8th September 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 14 September 2024
Hello everyone,
First of all I must say a big THANK YOU to all those who made our International Food Fair such a success last week, and thanks to everyone who came along and enjoyed the food. Sorry if you came too late to enjoy all five meals but hopefully everyone enjoyed a flavour of the event.
Thanks are also due to all those who supported our 1,2,3,4,5 Appeal earlier this year. James reported at PCC on Tuesday that we had received in £6500 as a direct result, with an extra £700 of Gift Aid making a total of £7,200. Some people will have increased their regular giving which will not be shown in these figures, so thank you if you did that. While this is a cause for thanksgiving it is still short of our target (£12,345) so I am just repeating the 1,2,3,4,5 points one more time in case anyone has been waiting until after the summer before giving.
1. PRAYER – please continue to pray about this situation, if possible at 12.34 for 5 minutes. If you can’t pray at 12.34 just find another five minutes in your day to bring this situation to the Lord and to ask what your response might be…
2. GIVE WHAT YOU CAN NOW – you may be able to make a one-off gift to the 1,2,3,4,5 APPEAL or you may be able to start/increase regular giving (see point 4 below)
3. GIFT AID – if we as a church family give £9876 AND it is all gift aided, the church will receive £12345 because of the tax refunded by the government, so no cost to you. You do have to pay Income Tax to be able to claim Gift Aid so not everyone will be eligible but if you do pay Income Tax PLEASE make sure that your donations to the church are GIFT AIDED.
4. 1,2,3,4,5 WAYS TO GIVE
(i) Parish Giving Scheme – direct debit based scheme with an option for automatic inflation based increases each year (you don’t have to do this and can say no to the proposed increase). The phone number to contact Parish Giving Scheme is 0333 002 1271, you can use this to increase your donation or start a new direct debit. You need the full church name “St Columba and the Northern Saints, Corby” and the church code 280628232.
(ii) Envelopes – these can be used with cash or cheques which are placed in the basket in church. New envelopes are in church for the year from October.
(iii) Bank Transfer – just ask for church bank details and set up a regular or one-off payment.
(iv) Card Reader – you choose an amount to give and tap on the machine.
(v) Cash or Cheque in the basket – this is how many donations used to be made and they are still very welcome if you have cash or a cheque.
The members of the Finance Committee are available to answer any questions you may have about giving or to help you set up a Direct Debit in the Parish Giving Scheme or to claim Gift Aid. The FINANCE FIVE are: James Ireland, John Lynch, Margaret Smith, Janet Taylor and me. If we don’t know the answer to your question we can ask someone who does (James!).
Please note the phone number above to contact the Parish Giving Scheme to amend or start donations and that there are new envelopes in church for those who use them, ready for the beginning of October.
Sunday 8th September
We have a service of HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s at 10.30am. This will include the first in a new series of sermons looking at the Lord’s Prayer (part of our Year of Prayer) and will also see ENERGIZE groups start back after the summer holidays so do encourage children and young people to come along.
We also have the Prayer Meeting at 6pm in St Columba’s.
Afternoon Tea
The next Ladies Afternoon Tea takes place on Friday 13th September at 3pm in the Church Hall. All ladies are invited for tea, sandwiches, cakes, conversation and the next instalment of Linda’s Life Story!
Ride and Stride
This takes place on Saturday 14th September and we are still looking for people to sponsor the cyclists as well as volunteers to sit in church for an hour that day to welcome cyclists from other churches. There is a sponsor form at the back of church and also a sign up sheet for people to sit in church. Thank you to those who have already completed one, or both, of these.
Rockingham Flower Show
This is happening in the afternoon of Saturday 14th September and will include a short Harvest Celebration led by Ian. Everyone is welcome at Rockingham Village Hall from 2.30pm (don’t arrive earlier as it will be locked for judging of the prize fruit, vegetables and flowers). The cost of admission is £1 for adults and children are free. The Harvest Celebration will be at the end of the Show, about 3.30pm.
Wellingborough Community Gospel Choir
Anyone who watched Britain’s Got Talent may remember this choir who reached the final. They will be singing at Weston-by-Welland church on Saturday 14th September at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £10 for adults but children are free. Tickets should be purchased in advance by calling Daniel on 07967 089101 or Margaret on 07884 242014.
Sunday 15th September
We have a service of MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s next Sunday morning at 10.30am. This will include ENERGIZE groups for children and young people. There will also be the Prayer Meeting at 6pm in church.
We are looking forward to the Alpha course that will be starting next month. If you would be interested in joining it, or know someone who might be, then do let me know. Alpha is an introduction to the Christian faith, suitable for people who want to establish some spiritual foundations and for those with no previous church experience, so it is great course to invite friends and family to, especially as you can attend with them. At this time we don’t know which day of the week it will be happening on, as this will depend on the people who come forward.
Riding Lights Theatre at St Columba’s – Tuesday 15th October
We are hosting a performance by Riding Lights of a new production “Cups on a String” in association with the Christian education charity Transforming Lives for Good. This will be happening in the church at 7.30pm and more details will be available over the coming weeks but tickets can be bought now by going to this link:
Snippets from the Shires
Please find here the latest news from Tim and Carol Derbyshire. Please open this, have a read, and spend some time praying for them and the work of Hope From Above.
And finally…there are no puzzles attached from Steve, but for anyone who likes dot-to-dot puzzles Steve has produced two GIANT versions (one has over a thousand dots!) and these are available in church. Do help yourself and have some fun.
God bless you all in the coming week,
01536 400225
07903 644609