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23rd June 2024

23rd June 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 29 June 2024

Hello again everyone,

I am pleased that the weather has improved just in time for our VICARAGE TEA PARTY on Sunday afternoon from 3pm. More details are below but do please come along and share in this special time together.

Last week I revealed that our church income looks as if it will be almost £12,345 less than our expenditure. This is a significant amount and a situation that we felt needed to be addressed immediately and so we launched a 1,2,3,4,5 point strategy. The first point was revealed last week:

  1. PRAYER – please can everyone connected with St Columba’s pray about this situation, if possible at 12.34 for 5 minutes (12,345 the amount of our shortfall). Obviously if you can’t pray at 12.34 please try and find another five minutes in your day to bring this situation to the Lord and to ask what your response might be…
    Today I can reveal the second point:
  2. GIVE WHAT YOU CAN NOW – because everyone’s circumstances are different it is impossible to say what you should give. One off gifts of £123.45 would help, but even better would be increases in weekly/monthly giving, perhaps 12.345% more! As we only have six months left in the year it feels like a huge mountain to climb, but climbing a mountain always starts with the first step, and I must thank the people who have already given.
    The third point will be revealed next week.

There are two services on Sunday:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham
10.30am MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s with ENERGIZE groups for children.
Tim and Carol Derbyshire will be with us for both these services, sharing why they are in the UK for an extended period of time, the difference Jesus makes to our world view, the need to proclaim the gospel to others and the importance of prayer, which fits in very well with our Year of Prayer.
I am sorry the livestream cut off half way through the service last week. There will not be a livestream of tomorrow’s service because of the sensitive nature of some of the people and places Tim and Carol may speak about.

We also have a VICARAGE TEA PARTY tomorrow, Sunday 23rd, starting at 3pm. As well as enjoying cakes and drinks, conversation and games, there will be the opportunity to meet with Tim & Carol and find out more about their work. With the good weather forecast to continue this will be held in the Vicarage Garden, you can use either the side gate by the garage or knock on the front door. We would love to see you there.
We will have a TIME OF PRAYER at the end of the TEA PARTY rather than our regular meeting in church, so do be sure to join us if you you would like to pray, or stay on if you have never been to the Prayer Meeting and wonder what it is like.

Tresham College on Oakley Road will be hosting a hustings event for candidates standing in the upcoming General Election for Corby on Monday 24 June from 4-6pm. All candidates have been invited to attend to answer questions from the local constituency on what matters to them.
Please click the link to book a free seat in the audience for the Question Time style event:

UNSUNG HERO film at Savoy Cinema this week
A number of people from church went to see this film last week and thoroughly enjoyed it. It tells the true story of David Smallbone who, when his music company collapses, moves his family from Australia to the States, searching for a brighter future. Struggling to make ends meet, the couple soon realize the talents of their children, who would go on to become two of the most successful acts in contemporary Christian music.
You can watch it on the following days and times:
Tuesday 8pm
Wednesday 11am (parent & baby screening) and 8pm

There is just one service next Sunday:
10.30am MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s with ENERGIZE groups.
We will once again have the PRAYER MEETING in church at 6pm.

In this issue… a remarkable trail of how a Sunday School teacher in 1858 chased up a missing boy – led him to Christ (DL Moody) – he then led millions – one of whom led someone else… who led someone else….who then led someone else… all the way to Billy Graham who led at least two million to Christ – all thanks to that one man who cared enough for one missing boy. Each of us is called by God to be a simple cog in His wheel… and we may never know who we are blessing down the years. You may be the one person who brings someone to church who God will use to cause an avalanche of blessing. Don’t let anyone put you down – God loves you and has chosen you. There are a lot of funny anecdotes in this issue some of which I have compiled from back numbers of SCaNS – one urging us to keep a notebook of sayings, sermon points, things we hear maybe on TV or at work which gets us thinking that we don’t want to forget. As is my tradition, mags will now be fortnightly during the summer until September, with a new SCaNS in two weeks.

I look forward to seeing you at the VICARAGE TEA PARTY on Sunday,

Best wishes,


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