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26th January 2025

26th January 2025

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 1 February 2025

Good morning everyone,

I read during the week that “every morning of the year should see the people of every parish in England gathering to encourage one another with the words of Psalm 95…that at any rate was what the English reformers intended” but that was over 450 years ago! Having said that I thought it might be good if, rather than gathering, we all try and read Psalm 95 every morning for this coming week. It is a wonderful Psalm of praise, so a good balance to our more inward looking prayers saying thank you, sorry or please, but it is also a Psalm prayer asking, in the final section, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts” which is a great prayer for us at the beginning of each day. You may like to share any thoughts you have after reading the Psalm with someone from church, so that sense of gathering is not lost, and if there is anything really exciting that God speaks we could all hear it next Sunday. So, in the words of Psalm 95v1 “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord”.

I have had an update on former church drummer Jeff Ison. His cancer has been diagnosed as very aggressive and he has appointments coming up to discuss possible treatment so please pray for Jeff and his wife Lynn.

Every six years we have to prepare a completely new Church Electoral Roll (our membership list) rather than simply revising the existing roll. This means that everyone who would like to be included on the Electoral Roll, and have a vote at our Annual Meeting in March, needs to complete a new application form. To make this as easy as possible we will be handing out forms at services and giving people time to complete them during the service, so they can be collected in before you leave. We will also contact anyone who is unable to be in church at the present time to make sure that they are included on the new Roll. Any questions about this please email

We have two services tomorrow:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30am MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s, Corby with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people who will be preparing for the ALL AGE WORSHIP on 2nd February so it would be really helpful to have a good number of children there. This service will also be available as a livestream by going to this link:
There will also be a PRAYER MEETING at St Columba’s at 6pm on Sunday evening. This is being held in the Church Office at the moment as that is the warmest place, so please enter by the side door to church.

We had a couple of livestreams that failed a few weeks ago and I have now uploaded these from the camera in case you would like to watch them:
The link for 29th December, when Linda was preaching on Matthew 2.13-23, is:
The link for 5th January, our Epiphany themed All Age Worship, is:

FUNERAL of Susan Adelosoye’s husband
We are hosting a Celebration of Life for Pa Samuel Morakinyo Adelosoye on Friday 31st January at 10.30am. It would be good if some people from St Columba’s were able to show their support for Susan by attending what is likely to be a long service.

This year’s panto PUSS IN BOOTS is at Great Easton Village Hall today and tomorrow at 3pm, but these performances may be sold out so do check on the contact details below if you were thinking of going. Tickets are available for Stenning Hall, Hallaton on Friday 31st January (7.30pm) and Sunday 2nd February (3pm). For ticket availability and purchases, please contact or call 07771 967322.

SUNDAY 2nd February
We have two services next Sunday, both at St Columba’s:
10.30am ALL AGE WORSHIP celebrating the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.
5pm HEALING SERVICE – everyone is welcome to this service but especially anyone who is need of healing or who knows someone who is, which surely includes all of us. Because of this service there won’t be a prayer meeting next Sunday.

Steve is hoping to have a new print edition of SCaNS out tomorrow, or if not next week. He says: I really want to get the lead message into people’s hands and encourage them to give a copy to a non-Christian friend. The lady in the news who rejected a pardon by Trump, and the Holy Spirit, guided me into writing a piece about what happens when people reject or neglect God’s offer of a pardon and reminded me of a sermon on this by Billy Graham. There is also an interview with Riaan – the first in the return of Getting to Know You. There’s also a powerful story of an African tribesman who came to Christ, went back to his tribe to tell them – was beaten up and chucked out, went back twice more, same happened, went back again and they all came to Christ!!

Don’t forget to read Psalm 95 every morning this week!

Best wishes,


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