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19th January 2025

19th January 2025

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 25 January 2025

Hello everyone,

The prayer news is right up to date as I have just come off the phone from Jess, so please pray for her (see below). Details of Sunday’s service and Prayer Meeting, a mini SCANS, this year’s Panto, and even a last minute opportunity to join us at Spring Harvest are all to be found below.

Please pray for Jess Tosh who was taken into A&E on Thursday evening after possibly suffering a mini-stroke. She is waiting for an MRI scan so please pray for that to happen quickly and for Jess to recover well. Also continue to pray for former church drummer Jeff Ison, he is waiting for the results of biopsies following his operation last week which did not remove his cancer but did a by-pass. Please pray that the results are good and allow for further treatment and a full recovery.
Here is also a Prayer Update from Hope from Above for your prayers.

Thank you to all those who have paid their Spring Harvest balance. We have had a couple of cancellations which has left us with empty spaces in chalets which still need to be paid for, so if you might be interested in joining us at Skegness from 7th – 11th April do speak with Miriam or me as soon as possible.

CHARITY OF THE WEEK – Christian Concern
This week’s charity supported by St Columba’s is Christian Concern. They are passionate about bringing the love, justice, truth, freedom and hope of Jesus Christ to the heart of society. They believe that Jesus Christ is good news for society and as relevant today as he has ever been. But they also know that it’s becoming harder to be a Christian in the UK today. So, they work to make Jesus and his ways known, to protect the freedom to live and speak for him, and to empower Christians to be compassionate and courageous ambassadors. They do that by speaking and influencing, by challenging and protecting, and by mobilising and equipping. Find out more at

There is a service of HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s on Sunday at 10.30am, with ENERGIZE groups. The service will also be available as a livestream here:
There will also be a PRAYER MEETING in St Columba’s at 6pm.

Pam William’s husband’s funeral will take place at Kettering Crematorium at 12.30 on Tuesday 21st January.

We have two services next week as follows:
9am at St Leonard’s, Rockingham – HOLY COMMUNION
10.30am at St Columba’s – MORNING WORSHIP with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people.

There is not going to be a Panto at St Columba’s this year, but the show does go on and tickets are available for PUSS IN BOOTS at Great Easton Village Hall on Friday 24th January (7.30pm), Saturday 25th January (3pm) and Sunday 26th January (3pm) as well as at Stenning Hall, Hallaton on Friday 31st January (7.30pm) and Sunday 2nd February (3pm). To buy tickets for any of these performances please contact or call 07771 967322.

mini SCANS
Here is the latest mini SCANS. Steve writes: Did you know that there are 52 countries where you can still be imprisoned or executed for owning a Bible or even part of one – and it’s only 500 years ago since this stopped in the UK. Late US President Jimmy Carter recently died aged 100 – so that makes it just 5-7 lifetimes ago – and so many people, even Christians, neglect reading God’s gift of His Word so miss out on hearing Him speak to them. Today there are at least 30,000 Christians in prison in North Korea. Do pray for them. One Christian, Ri Hyon-ok was allegedly publicly executed in Ryongchon on June 16, 2009, for giving out Bibles, while her husband and children were deported to the Hoeryong political prison camp.
Read about how Tyndale and Wycliffe dedicated their lives to translating the Bible into English. Then Joshua conquered Jericho by listening for and heeding God’s Word so it became the only city whose walls imploded when, having tiptoed around them for a week – their mighty shout brought them down. Some great pictures to marvel at – my favourite being the lake that hangs over an ocean… lots of puzzles – including more new ones such as a Roman numerals Sudoku and a crazy picture to spot things that are impossible or just plain crazy… and, how to draw a penguin.

May God bless you all during the next week,


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