20th November 2022
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 26 November 2022
Dear Church
I’ve been away for a few days in Belfast as I went to my Uncle’s funeral, it was a sad time as it always is when people have to say goodbye to a much loved family member, but it was also an occasion of joy as his life was commemorated and indeed as people who don’t always get to see each other that often spent some time together, caught up on life and remarked and exclaimed on how much older everyone looked, how much children have grown up and who had the least hair – amongst the men at least! As Christians we do feel sadness at the loss of a loved one but live in the hope that we will be reunited again one day with them through our shared faith in Jesus. Even as it was good to share time together with my family I also look forward to the time we spend together as a church family and there will be lots to look forward to in these coming weeks. For this week though do take a look through the email and catch up on all that is going on.
This Sunday is the last Sunday of the year. You might be thinking, hold on, there’s a whole month and a bit to go, and indeed you are right! This is not the end of the calendar year but the liturgical year, the year that the church uses to mark all the events of the church year, and we finish on the theme of Christ the King before moving into our new church year with the first Sunday of Advent on the 27th November.
But before we get to Advent we have the joy of celebrating Jesus as King, do come along as we join together to explore this very special Sunday – 10:30am at St Columba. For those unable to be there we will have a livestream of the service available and you can watch via this link: https://youtu.be/EjyTZNJeIvs
Our prayer meeting is on as normal at 6pm this Sunday at St Columba, do join us as we seek God in prayer together.
Thank you to everyone who has donated a Shoebox for Operation Christmas Child, and to those who sat in church last week waiting for boxes to be dropped off. We are sorry for the confusion about dates, and while this Sunday is officially the last day it is possible for people to bring boxes to the Vicarage from Tuesday to Friday this week. If any boxes arrive in church on Sunday 27th they will be taken by James when he goes to the sorting centre – but after that it really will be too late!
The groups completed the 9 A DAY course looking at the Fruit of the Spirit last week. The evening group are taking a break until the New Year (Tuesday 10th January to be precise) when they will meet again and decide what they would like to study next. The Wednesday morning group are continuing to meet and will be starting a new course with an Advent theme. Everyone is welcome to join them at 10.30 on Wednesday mornings until Christmas.
Our Alpha evening got off to a good start, as we explored the beginning of “Is there more to life than this?”, there was some great chat about what made us happy, what one question we would ask God if we could, and some tea, coffee and cake was consumed. It’s not too late to come along this Monday to St Columba at 7:30pm as we explore “Who is Jesus?”, all are welcome – if you have any questions at all do get in touch with me.
Next Saturday is our Christmas Fayre from 10.00am until 12.30pm and it would be great if you can all be involved in some way.
Thank you to those who have already offered to help, we could still do with a few more to help with Stalls and clearing up afterwards.
If you are helping to set up on Friday this will be happening from 5.30 – 6.45pm so there’s time for people to get home to watch the England match!
We need cakes for the cake stall, which can be brought to the hall Friday evening or as soon as possible after 9.00am on Saturday morning.
If you’re wanting to donate anything else at this stage we would appreciate more bottles for the Bottle Tombola, which can be taken to the vicarage from Tuesday onwards or Friday evening at the setting up session at the hall. For those who are not helping, please come and support our Fayre, bring your friends and families and spend some money, either cash or card will be welcome!
Any further information contact Miriam. Thank you very much.
For the first Sunday of Advent there will be services of Holy Communion at St Leonard, 9am and at St Columba, 10:30am, let’s come together and as we start this Advent season looking forward to the hope and joy of the future to come in God.
I hope to see you at church tomorrow, have a great day, every blessing.
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07512 822422