Day: 21 December 2024

15th December 2024

15th December 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 21 December 2024

Hello everyone,

I have just come home from the children’s Nativity rehearsal and I am sure everyone is going to enjoy the performance tomorrow morning at St Columba’s. This email will be mostly a list of what is happening over the next couple of weeks, up to and including Christmas.

Please pray for the Children’s Society who we support with the offering from our Christingle Service on Christmas Eve as well as collection boxes that some people have at home. They are a national charity working to transform the hopes and happiness of young people facing abuse, exploitation and neglect. The Children’s Society support them through serious life challenges and campaign tirelessly for the big social changes that will improve the lives of those who need hope most.

We have two services on Sunday, the first is the St Columba’s NATIVITY performed by the children from ENERGIZE at 10.30am. Do come along and support our children as they act out the Christmas story and join in with carols and prayers.
At St Leonard’s at 3pm there is a CHRISTMAS FAMILY SERVICE with a Baptism.

On Sunday evening at 6pm we have our last Prayer Meeting of the year where we will be especially praying for Shamaila’s Immigration Appeal on Wednesday – please remember this in your prayers at home as well.

Don’t forget if you have booked in to attend this lovely event at Lodge Park Academy to arrive at the school in time for 2pm on Monday 16th December.

Thursday 19th December 7pm – CAROLS with MINCE PIES and MULLED WINE in Rockingham Village Hall. This informal gathering in the relaxed, and warm, surroundings of the Village Hall gives everyone a chance to choose their favourite carol to sing.
Sunday 22nd December 10.30am – HOLY COMMUNION at St Columba’s. This will be a shorter service than usual with no ENERGIZE groups because we want to encourage people to come to the Carol Service later.
Sunday 22nd December 6pm – CANDLELIT CAROL SERVICE at St Columba’s. This traditional Christmas favourite includes plenty of opportunity to sing favourite carols and to hear the Christmas story in Bible readings.
Christmas Eve 4.30pm – CHRISTINGLE SERVICE at St Columba’s. Always a favourite as we remember the Christmas story, learn about the work of The Children’s Society and sing “Away in a Manger” by the light of our Christingle candles.
Christmas Eve 11.15pm – MIDNIGHT COMMUNION at St Columba’s. A traditional celebration of Holy Communion with carols, to remember how Jesus was born in the night.
Christmas Day 10am – FAMILY COMMUNION at St Columba’s. A joyful celebration of the birth of our Lord and Saviour with carols and communion, and guaranteed not to be too long because…
Christmas Day 11am – CHRISTMAS COMMUNION at St Leonard’s. A traditional Communion service for Christmas morning with carols.

The special printed Christmas Newsletter is out, although please note that there is a mistake with the listing of Christmas Services in the first edition – see above for all the correct details. Hopefully a revised and corrected edition will be out in time for tomorrow.

And finally a reminder to anyone who is doing last minute online shopping for Christmas that many shops and suppliers will make a donation to St Columba’s, at no extra cost to you, if you buy using Easyfundraising. You have to register with easyfundraising first, and you can do that by going to this link:

Best wishes to all,


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