Day: 30 November 2024

24th November 2024

24th November 2024

By Justin Dyche in Sunday Service on 30 November 2024

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a good week. I was away in Derbyshire with many of the ministers, ordained and lay, from Peterborough diocese. We had a good conference at which Bishop Debbie was the main speaker and we were encouraged to hear her message and her openness to the Lord.
On Saturday it is St Columba’s Christmas Fayre and I do hope that many of you will be able to be there, in the Hall between 11am and 1pm.

Hope Into Action is a charity who provide housing for people who find it difficult to access via the usual channels. We have partnered with them for the last couple of years, during which time we have seen many answers to prayer, including the provision of a house, a tenant and a positive resolution to the tenant’s immigration problems. Earlier this year our tenant moved into a different property provided by the Council and we then learnt that the investors, who owned the house, wanted to sell. This means that our partnership with Hope Into Action is coming to an end, but before it does it would be good to give thanks for those answers to prayer and to pray for St John’s Corby who hope to start a similar partnership soon and for the many other churches across the country who have Hope Into Action houses – may they continue to provide housing help and support where it is needed most.

CHRISTMAS FAYRE – SATURDAY 23rd November 11am – 1pm in Church Hall
Please tell all your family and friends about the FAYRE and encourage them to come along, and plan to be there yourself to enjoy Bacon Rolls, Cakes, Crafts, second hand books, records, CDs and DVDs as well as the Raffle and Tombolas – teddies for the children, bottles for everyone.

UNSCHOOLED ORDINARY MEN* in Rushden – Saturday 23rd November at 7pm
Men of Northamptonshire you are invited to be part of a gathering of men looking to Jesus. Unschooled Ordinary Men* is an event in partnership with CVM (Christian Vision for Men) whose team of Carl Beech and Nathan Blackaby will be leading and speaking. The event also includes worship, refreshments, the CVM resources and a free resource produced for this event only. This will be at Park Road Baptist Church, Park Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0RG and tickets, costing £5, are available at:
* unschooled ordinary men is a reference from Acts 4.13 where it is used of the disciples Peter and John.

BIG SING CHOIR CHRISTMAS SHOW at Corby Cube – Saturday 23rd November at 7.30pm
Tickets for this concert cost £22 are still available from the Cube or online at:

We have two services on Sunday:
9am HOLY COMMUNION at St Leonard’s, Rockingham – why not come to this early service if you have plans for later in the day and won’t be able to make the service at St Columba’s.
10.30am MORNING WORSHIP at St Columba’s, Corby – this service will include sung worship from 10.15am and ENERGIZE groups for children who will be continuing rehearsals for the NATIVITY so it is really important for as many children as possible to come along. We are continuing to have problems with the livestream so please use this link:
We will finish the day with our PRAYER MEETING in St Columba’s at 6pm.

AN EVENING WITH ROB PARSONS at Christ the King, Kettering – Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm
Tickets for this event cost £11 each, or £8 each for a group of 3 or more, and are still available from:

Next week it is Advent Sunday and we have two services at St Columba’s:
10.30am HOLY COMMUNION with ENERGIZE groups continuing to rehearse for the NATIVITY on Sunday 15th December.
and at 5pm we have an informal service of ADVENT PRAISE, as a result of this we won’t have a Prayer Meeting next Sunday.

Many of you have enjoyed the social events organised by Lodge Park Academy over recent years and I am pleased to say theya re inviting us to a CHRISTMAS DINNER on Monday 16th December at 2pm. There is no charge for this dinner but you do need to book a place by speaking with me as there are a limited number of spaces available. Please let me know at church or email if you would like to go.

This is being organised by some people from Hope Church, but it will be happening in our Church Hall. As before the aim is to make Christmas Day special for those who would otherwise be alone. Volunteers are needed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as follows:
CHRISTMAS EVE: Hall Preparation, Table Setup, Decoration, Food Preparation (food hygiene training provided – online), Cooking (food hygiene training provided – online), Wash and Clean Up, Gift Wrapping.
CHRISTMAS DAY: Food Preparation, Cooking, Table Hosts, Servers, Food Delivery, Entertainment, Wash and Clean up.
If you are able to help, or would like to find out more, please contact:

Steve has produced a new PRINTED edition of SCaNS and this should be available in church on Sunday so don’t forget to collect a copy.

I hope to see many of you at the Fayre on Saturday and in church on Sunday.


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