5th January 2025
By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 11 January 2025
Hello everyone and a very Happy New Year to you all.
Before the details of what’s happening this week (and there is a busy week to look forward to) I have some sad news to share. Pam Williams husband Roy died on 2nd January age 97. Sadly Roy suffered a serious stroke 12 years ago so his quality of life has not been great, although he has been wonderfully well cared for by Pam and her family and the carers who visited Roy several times each day. Please pray for Pam and her family at this time of loss. The funeral will be at the Crematorium but no date has been arranged as yet.
Also on the subject of loss, Joan Dyche’s funeral takes place on Friday 10th January at 10.30am at the Albert Munn Chapel at Kettering Crematorium. Please do pray for Justin, and for Joan’s four sons and wider family as they continue to come to terms with her death last month.
We have two services at St Columba’s on Sunday, both celebrating Epiphany but in different styles:
10.30am ALL AGE WORSHIP – please can everyone, especially children, bring a Christmas present you received to this service. This service will also include an opportunity for people to share their prayers for 2025 and if you are not able to be in church but would like your prayer to be included please email ianpullinger@btinternet.com.
5pm HOLY COMMUNION – this service will include a sermon from David and everyone is welcome.
As a result of the 5pm service there will be no Prayer Meeting this week but we will gather once again next Sunday at 6pm for an hour of prayer – why not join us in 2025?
Please can all those who are going to Spring Harvest at Easter bring their final payments to church either this week or at the latest by next Sunday (12th January). If you are not sure how much is still to pay please contact Miriam who will be able to let you know. If you won’t be at church either week please bring your payment to the Vicarage during the week or ask for details of the church bank account to transfer the money to.
After the Christmas holiday the Alpha group will meet again at the Vicarage on Thursday evening at 7.30pm.
The Ladies Afternoon Tea is meeting again on Friday 10th January at 3pm in the Church Hall. All ladies welcome for tea, sandwiches, scones, cake and conversation.
There is one service at St Columba’s next Sunday and one at Rockingham, in the Village Hall not the church. Details are as follows:
10.30 HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s with ENERGIZE groups for children and young people.
3pm FAMILY SERVICE in Rockingham Village Hall.
and at 6pm, as mentioned above, there will be the first PRAYER MEETING of the New Year in St Columba’s.
Steve has been busy preparing a new edition of online puzzles. Steve writes: This issue has a focus on seeking out God’s guidance and understanding that sometimes He must put you somewhere you discover you’d rather not be while the real place He wants you to go opens up – for example if He wants you in Job A, you need to wait while the present occupant vacates it and so you must cope with Job B, which must be miserable enough to make you want to move on when A becomes vacant (as I found in the personal example I give). There are some lovely tales about Albert Einstein – a genius, yes, but incredibly modest, forgetful, funny and humble. I’ve invented some new Bible quizzes to go along with some of the regular favourites, quizzes and regular funnies. Hope you like them. Do let me know what you like and suggestions for new stuff.
And finally, please pray for my voice as I have a cough and three services to conduct tomorrow (including one at St Peter and St Andrew) and while there is nothing wrong with silence in worship too much of it may not be helpful!
With very best wishes for 2025,
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