwise receive a gift at Christmas. You can choose to pack a box for a boy or girl and select an age category 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14. Make sure you pick up a leaflet which tells you what can, and importantly, what cannot, go in the boxes and don’t forget you need to make a donation of £5 to cover project costs, including shipping and to enable a local church or group overseas to lead a safe, well-organised children’s event where your shoebox will be given to a child in need.
Shoeboxes will be available again this week and next but do need to be returned by Sunday 19th November. If you are not able to pack a whole box don’t forget there is the opportunity to give individual items which will then be sorted and packed into boxes, or you can donate online for a box to be packed, just go to: https://shoeboxonline.samaritans-purse.org.uk/
Don’t forget the clocks go back one hour on Saturday night!
We have two services at St Columba’s on Sunday. At 10.30am there is MORNING WORSHIP with the final sermon in our series on Philippians as well as ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. This service will also be available to watch on youtube by following this link:
At 5pm we have our SERVICE TO REMEMBER THOSE WE LOVE BUT SEE NO LONGER. This special service, which happens once a year, includes an opportunity to light a candle in memory of loved ones who have passed away as well as prayers, Bible reading and well known hymns. If you have been bereaved, either recently or longer ago, then please do come along to this service which will be followed by tea and cake. And if you know someone who is grieving please invite them to the service.
There won’t be a Prayer Meeting this Sunday because of the 5pm service.
We have ALL AGE WORSHIP at 10.30am next Sunday with a theme of remembering.
It would be really helpful if lots of people could film themselves saying what their earliest memory is and send this to me on WhatsApp (just like we used to for online services during lockdown). My number is 07903 644609 and it would be great to receive lots of your memories. However we won’t have space for stories, only a simple message saying “My earliest memory is…whatever it happens to be”. If you could do that sooner rather than later it will help me edit the films. Everyone is very welcome to the service, whether or not you have shared a first memory.
There will also be a Prayer Meeting at 6pm next Sunday.
Mini SCaNS
Please find here the latest mini SCaNS. Steve writes “Lots of new puzzles in this issue, some of which I’ve made up myself. Hope you like the RUDE quiz! Follow Moses as he leads his grumbling flock across the desert as they learn the lesson the hard way that God does things differently. Have you found that? How would you like to lead 2 million people who are hungry and thirsty and keep looking back? Some amazing cloud formations – including one that formed inside a church!! Hope you enjoy… and don’t forget to put your clocks BACK so you can have an hour’s lie-in on Sunday. People have been known to put them forward and wonder why the church is closed when they get there! Be blessed – and be a blessing!!”
God bless,
01536 400225
07903 644609