20th February 2022
By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 20 February 2022
Hello everyone,
I hope you all survived Storm Eunice. The church managed to avoid any damage which is good news. There is lots of news in this email about what’s coming up in Lent, including our Annual Meeting next month, so do keep reading.
Big thanks to Steve for producing both an online puzzles and printed SCANS last week. There were a couple of mistakes in the printed SCANS so do have a look at “SCaNS 148 Corrections” for details of these (including the missing set of “down” questions for the crossword). Copies of this magazine can still be found in church and there is a NEW Online Puzzles and Other Stuff here. This includes a fun and challenging Hymn Quiz so do open it up and have a go!
We have two services in St Columba’s tomorrow, with MORNING WORSHIP at 10.30am and HOLY COMMUNION at 5pm. They will both include a sermon from Linda looking at the creation account from Genesis 2. Everyone is welcome to either or both. The 5pm service will have less people so is ideal for anyone who is still anxious about mixing with larger numbers. For those who can’t make it to church the service can be watched on youtube and there is a PDF version here.
Our Hope into Action house has been offered some really good quality furniture and white goods for free! This is an amazing gift, thank you Lord! All we have to do is go and pick it up from Oundle on the 25th February and bring it back to the house. We’ve been offered free use of a van for that day, so if you could be available next Friday at 10am to help us that would be great. It should only take a couple of hours to sort – have a chat with Ann Rigby, John Lynch or Kevin Montgomery. Kevin is happy to provide bacon/sausage baps to anyone who gets involved! The Prayer Meeting will happen at 6pm tomorrow, or immediately after the 5pm service if that has not quite finished at 6pm. If you come to the service you won’t have to wait!
There is a Communion service at Rockingham at 9am and at St Columba’s at 10.30am. Our children and young people will be preparing for the next All Age service on 6th March, and following their wonderful efforts this month we look forward to what they will share with us then..
We have two services to mark the beginning of Lent. They will be identical except that the one in the morning at 10.30am will be in St Columba’s and the one in the evening at 7.30pm will be at Rockingham. Do try and come along to one or other of these to mark the beginning of this special season in the church year.
The following week we are going to start LENT GROUPS in St Columba’s on either TUESDAY morning (10.30) or WEDNESDAY evening (7.30). These will be looking at Bishop Donald’s series of talks on the FOUR GOSPELS, one talk on each gospel with an introduction. It will also be possible to access the evening group by ZOOM but only if you ask in advance. Just to help with planning can you SIGN UP on the lists in church for either Tuesday morning, Wednesday evening or online. (PCC members please note the days are the opposite way round from what was discussed at our last meeting)
We are going to hold our Annual Meeting in the Morning Service on Sunday 13th March. Please can I ask that anyone who has a report about what they did in 2021, and I realise this is a lot less than we would normally have because of the pandemic, can send that report to me by Sunday 6th March. We also have four people whose term on the PCC has come to an end (I will be asking them if they would like to stand again) and we would also welcome anyone else wanting to serve the church in this way. If that is you please ask me for a Nomination Form. Names can also be added to the Electoral Roll, but all those who are already on the Roll don’t have to take any action. After all those notices I hope you all have a good week.
God bless, Ian
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