9th June 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 22 June 2024
Hello everyone,
This week we have been praying for Kath Wade who was rushed to hospital on Wednesday. Kath remains in KGH and is undergoing tests, so still in need of our prayers.
St Columba’s PCC met on Tuesday and established an Environment Group. If you would like to be part of this small group developing the Environment Policy of the church and helping us build on the work we have already done to be a more environmentally friendly church please email ianpullinger@btinternet.com.
I saw Kevin on Monday and he is well and enjoying his ministry, although facing the challenge of not having a PCC at one of his churches.
Keep reading for news of all the events coming up in the life of the church.
We have two services on Sunday.
St Columba’s have a special COMMUNION SERVICE for ST COLUMBA’S DAY at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups.
This will be available as a LIVESTREAM via this link: https://youtube.com/live/JphVdFoHTJQ?feature=share
In St Leonard’s, Rockingham at 3pm there will be a FAMILY SERVICE.
And we have the PRAYER MEETING in St Columba’s at 6pm.
On Friday 14th June we have our next Afternoon Tea for ladies in the Church Hall at 3pm. All ladies are welcome to this monthly get together, with sandwiches, scones, cakes and tea/coffee. There is no need to book just turn up and enjoy!
Next week we have just the one service, HOLY COMMUNION in St Columba’s at 10.30am with ENERGIZE groups.
Please find here STEVE’S PUZZLES & OTHER STUFF 114. Steve writes: “Part of the issue is focused on more of God’s secret agents – this time Angels. Some great stories and a picture to wonder at. If you have any stories/experiences of them, please send them to me for a future issue. Also, as we celebrate D-Day I came across a moving story of a US Navy Seal called Murph who was killed in Afghanistan along with most of his team. On the day of his funeral, as they drove away, his mother was shocked to get a delayed text message from him saying, “Mom, I’m home safe and sound. Mike”. How would you have reacted? She startled her husband so much he slammed on the brakes! A message of safe arrival in heaven, arranged by God? There’s also the usual fun stuff, puzzles etc. Hope you not only enjoy but are truly blessed.
Also here is the latest PRAYER UPDATE from Hope From Above in Australia. Don’t forget Tim & Carol Derbyshire will be with us on Sunday 23rd June for our Morning Service and a VICARAGE TEA PARTY in the afternoon.
With best wishes to everyone,
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