13th February 2022
By Kevin Montgomery in Sunday Service on 13 February 2022
Hello again everyone,
Another week has gone and I hope you have experienced some of God’s blessing during the course of it. I was certainly blessed by a few days away and I hope to pass some of that blessing on to you with my sermon on Ezra chapter 2. As I explained last month this is one of those lists of names in the Old Testament that we all love to hate (Riaan is doing the Bible reading this week and said that there were some tricky names in the reading – even after most of them were taken out!). I discovered some exciting things, more than I imagined in fact, so there is no space in the service for a testimony from one of you to say how God has worked in your life. I thought this would show how the same God who helped the people listed in Ezra 2 is still helping people today! If you would like to share in this way on another occasion please do let me know. Do try and read the whole of Ezra chapter 2 if you have time before the service tomorrow, and if you like pick out a name from the list!
The service in church tomorrow at 10.30am is Holy Communion. There is also a Communion service that can be watched on youtube. I should say that while the reading, sermon, prayers and songs are all the same as we will have in church, the Communion is a film from last year, but using all the same words that we will use in church. Having been away this saved a little time. This can be watched online or a PDF version of the whole service is available here.
On Sunday 20th February we have two services. At 10.30 there will be a Morning Worship service and at 5pm a service of Holy Communion. Everyone is welcome to either or both. The sermon will be the same in both services. The 5pm service is quieter so it is a good place for anyone who is still reluctant to mix with too many people.
I have a couple of thank you’s to pass on, first from Janet in behalf of the CHILDREN’S SOCIETY. Our collecting boxes raised £269.63 last year and the Christingle service raised a further £113.23. Thank you so much if you contributed to either total. We have also been advised that the CLOTHING BANK in our Car Park collected 3520kg of clothing last year. This supports the work of PLANET AID, providing support for education, health, training and environmental programmes aimed at the relief of poverty in India and Africa. Again thanks to all who contributed and if you are clearing out your wardrobe do make use of the clothing bank.
The next meeting of the Men’s Group is on Wednesday this week, 16th February, at 7.30pm in church.More details from Riaan or Kevin, One of the aims of the group aim is to encourage each other and as such everyone is welcome and their input valued so we can learn from one another’s experience, but, to achieve this, we need men to attend. We are also looking at social events, but again, as Riaan says…no bodies, no fun!
Do look out for a new PRINT edition of SCANS in church tomorrow.Available here is the latest PUZZLES AND OTHER STUFF which includes a very challenging poem written down by Steve after prompting from the Lord.
With best wishes to all,
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