21st July 2024
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 26 July 2024
Good morning everyone,
Sunday promises to be another exciting day with our Confirmation Service at St Columba’s in the morning followed by a Celebration Lunch in the Church Hall, and this week the day can’t be spoiled by football! We can however round it off with an hour of prayer at our Prayer Meeting. On the subject of prayer some of us have been praying for Aidan Coleman this week who fell and landed on his hip replacement which has caused much pain and he is still not able to move his hip without pain so has no mobility. He was admitted to hospital on Tuesday and is still there, waiting for the results of a CT scan to determine the cause and for rehab to get him moving again – please pray for Aidan.
SUNDAY 21st JULY – Service and Lunch
We are very much looking forward to our CONFIRMATION SERVICE at St Columba’s on Sunday with Demi, Brigiter, John, Sandra, Michelle, Bruce, Monique and Andy McGinnis, who is new to church, all being confirmed, and Susan Adelosoye being welcomed into the Church of England. We begin with worship from 10.15 with the service starting at 10.30am. Please come along, early if possible because the candidates and their supporters will be sitting at the front so there may not be quite as much space as usual, and to support these members of our church family and to be encouraged as we listen to testimony from some of them. After the service there will be COFFEE as usual at the back of church before we have a CELEBRATION LUNCH in the Church Hall. The food will be provided so do come along even if you have not signed up.
Please note there will be activities for children at the back of church but as we are in the summer holidays and the ENERGIZE leaders are taking a well deserved break there will be no supervision so parents/carers will need to be with their children.
In the evening we have our regular PRAYER MEETING in St Columba’s at 6pm.
We have two services next Sunday, although they will be very similar, both led by William with a sermon by David, so there is a choice of time not content:
The service at St Leonard’s, Rockingham is at 9am and at St Columba’s at 10.30am.
All I want to say is many, many thanks to everyone who has responded to this appeal in any way and don’t forget you can still speak to the FINANCE FIVE if you have any questions about and aspect of financial giving to St Columba’s. They are: James Ireland, John Lynch, Margaret Smith, Janet Taylor and me. If we don’t know the answer to your question we can ask someone who does (James!).
Training in person and with a facilitator on Microsoft Teams for Basic Awareness, Foundation and Domestic Abuse, will be available next month. Full details were in last week’s post and you can book a place via this link:
If you are not sure which courses you need to complete please speak with Susan Fleming our Safeguarding Officer.
mini SCaNS 43
Please find here mini SCANS 43 about which Steve writes: The current mag has a fascinating story of how Nelson Mandela dealt with the former Warden of the prison he had been kept in for 27 years (abusing and torturing him) when they met in a restaurant after he became President. There’s also a story about my own experiences of trusting God when he calls you to do the unexpected, linked with John Bunyan’s story. Lots of puzzles and funnies, many relating to the Olympics – and some exam howlers!
Churchyard Work Party
Please make a note of Saturday 10th August when we are having another work party to tidy up the church grounds. If you have any time to give that morning you would be very welcome – many hands make light work!
And finally
I have been asked to promote Chinfest which is happening today at S&L Football Club from 1pm to 10pm to help raise awareness around mental health and suicide prevention in memory of Tracey Chinnock. All money raised will go to local charities and organisations that support mental health including MIND Northamptonshire and Youth Works. Tickets cost £7.50 for adults and £3 for children with under 5’s going free.
Best wishes,
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